Wendell Pierce

Image of Wendell Pierce
One of the richest countries in the history of the world having communities where people have to go over half an hour to get to fresh produce and food is unacceptable.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Country
Image of Wendell Pierce
Culture is the intersection between people and dealing with the journey of life itself. How to deal with life, how a people deals with life is literally manifested in its culture, in its food, in its music, in its art, in the way you dance, the way you communicate.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Art
Image of Wendell Pierce
Art imitating life and life imitating art, and it's beyond the job - it will always be a marked period in my life.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Art
Image of Wendell Pierce
We don't eat to live, we live to eat because that's a part of the creativity of the day.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Creativity
Image of Wendell Pierce
Whenever an actor was going to die, I tried to help them understand not to take it personally. It wasn't about them. It's the story.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Stories
Image of Wendell Pierce
The whole idea of jazz came about was the interpretation of the human dialogue, trading fours. When someone's soloing and someone picks up the solo and plays it back at 'em, it was the imitation of the human dialogue. It was how people spoke, through music.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Play
Image of Wendell Pierce
I come out of journalism, and then book writing. There, it's just you and your editor and maybe a copy desk, looking over your editor's shoulder, and that's the story. It's right there. I can show it to you because it's on paper.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Book
Image of Wendell Pierce
The real question is, Why do you feel as though that's emasculating? A man can't have a conflict? When you try to do art, it's how it lands on people, and hopefully some people will see it the way that I saw it, which is all of these awful choices come from the place of a man who's damaged.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Art
Image of Wendell Pierce
Whenever I go someplace I always buy something, collect something, to help me remember the trip. So I guess I collect mementos from my many travels.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Helping
Image of Wendell Pierce
I'm so thankful when I have a job. I would say the worst job I ever had was the one I quit after the first night. I was an overnight restaurant janitor. And it wasn't because of the job. We had to do four restaurants in the night, overnight. But I was working with a den of thieves. I just quit the next day.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wendell Pierce
I understand that we should never lose our right to be offended, so I accept it. But for me it was always a study of human behavior because if we just demonize it, it becomes unreal.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Study
Image of Wendell Pierce
When you're doing comedy on stage, it's great because you have the audience there and they're like another actor in the scene. You feed off of them, laugh. But in film when everyone's quiet, it's all about timing. But the key to that is to be authentic. Be in the moment, and if you play the moment truthfully, the humor will be there.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Keys
Image of Wendell Pierce
The people of Baltimore are great. I love Baltimore. What I looked forward to, every year, was getting a new apartment in a different part of town and hanging out. People started to see you in the character that you were, so everyone thought I was real police.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Real
Image of Wendell Pierce
Stories work, if they have a beginning, middle and end.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Stories
Image of Wendell Pierce
The Wire' really is an American classic, and I think that's something to be very proud of.
- Wendell Pierce
Collection: Thinking