William Goldman

Image of William Goldman
Anybody that says different is selling something.
- William Goldman
Collection: Different
Image of William Goldman
You have a dizzying intellect.
- William Goldman
Collection: Wisdom
Image of William Goldman
Buttercup's mother hesitated, then put her stew spoon down. (This was after stew, but so is everything. When the first man first clambered from the slime and made his first home on land, what he had for supper that first night was stew.)
- William Goldman
Collection: Mother
Image of William Goldman
Tr...ooooo...luv...' Fezzik grabbed onto Inigo in panic and they both pivoted, staring at the man in black, who was silent again. '"True love," he said,' Inigo cried. 'You heard him - true love is what he wants to come back for. That's certainly worthwhile.' 'Sonny, don't you tell me what's worthwhile - true love is the best thing in the world, except for cough drops. Everybody knows that.
- William Goldman
Collection: Love Is
Image of William Goldman
I know something you do not know. I am not left-handed either.
- William Goldman
Collection: Left Hand
Image of William Goldman
I've been in the revenge buisness for so long, now that it's over I don't know what to do with the rest of my life.
- William Goldman
Collection: Revenge
Image of William Goldman
You're alive!" Fezzik cried. The man in black sat immobile, like a ventriloquist's dummy, just his mouth moving. "That is perhaps the most childishly obvious remark I have ever come across.
- William Goldman
Collection: Moving
Image of William Goldman
Get used to disappointment.
- William Goldman
Collection: Disappointment
Image of William Goldman
I love you,” Buttercup said. “I know this must come as something of a surprise, since all I’ve ever done is scorn you and degrade you and taunt you, but I have loved you for several hours now, and every second, more.
- William Goldman
Collection: Love You
Image of William Goldman
See?" Fezzik pointed then. Far down, at the very bottom of the mountain path, the man in black could be seen running. "Inigo is beaten." Inconceivable!" exploded the Sicilian. Fezzik never dared disagree with the hunchback. "I'm so stupid," Fezzik nodded. "Inigo has not lost to the man in black, he has defeated him. And to prove it he has put on all the man in black's clothes and masks and hoods and boots and gained eighty pounds.
- William Goldman
Collection: Running
Image of William Goldman
You think this is a trap then?" the Count asked. "I always think everything is a trap until proven otherwise," the Prince answered. "Which is why I'm still alive.
- William Goldman
Collection: Thinking
Image of William Goldman
Chapter One. The Bride." He held up the book then. "I'm reading it to you for relax." He practically shoved the book in my face. "By S. Morgenstern. Great Florinese writer. The Princess Bride. He too came to America. S. Morgenstern. Dead now in New York. The English is his own. He spoke eight tongues." Here my father put down the book and held up all his fingers. "Eight. Once in Florin City...
- William Goldman
Collection: New York
Image of William Goldman
Everyone had told her, since she became a princess-in-training, that she was very likely the most beautiful woman in the world. Now she was going to be the richest and the most powerful as well. Don't expect too much from life, Buttercup told herself as she rode along. Learn to be satisfied with what you have.
- William Goldman
Collection: Beautiful
Image of William Goldman
The easiest thing to do on earth is not write…But this is life on earth, you can't have everything.
- William Goldman
Collection: Writing
Image of William Goldman
When was the last time you read a book? The truth now. And picture books don’t count-I mean something with print in it.
- William Goldman
Collection: Reading
Image of William Goldman
I have loved you for several hours now, and every second, more.
- William Goldman
Collection: Romance