Vanna Bonta

Image of Vanna Bonta
Looking up and out, how can we not respect this ever-vigilant cognizance that distinguishes us: the capability to envision, to dream, and to invent? the ability to ponder ourselves? and be aware of our existence on the outer arm of a spiral galaxy in an immeasurable ocean of stars? Cognizance is our crest.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Vanna Bonta
Greed is the lack of confidence of one's own ability to create.
- Vanna Bonta
Image of Vanna Bonta
You have to know you can first. How comes later.
- Vanna Bonta
Image of Vanna Bonta
It's weird how people who are the least close to me or who've never even met me purport to be experts on the real me; and then, sadly, there are those who could be in touch with me but prefer to gossip with strangers about me instead.
- Vanna Bonta
Image of Vanna Bonta
Life is a canvas of many strokes where shades from different palettes meet into a picture so concrete that some forget it is their own, so become framed themselves.
- Vanna Bonta
Image of Vanna Bonta
Gossip can be entertaining: occasionally, I've heard the most fascinating things about myself I never knew.
- Vanna Bonta
Image of Vanna Bonta
Atheism is a religion itself complete with fanatics and bigots.
- Vanna Bonta
Image of Vanna Bonta
We can have a World War, I see absolutely no reason why we shouldn't have a World Party.
- Vanna Bonta
Image of Vanna Bonta
Sex in space is not just a good idea, it's survival.
- Vanna Bonta
Image of Vanna Bonta
The song 'What Goes Up' was inspired as I was playing the piano and reminiscing about the Spaceship One launches I witnessed in the Mojave desert. It is an awesome thing to comprehend the magnitude of what a human being dreams and imagines can be realized.
- Vanna Bonta
Image of Vanna Bonta
Space is as infinite as we can imagine, and expanding this perspective is what adjusts humankind focus on conquering our true enemies, the formidable foes: ignorance and limitation.
- Vanna Bonta
Image of Vanna Bonta
Thought makes reality.
- Vanna Bonta
Image of Vanna Bonta
Cinnamon bites and kisses simultaneously.
- Vanna Bonta
Image of Vanna Bonta
The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Beauty
Image of Vanna Bonta
Patience is being friends with Time.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Time
Image of Vanna Bonta
The great thing about knowing you're wrong is the moment you realize it, you're right.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Knowing
Image of Vanna Bonta
Do it right, regret nothing.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Regret
Image of Vanna Bonta
The word "impossible" is not a scientific term.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Science
Image of Vanna Bonta
Leadership is not about being important, it's about serving something important.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Leadership
Image of Vanna Bonta
Slander reveals the greatest truth about the coward implementing it.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Coward
Image of Vanna Bonta
Humility is the ability to give up your pride and still retain your dignity.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Vanna Bonta
The illusion is we are only physical.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Illusion
Image of Vanna Bonta
When we love there is no reason why.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Love
Image of Vanna Bonta
The stars are not the limit.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Stars
Image of Vanna Bonta
There is no hospitality like understanding.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Understanding
Image of Vanna Bonta
The true poem rests between the words.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Poetry
Image of Vanna Bonta
To paraphrase the great poet Dante, the heavens swirl above us and our eyes are still cast to the ground.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Eye
Image of Vanna Bonta
I would rather have an inferiority complex and be pleasantly surprised, than have a superiority complex and be rudely awakened.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Inferiority
Image of Vanna Bonta
Thought has no gender.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Gender
Image of Vanna Bonta
Poetry is a subset of a Cosmos, which in itself, is a poem.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Poetry
Image of Vanna Bonta
The news is disease in disguise pretending to be information.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: News
Image of Vanna Bonta
Money is only a human invention. I get paid for my work, it's a system of trade, but it's not my purpose and reason for living.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Money
Image of Vanna Bonta
Love is not blind. Love sees what is most true
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Love Is
Image of Vanna Bonta
When we love, we are courageous; and courage has nothing to do with being fearless, it's about being willing to experience fear, even dread, to do what we must, without guarantee of outcome.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Fearless
Image of Vanna Bonta
I'm in love with the whole world.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: World
Image of Vanna Bonta
Our true enemies are: ignorance and limitation.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Vanna Bonta
Because I had goodwill for all, I thought all were my friends. And then I learned of treachery, that some preferred my end. It wasn't the goodwill I felt that made someone a friend. What handy day, the one I learned the meaning of the word. How good to know my enemies (though their reasons are absurd!)
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Friendship
Image of Vanna Bonta
A cure for War? Furiously spending the same daily amount of money toward making friends. Being an indispensable source of food, shelter, peace, and cultural support dedicatedly spending 9 billion dollars a month on helping people would be a formidable enemy of evil.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Money
Image of Vanna Bonta
Some animals on Earth regurgitate as opposed to vomit, i.e., stomach contents flow up into the esophagus without any forceful abdominal contractions. What I experienced in zero gravity was similar to this, expulsion without the heaves.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Zero
Image of Vanna Bonta
I'm not an intellectual, I'm just a writer.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Intellectual
Image of Vanna Bonta
Mediocrity inspires neither great love nor hate.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Love
Image of Vanna Bonta
Style of the future is the convergence of function and fashion.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Fashion
Image of Vanna Bonta
Our neighborhood - this solar system, the cosmos, actually - is so much more vast and amazing than the paltry headlines, insanity, and politics crammed at us daily as so-called news. The beauty of the hood and discoveries that await us are deserving of our attention and mandatory to our survival as a species.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Discovery
Image of Vanna Bonta
Self worship is different from self love.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Love
Image of Vanna Bonta
Little did the artist know, who neglected his appearance in favor of his work, that the years would produce a breed that spent hours meticulously acquiring a neglected look to appear like an artist.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Artist
Image of Vanna Bonta
Remembrance of our kiss brings not your lips nor mine to mind. The flesh can only envy consumption so divine.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Love
Image of Vanna Bonta
Penalty is different than punishment, because it offers something with which to regain honor.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Punishment
Image of Vanna Bonta
Pay me for my work, but I don't do it for the money.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Work
Image of Vanna Bonta
Space is as infinite as we can imagine, and expanding this perspective is what adjusts humankind's focus on conquering our true enemies, the formidable foes: ignorance and limitation.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Vanna Bonta
The greatest justice in life is to be who one is.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: Justice