Top age Quotes Collection - Page 34

Discover a curated collection of age quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 34 provides more age quotes.

Image of Ellen Glasgow
But youth isn't happy. Youth is sadder than age.
- Ellen Glasgow
Collection: Age
Image of Benjamin Franklin
I am in the prime of senility.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Age
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Tolstoy was the greatest apostle of nonviolence that the present age has produced.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Age
Image of Bill Gates
The information highway will transform our culture as dramatically as Gutenberg's press did the Middle Ages.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Age
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
To become aware in time when young of the advantages of age; to maintain the advantages of youth in old age: both are pure fortune.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Age
Image of E. M. Forster
The middle age of buggers is not to be contemplated without horror.
- E. M. Forster
Collection: Age
Image of Mary Kay Ash
A woman who will tell her age, will tell anything.
- Mary Kay Ash
Collection: Age
Image of Benjamin Franklin
Reckless youth makes rueful age.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Age
Image of Anuj
Foolishness is doing ignorantly something forbidden repeatedly by sages since ages, and Madness is doing the very same prohibited thing repeatedly but intentionally.
- Anuj
Collection: Age
Image of David Lloyd George
Four specters haunt the poor - old age, accident, sickness and unemployment
- David Lloyd George
Collection: Age
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
What one has wished for in youth, in old age one has in abundance.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Age
Image of Margaret Fuller
Beware the mediocrity that threatens middle age, its limitation of thought and interest, its dullness of fancy, its too external life, and mental thinness.
- Margaret Fuller
Collection: Age
Image of Benjamin Franklin
The Golden Age was never the present age.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Age
Image of Aristophanes
Times change. The vices of your age are stylish today.
- Aristophanes
Collection: Age
Image of Jean-Luc Godard
Now at my age I understand how sad it must have been for some directors or actors at the time the talkies began. Because, really, a whole continent disappeared.
- Jean-Luc Godard
Collection: Age
Image of Robert Frost
Fortunately, we don't need to know how bad an age is. There is something we can always be doing without reference to how good or bad the age is.
- Robert Frost
Collection: Age
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
What you desire when young, you have in abundance when old.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Age
Image of Neil Gaiman
Stories you read when you're the right age never quite leave you. You may forget who wrote them or what the story was called.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Age
Image of Milton Friedman
It all would have been much better if individuals saved for their own old age.
- Milton Friedman
Collection: Age
Image of Andre Gide
It is not becoming to lay to virtue the weariness of old age.
- Andre Gide
Collection: Age
Image of Seth Godin
The industrial age brought compliance and compliance brought fear and fear brought us mediocrity.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Age
Image of Edward Gibbon
The revolution of ages may bring round the same calamities; but ages may revolve without producing a Tacitus to describe them.
- Edward Gibbon
Collection: Age
Image of Newt Gingrich
Maybe we need a tax credit for the poorest Americans to buy a laptop. Now, maybe that's wrong, maybe that's expensive, maybe we can't do it, but I'll tell you, any signal that we can send to the poorest Americans that says, 'We're going into a 21st century, third-wave information age, and so are you, and we want to carry you with us.'
- Newt Gingrich
Collection: Age
Image of William Gibson
We live in an age of seriously crap mass clothing. They've made a science of it.
- William Gibson
Collection: Age
Image of John Fowles
The word is the most imprecise of signs. Only a science-obsessed age could fail to comprehend that this is its great virtue, not its defect.
- John Fowles
Collection: Age
Image of Andre Gide
When I cease to be indignant I will have begun my old age.
- Andre Gide
Collection: Age
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
In the case of the Indian villager, an age-old culture is hidden under entrustment of crudeness.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Age
Image of Jason Silva
Post-Scarcity Age, you don't pay for things. Abundance.
- Jason Silva
Collection: Age
Image of Oliver Goldsmith
Age, that lessens the enjoyment of life, increases our desire of living
- Oliver Goldsmith
Collection: Age
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
The yajna of our age and for us is the spinning wheel.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Age
Image of Andre Gide
Too chaste a youth leads to a dissolute old age.
- Andre Gide
Collection: Age
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
I have called spinning the yajna of this age of India.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Age
Image of Benjamin Franklin
By my rambling digressions I perceive myself to be growing old.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Age
Image of Christiane Northrup
You don't need to deteriorate with advancing age.
- Christiane Northrup
Collection: Age
Image of Aristotle
The body is at its best between the ages of thirty and thirty-five.
- Aristotle
Collection: Age
Image of Elizabeth Gaskell
But Margaret was at an age when any apprehension, not absolutely based on a knowledge of facts, is easily banished for a time by a bright sunny day, or some happy outward circumstance. And when the brilliant fourteen fine days of October came on, her cares were all blown away as lightly as thistledown, and she thought of nothing but the glories of the forest.
- Elizabeth Gaskell
Collection: Age
Image of E. M. Forster
Growing old is an emotion which comes over us at almost any age; I had it myself between the ages of 25 and 30.
- E. M. Forster
Collection: Age
Image of Franz Grillparzer
Our age believed herself pregnant with auspicious progeny, but when her hour came, it turned out to be dropsy.
- Franz Grillparzer
Collection: Age
Image of Georgette Heyer
speed is the curse of the age.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Age
Image of Henry Hazlitt
Contrary to age-old prejudices, the wealth of the rich is not the cause of the poverty of the poor, but helps to alleviate that poverty.
- Henry Hazlitt
Collection: Age
Image of Bob Hope
You can calculate Zsa Zsa Gabor's age by the rings on her fingers.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Age
Image of Daniel Handler
After a certain age, you couldn't even say where you were from. You went someplace, and lived there. And then you went someplace else.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Age
Image of Hans Hofmann
We are connected with our own age if we recognize ourselves in relation to outside events; and we have grasped its spirit when we influence the future.
- Hans Hofmann
Collection: Age
Image of Christopher Bollen
Now we're in an age of singles. It's actually always been more about singles for most of music history.
- Christopher Bollen
Collection: Age
Image of Gary Hamel
In the age of revolution you have to be able to imagine revolutionary alternatives to the status quo. If you can't, you'll be relegated to the swollen ranks of keyboard-pounding automatons.
- Gary Hamel
Collection: Age
Image of Robert A. Heinlein
One might define adulthood as the age at which a person learns that he must die ...and accepts his sentence undismayed.
- Robert A. Heinlein
Collection: Age
Image of Christopher Hitchens
"Bombing Afghanistan back into the Stone Age" was quite a favourite headline for some wobbly liberals. The slogan does all the work. But an instant's thought shows that Afghanistan is being, if anything, bombed OUT of the Stone Age.
- Christopher Hitchens
Collection: Age