Tom Selleck

Image of Tom Selleck
I praise CBS for taking a risk, which is always the price you pay for opportunity. This is not standard movie of the week storytelling. I think movies of the week have fallen into a niche and that isn't my niche.
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Movies
Image of Tom Selleck
My first priority is time with my family.
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Family
Image of Tom Selleck
Do you like my suit? I think this is an amazing suit, don't you think?
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Amazing
Image of Tom Selleck
Which to this day is a source of enormous guilt, because I left with three classes to go in the business school to sign a contract with 20th Century Fox.
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Business
Image of Tom Selleck
I haven't made a political statement in quite a long time because, frankly, they get repeated, changed.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I hate going to the gym, so sweating outdoors sure beats sitting on a stationary bike staring at my navel.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
It's not that conservatives don't care. We do. We just have different answers than liberals do. It's a difference of the mind, not of the heart.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I've learned by hanging out in Hollywood, where I disagree politically with most people, that most people's hearts are in the right place, and the only thing we have to argue about is the way to solve the problems.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
There was a time I could have been mistaken for Burt Reynolds. I had a moustache and so did he. But he was the number one star in the world, so there wasn't really much confusion.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I think of myself as an actor first, not a sex symbol. Do I think I'm sexy? No, that's someone else's judgment, and I honestly don't think you can try to be sexy and really succeed.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
To me, the excitement is in ordering a fine shotgun, going through the process that everybody who has bought one has gone through for 100 years. You order it, you make a significant down payment, and then you wait three or four years for the gun to be custom-made for you.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I think character is real important. And you know, and I think the public does.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
Son, never throw a punch at a redwood.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I live a pretty simple life.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I don't think you should do something just to prove to an audience that you can do it, that's way out of your wheelhouse.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
But, you know there's a lot of westerns - not that they were bad - it's just that they can be remade because they're great stories that aren't indelible in an audience's mind when it comes to both the cast and the story.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
And besides, because of all she has accomplished, Barbara Jordan has always been a hero of mine.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
Shooting clay targets is a very cleansing experience. It's very relaxing. It takes a lot of concentration. It's also very social, since you're usually shooting with friends. You can talk and forget about almost anything else that's on your mind.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
Stand up and pledge with me: A government of the United States is not on the auction block. And America is not for sale!
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
Having had that experience... I think, what modern culture wants to see is the relationship with the woman. I don't think you can tell a story on film nowadays where the woman simply is there for the man when he decides to settle down.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I don't feel the obligation to have a big explosion in the first 20 seconds so the audience doesn't turn on another channel. We are trying to make something that looks like a feature film that was bought for television and I think we are succeeding.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I feel the other element of a western is the land, which is very important in this movie. I mean the land is another character in the piece, actually.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I guess after Dances With Wolves they probably tried some derivative westerns, and if they didn't work, they said the western is dead and moved on to something else.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I had a strong, really good upbringing, not puritanical.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I realized I really liked the screen. I knew it was a challenge, but I wasn't afraid of risk.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I think a lot of Magnum was me.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I've never reacted well to other people telling me what to do.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
If you buy an expensive thing and you never use it, I don't think there's a point to it.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
It is scary for an actor when you get hired as a lead. No matter what the plot is, it is your job to do something interesting enough to make them want to get inside the lead character's head.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
You know I grew up watching the TV series The Rifleman.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
You know, there's so much imitation and so much pandering in Hollywood.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I think there have been more movies in the Western genre than any other. I grew up watching those movies.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
The Westerns I like aren't really comedies. I'm drawn to the scope of them and the land as a central character.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I quit 'Magnum' to have a family. It took a long time to get off the train, but I try very hard to have balance, and this ranch has helped me do that.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
Good parts should always scare you a little bit, and good parts... you might not get advice to do them.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
Hopefully you marry someone who you not only love, but who you like as well.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I think television has always been one to replicate when something's successful. I don't think there's quite as much innovation.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
Television's grown up a lot. It's a little more adult, which I think is a good thing. It allows actors to tell more complex stories. I'm happy to see where it ends up.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
People tracking your life and photographing you anywhere you go, that can make you crazy.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
I never try to pander to an audience, and I'm really not concerned with my image. I'm far more interested in stretching my abilities as an actor.
- Tom Selleck
Image of Tom Selleck
Unless you treat failure as part of the journey, you're never going to get anywhere.
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Journey
Image of Tom Selleck
Few of us are as good as we think we are; none of us are as good as we can be.
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Thinking
Image of Tom Selleck
Life isn't fair, but you can be.
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Fairs
Image of Tom Selleck
My mustache gets so many questions he has his own agen now.
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Mustache
Image of Tom Selleck
Risk is the price you pay for opportunity.
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Tom Selleck
I've learned by hanging out in Hollywood, where I disagree politically with most people, that most people's hearts are in the right place, and the only thing we have to argue about is the way to solve the problems
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Heart
Image of Tom Selleck
We judge ourselves by our good intentions, but we're judged by our last word.
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Judging
Image of Tom Selleck
There was a time I could have been mistaken for Burt Reynolds. I had a moustache and so did he. But he was the number one star in the world, so there wasn't really much confusion
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Stars
Image of Tom Selleck
I've never reacted well to other people telling me what to do
- Tom Selleck
Collection: People
Image of Tom Selleck
On a day when you're not feeling so good, you put on a happy face, it's infectious - these things sound kind of corny and stupid, but this is our life.
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Stupid