Sherrilyn Kenyon

Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
I warn you now. Anything happens to my mate or my son, we will hunt you down and rip you into so many pieces they’ll never find all of you. (Vane)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Rip
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
And if wishes were horses, I’d have been run over in childhood.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Running
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Ugh! Why couldn’t anyone ever trust her? She wasn’t a two-year-old. If her kindness killed her, then she was better off dead than living a cold, unfeeling life where she misered up all her feelings and possessions.’ (Sunshine)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Kindness
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
And not a single mark on the Lamborghini. Ha! Eat steel, you soul-sucking bastards! (Kyrian)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Soul
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Our lives are marked and shaped by our regrets. Things we all want to take back and can’t. In a perfect world, we would never hurt the ones we love or cause hurt to befall them. But the world isn’t perfect and neither are we.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Hurt
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Ever wonder why the gods created man, Grom? I personally think that we're the original reality show. They were so effing bored that they created us just so that they could feel better about themselves
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Feel Better
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Life isn’t supposed to be easy. Ever. But with the hardest challenges go the greatest rewards. And every incredible moment of my life came only after I did something that made my gut clench with fear. - Caleb
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Challenges
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Can you keep a secret?” “Me and Tupperware, baby. We seal tight. Ain’t nothing going to get out.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Baby
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
If I want to play mind games, I'd buy a Rubik's cube. ~ Acheron, a character.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Character
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
The past is dead. Tomorrow will become whatever decision you make it. ~ Acheron.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Past
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
People make their own reality. That was what Praxis had taught him years ago. A hundred people can witness the exact same event, and give two hundred and three different accountings of it.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Reality
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Life is about coming to terms with the mistakes made. Learning to live with them even when they cut soul deep.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Mistake
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Val, I'm on Bourbon—” “I will not venture down that street of crass iniquities and plebeian horror, Acheron. It is the cesspit of humanity. Don‟t even ask it.” Ash rolled his eyes at the Roman‟s arrogant tone. “I need you in the swamp.” Silence answered him. "We have a situation." “Where do you need me?
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Eye
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
They say when you're about to die, you see your entire life flash before your eyes. They lied. The only thing Nick Gautier could see flashing was Kyrian Hunter's vampire fangs.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Eye
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
You’re not the only one who’s loyal and decent, Ture. It’s why I won’t betray Darling. He wouldn’t betray me and I know it. When someone really loves you, they find a way to get to you, even in the darkest night, against all odds. Through the worst nightmares, they are there, holding your hand. They’re there to stand with you to the end. I don’t just believe that. I know it. - Zarya Starska
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Love You
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Hey, Dad, you’ve got to taste what we just did. It’s actually good. (Omari) That is good. What did you two do? (Devyn) No idea. We just added spices until it didn’t suck anymore. (Omari)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Dad
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
I am the god Apostolos. The Harbinger of Telikos. The Final Fate of all. Beloved son of Apollymi the Great Destroyer. My will makes the will of the universe. [Apostolos / Acheron Parthenopaeus]
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Fate
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
You have no idea how much it bothers me to know that I was the man she meant to kill tonight and now I have to protect her.” – Ren “Yeah, well, she tried to kill me, too, and I got over it.” – Sundown
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Men
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
So help me, I won’t rest until I bathe in your entrails! (Apollymi)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Helping
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Cause hearts are amazing things. They get lots bigger to make room for new people to love alongside the old people you love. -Simi
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Heart
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
You need to modulate that unwarranted ire, buddy. I'm not your 'ho and you ain't my pimp
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Pimp
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Everyone has a choice. (Kiara) No, princess, they don’t. Choices aren’t always up to us. Life and circumstances can shred even the stoutest soul. No matter how pure and untainted you think you are, I promise you that you, too, can be shoved into the darkness, just like we were. (Syn)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Princess
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
You can take my life, but you'll never break me. So bring me your worst... And I will definitely give you mine.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Giving
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Kindness is a rotten fruit that poisons anyone who partakes of it. Throw it in the face of your enemies and let it ruin them instead.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Kindness
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
If you muster that courage to stand under fire and not go down, you will amass an inner strength that no one can touch. You won’t be another faceless, nameless, forgotten human in a long historical line of the defeated. You will be a steeled warrior, and a force to be forever reckoned with. And beneath the pain that lingers, you will have the comfort of knowing that you are strongest of all. That when others caved and broke, you kept fighting even against hopeless odds.” - Caleb
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Pain
