Scott Clifton

Image of Scott Clifton
Even if the absence of evidence for a given god were not evidence of its absence, it would still be evidence that the belief in that god is unreasonable. That's the only proposition that any atheist of any kind has to demonstrate in order to win the argument. Because anything beyond that... is just having fun.
- Scott Clifton
Collection: Atheist
Image of Scott Clifton
In my opinion, if the human race is going to survive, [religion] is something we definitely need to get over - and we're far from over it, and so therefore, I'm far from over it.
- Scott Clifton
Collection: Race
Image of Scott Clifton
I know that YouTube has made me smarter just by having to think about my views and how to defend them.
- Scott Clifton
Collection: Thinking
Image of Scott Clifton
I really do think that Breaking Bad is probably the greatest television show that's ever been made. Just in terms of, everything, it's flawless. I can't think of one flaw with Breaking Bad. Every other show, even shows that I really, really love, they're not perfect. Breaking Bad, to me, is a perfect show.
- Scott Clifton
Collection: Thinking
Image of Scott Clifton
In my downtime, for fun, I engage in philosophical internet debates. Yeah, I'm that guy.
- Scott Clifton
Collection: Fun
Image of Scott Clifton
Sports is so hard for me to wrap my head around. I never played any sports, I don't watch any sports, I hardly know the rules to any sporting event. Really, I'm borderline mentally damaged when it comes to sports.
- Scott Clifton
Collection: Sports
Image of Scott Clifton
The people are different in L.A. There was a time when I lived in New York and that was a bit of a shock, because everybody in New York was so honest, instead of so polite and backstabbing. But you learn to love the backstabbing politeness in L.A.
- Scott Clifton
Collection: New York