Rhys Darby

Image of Rhys Darby
One time we stayed at a B&B, and there were a couple of hippies who had this nice little area and they let us sleep in their beds that they had in the back.Then the woman suggested we go out and lie on some cushions and look up at the stars and look for UFOs and she said, "You know, I do this all the time," and I was like, "Okay..." So there we are, lying there next to this amazing loch, and we're looking up in the stars and I don't really know what I was expecting, but to see some sort of metallic object.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Stars
Image of Rhys Darby
For anyone who's a fan of the X-files show - I mean, I have the ultimate role. I got to deal with Mulder, I got to talk to him, I had a fight sequence with him. Really for anyone who is a fan of the show, I think I fulfilled a lot of young boys' dreams.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Dream
Image of Rhys Darby
Luckily the script [of X-files episode] was written wonderfully and that became who I was and I was quirky, and I was kind of agitated and not entirely happy, but at the same time, witty.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Witty
Image of Rhys Darby
I was in the New Zealand army for like four years, the exact period of when it was on the air, so I never saw it.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Army
Image of Rhys Darby
['Dad's Army' show]was a military thing but also very funny, so it's kind of the two things that I experienced by being a soldier, and I found it very humorous then and there, because of the juxtapositions [and] me and my emotional state.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Dad
Image of Rhys Darby
Greatest American Hero, I really dug that as a kid, because it had an alienation to it, where he was given a gift and didn't know why, and yet he was forced to do something with it and he was very much an out-of-place character who was trying to cope with his own surroundings, and I can kind of relate to that guy.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Hero
Image of Rhys Darby
MacGyver of course, that's probably my favorite show of all time, because it was a guy who was so, so smart and could use his wits, and his technical know-how could get him out of any situation. There's something about the adventurer aspect of that show that I loved, that he went on all these great missions and saved people without having to use guns or anything like that. And I think that show might even be coming back, too.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Smart
Image of Rhys Darby
I'd love to be [one of MacGyver's buddies]. I'd watch that one and just think, wow, what a life. Living in Hawaii, driving around in someone's Ferrari, and solving mysteries.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rhys Darby
I think some of the big characters, you know, they do these adventures, but they've got something about them, they've got this charisma, and they've got to have a sense of humor. Because whether it be very dry, or very silly, they've got to be likable.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Silly
Image of Rhys Darby
That's one of the best things about characters like Indiana Jones. I mean, he's funny. He's done really wicked things.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Character
Image of Rhys Darby
I guess, on my list, going back to some old American stuff and British stuff that I used to love in the '80s, would be a British show called Dad's Army, which recently just turned into a movie.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Dad
Image of Rhys Darby
I missed Breaking Bad and people just go on and on about it until you're blue in the face with envy and you've got to watch it.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Blue