Robert Wyatt

Image of Robert Wyatt
Im not, by nature, a collaborator. My biggest influences were people like painters and poets. These are solitary workers.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Nature
Image of Robert Wyatt
I don't want an entire world full of people just drinking Coca-Cola and eating McDonald's hamburgers and listening to American pop records. That would be a lesser world. I hope the cultural diversity is rich and is able to survive the Westernization of their economies.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Drinking
Image of Robert Wyatt
It's funny that Chairman Mao's great hero was Napoleon, because Napoleon started out as a revolutionary for the underdogs and then made himself an emperor. In fact, a lot of revolutionary leaders do that, and you think, "Well, that's spoiling your argument. What are you doing?" But on the other hand, the people themselves are enjoying trying out all these different ways to be. I hope that, like the Japanese, the Chinese hang on to their own traditions as well as try out Western ones. I hate it when people just lose so much confidence in who they are that they abandon their own culture.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Hate
Image of Robert Wyatt
It just doesnt mean anything to me, the high-profile, big money side of things. I just want enough to live on, and to be able to get on with what I do, and hang around my friends.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Friends
Image of Robert Wyatt
There are people I would like to work with. Its a bit harder, because I live out in the sticks anyway, and plus being in a wheelchair means that I cant really circulate. So I tend to stick to my own thing.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Work
Image of Robert Wyatt
We've all got to earn a living. And writing songs is what I do. But when I've done a record, it's not that I think it's better or worse than anyone else's, but if I think that nobody else would have done it if I hadn't, well then that's ok.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Song
Image of Robert Wyatt
Drinking was a big help with me making music, because drinking gives you courage. But it also makes you reckless, and that's the trouble.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Drinking
Image of Robert Wyatt
People who had empires, unfortunately, want them back eventually, somehow, someway.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: People
Image of Robert Wyatt
Potentially, America is really the greatest, but it's not yet, I don't think. It's too much like an old-fashioned empire, waving the stick and dropping too many bombs on too many people.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Wyatt
The missing links in my life's work, no less!
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Missing
Image of Robert Wyatt
Because of my politics, people think I'm anti-American. But I was quite the reverse. What I don't like about the United States is when the government acts like an old, imperial 18th- or 19th-century European power.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Wyatt
I get slightly irritated by people who say they're natural rebels because it just means that they're going to be against whatever anybody does, which is almost like saying you might as well leave it as it is. I'm naturally quite conformist, really. If I go to a country and they say, "You've got to drive on the right," I'm not going to drive on the left to show that I'm different. I'm able to stick to the law. I'm not a soldier for anything, either. I'm only a singer and I don't think it makes a difference what we sing.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Country
Image of Robert Wyatt
I think it's hypocritical to complain about the rise of China. For 50 years, we were telling everybody in the world that the big threat was Communism, so now the countries that were Communists are now rampant capitalists - and they're doing very well, in some ways much better than the UK. Well, we asked for it. We told them that's what you have to do, and they're doing it, buying up your biggest hotels in New York. You have to laugh.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Country
Image of Robert Wyatt
In fact, when the fires of empire get hidden, they still stay burning underneath the moss, seething away. This is true with a lot of the countries with really difficult, impenetrable nationalist movements - countries that once had a big empire, like Turkey, England, or even in Italy, with the fascists in the middle of the last century. People who had empires, unfortunately, want them back eventually, somehow, someway.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Country
Image of Robert Wyatt
I just saw a recent television program about art, and it was saying how from the end of the Second World War, so much of what our culture is comes from not just the United States in general, but New York in particular. In my case, I can't imagine my life without the extraordinary bebop jazz revolution in New York in late '40s and '50s.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Wyatt
I understand why Vladimir Putin is very popular in Russia - he's probably the first Russian leader to not apologize for being Russian. People always pin it down to one man, but there's hundreds of millions of Russians of various sorts. Putin does seem to be very popular in Russia, if only because he stands up for Russians wherever they are, which is exactly what Americans do with Americans, of course.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Wyatt
What hurts people a lot is taking humiliation.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Hurt
Image of Robert Wyatt
I don't want to be a professional cripple. And I don't see the suicide stuff as tragic.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Suicide
Image of Robert Wyatt
I was a latecomer to politics. Maybe I'm just very slow. I got to everything when everyone else had left.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Latecomers
Image of Robert Wyatt
I get slightly irritated by people who say they're natural rebels because it just means that they're going to be against whatever anybody does, which is almost like saying you might as well leave it as it is.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Wyatt
I'm naturally quite conformist, really. If I go to a country and they say, "You've got to drive on the right," I'm not going to drive on the left to show that I'm different. I'm able to stick to the law.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Country
Image of Robert Wyatt
I'm not a soldier for anything, either. I'm only a singer and I don't think it makes a difference what we sing.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Wyatt
The cultural mix that's happened in the United States is wonderful! Funny enough, one of the most wonderful things about it is that there is no American race.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Race
Image of Robert Wyatt
I do think there are deep structural things that are wrong in the world.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Wyatt
I can't imagine my life without the extraordinary bebop jazz revolution in New York in late '40s and '50s.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: New York
Image of Robert Wyatt
The United States is a country where everybody can start again.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Country
Image of Robert Wyatt
There are a lot of composers who were fantastic, but I challenge them to write a record that you could play five times a day for two months on the radio, songs that people will want to dance to on a Saturday night.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Song
Image of Robert Wyatt
What I like about popular culture is its accessibility, and I've covered popular songs because they are amazing things.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Song
Image of Robert Wyatt
Because I'm associated with an avant-garde sensibility, people think I'm looking down on popular culture, but I don't want to be part of a new elitism.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Wyatt
People have habits about what they think songs should be like. There's the folky thing of: "Poor me, I'm a sensitive person in a cruel world." Or the pop thing of: "Hey, look at me, I'm sexy."
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Sexy
Image of Robert Wyatt
I looked at what adults were doing and how they wanted to earn money, and I really didn't want to do that. I wanted to go away.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Going Away
Image of Robert Wyatt
Clint Eastwood said, the only things America has contributed to civilization are the western and jazz. And I don't think westerns are bad, but lots of people make great cinema. But jazz is right there.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Thinking