Roberto Bolano

Image of Roberto Bolano
The American mirror, said the voice, the sad American mirror of wealth and poverty and constant useless metamorphosis, the mirror that sails and whose sails are pain.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Pain
Image of Roberto Bolano
Jesus is the masterpiece. The thieves are minor works. Why are they there? Not to frame the crucifixion, as some innocent souls believe, but to hide it.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Jesus
Image of Roberto Bolano
It's strange how things happen, Mauricio Silva, known as the Eye, always tried to escape from violence even at the risk of being considered a coward, but the violence, the real violence, can't be escaped, at least not by us, born in Latin America in the 1950s, those of us who were around twenty years old when Salvador Allende died.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Real
Image of Roberto Bolano
I'd obviously never heard of the group, but my ignorance in literary matters is to blame for that (every book in the world is out there waiting to be read by me).
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Book
Image of Roberto Bolano
You run risks. That's the plain truth. You run risks and, even in the most unlikely places, you are subject to destiny's whims.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Running
Image of Roberto Bolano
Reading is more important than writing.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Reading
Image of Roberto Bolano
Death, in the Eastern tradition, was only a passage. What wasn't clear ... was toward what place, what reality, that passage led.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Reality
Image of Roberto Bolano
They could read him, they could study him, they could pick him apart, but they couldn't laugh or be sad with him.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Laughing
Image of Roberto Bolano
I’m seventeen years old, my name is Juan García Madero, and I’m in my first semester of law school. I wanted to study literature, not law, but my uncle insisted, and in the end I gave in. I’m an orphan, and someday I’ll be a lawyer. That’s what I told my aunt and uncle, and then I shut myself in my room and cried all night.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Uncles
Image of Roberto Bolano
Metaphors are our way of losing ourselves in semblances or treading water in a sea of seeming.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Sea
Image of Roberto Bolano
Poetry and prison have always been neighbors.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Prison
Image of Roberto Bolano
One should read Borges more.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Borges
Image of Roberto Bolano
Even on the poorest streets people could be heard laughing. Some of these streets were completely dark, like black holes, and the laughter that came from who knows where was the only sign, the only beacon that kept residents and strangers from getting lost.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Laughter
Image of Roberto Bolano
Drink up, boys, drink up and don’t worry, if we finish this bottle we’ll go down and buy another one. Of course, it won’t be the same as the one we’ve got now, but it’ll still be better than nothing. Ah, what a shame they don’t make Los Suicidas mezcal anymore, what a shame that time pases, don’t you think? what a shame that we die, and get old, and everything good goes galloping away from us.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Boys
Image of Roberto Bolano
For her, reading was directly linked to pleasure, not to knowledge or enigmas or constructions or verbal labyrinths.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Reading
Image of Roberto Bolano
That's a pretty story,' said Afanasievna as she let go of Ansky's genitals. 'A pity I'm too old and have seen to much to believe it.' It has nothing to do with belief,' said Ansky, 'it has to do with understanding, and then changing.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Roberto Bolano
The pain, or the memory of pain, that here was literally sucked away by something nameless until only a void was left. The knowledge that this question was possible: pain that turns finally into emptiness. The knowledge that the same equation applied to everything, more or less.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Pain
Image of Roberto Bolano
The diseased, anyway, are more interesting than the healthy. The words of the diseased, even those who can manage only a murmur, carry more weight than those of the healthy. Then, too, all healthy people will in the future know disease. That sense of time, ah, the diseased man’s sense of time, what treasure hidden in a desert cave. Then, too the diseased truly bite, whereas the healthy pretend to bite but really only snap at the air. Then, too, then, too, then, too.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Men
Image of Roberto Bolano
Of what is lost, irretrievably lost, all I wish to recover is the daily availability of my writing, lines capable of grasping me by the hair and lifting me up when I'm at the end of my strength. (Significant, said the foreigner.) Odes to the human and the divine. Let my writing be like the verses of by Leopardi that Daniel Biga recited on a Nordic bridge to gird himself with courage.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Writing
Image of Roberto Bolaño
Reading is pleasure and happiness to be alive or sadness to be alive and above all it’s knowledge and questions.
- Roberto Bolaño
Collection: Reading