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Simi? What was it you told me once about families? We have three kinds of family. Those we are born to, those who are born to us, and those we let into our hearts.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Heart
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Start walking. When you hit a spot where you’re gasping for breath, that should tell us our limitations. (Xypher) Oh, joy. I can’t wait to be the guppy. (Simone) Glub, glub, little fishy. Start walking. (Xypher)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Joy
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
What made you so unforgiving? (Simone) Be grateful that you have the luxury of asking me that question. Pray to whatever god you worship that you’ll always be ignorant. (Xypher)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Grateful
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
If I hear ‘Karma Chameleon’ one more time, I swear I’m going to find Boy George and make him eat Jesse’s record. What does red, gold, and green have to do with anything anyway? (Gloria)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Karma
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
It’s a brilliant song! C’mon…’Every day is like survival. You’re my lover, not my rival.’ What could be more meaningful than that? (Jesse)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Someone please tell me that we’re not seriously having a friggin’ debate over the genius of ‘Karma Chameleon’ at seven o’clock in the morning? (Xypher)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Karma
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Your father wasn’t a positive influence on you, was he? (Simone) Being the god of nightmares, he wasn’t a warm fuzzy bunny. Unless you count Happy Bunny. Amazingly the two of them have a lot in common…And I have to say that I’ve developed a fondness for that pissy rodent. (Xypher)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Father
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
I didn’t know I could do that. I mean I knew I could do that before, but I didn’t know it was actually working now until you screamed. I thought I was just imagining it. And don’t give me that look…sorry? (Xypher)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Sorry
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
I am about to impart to you the sacred words my father gave to me. It’s the five responses that will get you out of any female problem…I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t do it. Baby, there’s no one else in my world but you. Oops. And Jesus is Lord. Not to mention you can combine them. Such as – I don’t know what you’re talking about, I didn’t do it, or Jesus is Lord, baby, you know there’s no one else in my world but you. (Jesse) (Simone opens the bathroom door.) Oops, Jesus is Lord. (Xypher)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Baby
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Yeah, right. I don’t believe that one for a minute. What do you think? I fell off a turnip truck? (Simone) Honestly? All I was thinking about was how beautiful you are. How much I wanted to feel your skin against mine and how I’ve never been this attracted to a woman before. (Xypher)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Are you okay? (Simone) No, I’m in ecstasy. I blew straight past okay the minute you touched me. (Xypher)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Past
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
I know you’re going to find this hard to believe, but for some reason I don’t understand, I actually like you…most of the time. (Simone) Well, you also love Jesse. Obviously your taste in men leaves a lot to be desired. (Xypher)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Believe
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Lady, right now you could tell me to throw myself under a bus to make you happy, and I’d oblige you. (Xypher)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Make You Happy
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
He walks in daylight. But, like a demon, he’s weaker then. He seems to have the powers of a god, but no followers. What would you call him? (Xypher) I wouldn’t call him anything that didn’t make him deliriously happy. (Simone)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Followers
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Maybe they’re customers. (Simone) For a doll store? Yes, I can just see them now…I’ll take the frilly pink baby doll. (Liza)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Baby
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
This one’s easy to use. The pointy end goes into their body. (Liza)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Use
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Don’t play that game with me, Acheron. Tell me what I need to know! (Xypher) Nice tone. We should rent you out to record Halloween albums. (Acheron)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Nice
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Relax, she’s not really converting. (Acheron) Look at her! She’s not exactly baking cookies! (Xypher)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Relax
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Right, and the definition of basic stupidity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. I’m not stupid. (Xypher) I didn’t say to keep doing it. Move forward with purpose. Examine what went wrong and correct that one mistake. (Acheron)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Mistake
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Simone’s mother was an unfortunate mistake. Palackas, Simone’s father, was a bound demon who stumbled across her one night while he was carrying out an order for his master. One thing led to another…he inserted part A into slot B, and he fell in love with her... (Jaden)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Mother
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Charonte are guarding a Dimme? Is the world coming to an end and I missed the memo? (Stryker)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: World
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Want a closer look? (Tate) Like a screwdriver through my eye socket. Sure, let’s have a look-see. (Simone) Ooo, welcome back, Ms. Snark. I’ve missed you. (Tate)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Eye
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
You’re not a morning person, are you? (Simone) I’m a Dream-Hunter/demon. By my very nature I’m nocturnal. That big yellow ball in the sky offends me to the very core of my being. (Xypher)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Dream
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Then he will be called Acheron for the River of Woe. Like the river of the Underworld, his journey shall be dark, long and enduring. He will be able to give life and to take it. He will walk through his life alone and abandoned – ever seeking kindness and ever finding cruelty. May the gods have mercy on you, little one. No one else ever will. (Oracle)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Kindness