Top Mustache Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Mustache quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Tom Selleck
My mustache gets so many questions he has his own agen now.
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Mustache
Image of Hannibal Buress
There's a lot of dudes in my neighborhood that have handlebar mustaches. Which is cool if you want to have a handlebar mustache but don't try to have a conversation with me like you don't have a handlebar mustache.
- Hannibal Buress
Collection: Mustache
Image of Marty Feldman
You offer a sincere compliment on a great mustache and suddenly she's not your friend.
- Marty Feldman
Collection: Mustache
Image of Pete Holmes
If you have a friend with a blond mustache, he wants to touch you.
- Pete Holmes
Collection: Mustache
Image of Justin Hawkins
The style of mustache I have is called a Hungarian, and you need a certain type of viscosity in the wax to make it work.
- Justin Hawkins
Collection: Mustache
Image of Gail Carriger
Professor Braithwope, shimmering out of his room fully clothed and dapper. His mustache was a fluffy caterpillar of curiosity, perched and ready to inquire, dragging the vampire along behind it on the investigation.
- Gail Carriger
Collection: Mustache
Image of Justin Bieber
I'm not shaving for a month so you all can see my mustache... I'm pumped!
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Mustache
Image of Caitlin Moran
There are some women out there who are just going to look better with a mustache: that's statistics.
- Caitlin Moran
Collection: Mustache
Image of Joseph Brodsky
The delirium and horror of the East. The dusty catastrophe of Asia. Green only on the banner of the Prophet. Nothing grows here except mustaches.
- Joseph Brodsky
Collection: Mustache
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
At the last minute, I couldn't wear the Hitler mustache because Tiger Stripe ate it; and then I didn't want to take my kitty and risk his coughing up some big Nazi hairball on someone's front stoop.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Mustache
Image of Gail Carriger
He...boasted an unassuming mustache, which was perched atop his upper lip cautiously, as though it were slightly embarrassed to be there and would like to slide away and become a sideburn or something more fashionable.
- Gail Carriger
Collection: Mustache
Image of Billy Campbell
I can't say that I haven't done some bad acting in my time. I have. Usually that involves what we actors call indicating, when you twirl your mustache.
- Billy Campbell
Collection: Mustache
Image of Bob Dylan
When the jelly faced women all sneeze, hear the one with the mustache say I can't find my knees.
- Bob Dylan
Collection: Mustache
Image of Albert Einstein
Since 99.362% of women love mustache rides, it seems only a fool would have a bare upper lip.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Mustache
Image of George R. R. Martin
Have a care how you speak to me, Imp. Doubtless he meant to sound threatening, but that absurd wisp of a mustache ruined the effect.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Mustache