Rahul Gandhi

Image of Rahul Gandhi
Business thrives with trust. Every single business transaction is based on trust. Trust is what you deal in. From trust emerges a safe and predictable environment.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Trust
Image of Rahul Gandhi
Startup India is welcome for the economy, but it cannot be accompanied by 'Shut Up India' in society. What gives Startup India its strength is freedom of expression, thought, and dissent. You choke this, and you choke entrepreneurship.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Freedom
Image of Rahul Gandhi
Hatred, anger, and violence can destroy us: the politics of polarization is dangerous.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Anger
Image of Rahul Gandhi
People looked up to us for our values and leadership. But today, they laugh as we are busy debating whether one of the seven wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal, was actually built by Indians.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Leadership
Image of Rahul Gandhi
It doesn't matter how much wisdom you have. If you don't have position, you have nothing. That's the tragedy of India.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Rahul Gandhi
A rising tide doesn't raise people who don't have a boat. We have to build the boat for them. We have to give them the basic infrastructure to rise with the tide.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
It is not important what Rahul Gandhi thinks, its important what a billion Indians think.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
I believe that a politician needs to be with people.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
Millions of Indians are brimming with energy.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
I want the Congress to become an instrument for dialogue among the Indian people - all of us, from all corners of our great country, all religions, all ethnicities, all ages, genders and people - and for our dialogue to always be led by love and affection.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
The BJP is trying to spread fire and violence across the country, and there is only one force that can stop it - the workers of the Congress and its leaders.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
India absorbs things; India's not a divisive place.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
For me, the Congress party is now my life, the people of India are my life, and I will fight for the people of India and for this party.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
If I am incompetent, I am useless, the people of India will see that.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
Democracy is about non-arbitrary decisions. Democracy is about spreading decisions; it is not about destroying processes.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
The vision that we laid out in 2004 was designed, at best, for a 10-year period. And it was pretty clear that the vision that we laid out in 2004 by the time we arrived in 2010-11 was not working anymore.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
Demonetization crippled SMEs and has destroyed the unorganised sector, forcing workers to leave urban employment and go back to their villages looking for MNREGA work.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
There are people doing yoga in New York, dancing around; that's the power of India. You go to a nightclub somewhere in Spain and there's Amitabh Bachchan on the screen there, dancing around. That's the power of India. That's the power of Indian people.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
I like the concept of 'Make in India'. But the orientation of 'Make in India' is slightly different than what I would. So, the orientation of Make in India is big business, and a lot of it is defence. My orientation of 'Make in India' would be small and medium businesses.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
I'm an opposition leader. But Mr Modi is also my prime minister. Mr Modi has certain skills. He's a very good communicator.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
I am not averse to politics, but that does not mean that I am going to join politics.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
We are all aware that corruption is pervasive. It operates at every level. The poor may carry its greatest burden, but it is an affliction that every Indian is desperate to be rid of.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
What I saw when I was a child was my father who was a pilot, and because of circumstances was thrown into the political system, and all I saw when was small after my grandmother died was my father in constant - constant combat with the system in India, and then I saw him die, actually.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
I have an aim - I have a clear aim in my mind, and the aim is that I do not like what I see in Indian politics; it is something that is inside my heart.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
What we see before us is a politics devoid of kindness and truth... today, politics is not being used in the service of the people: it is being used to crush them, not to lift them up.
- Rahul Gandhi
Image of Rahul Gandhi
It is the time to move ahead and bring the change
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Moving
Image of Rahul Gandhi
The Congress as I see, does not belong to me or to you, but it belongs to the whole country.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Country
Image of Rahul Gandhi
We need to empower everybody, not one person, not almost everybody, but everybody.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Empowering
Image of Rahul Gandhi
I am going to make sure that transformation happens, and I will do it in ways you cannot even imagine.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Way
Image of Rahul Gandhi
Nobody can refuse a person who comes and asks for a job. Nobody can refuse a poor man when he goes and asks for food. Nobody can stop any Indian if he asks a question of his government. This is what the Congress party and the UPA have done over the last 10 years.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rahul Gandhi
Politics is everywhere.. it is in your shirt.. in your pants.. everywhere.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Pants
Image of Rahul Gandhi
If India is computer, Congress is its default program.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: India
Image of Rahul Gandhi
We have unleashed aspirations of youngsters. Democracy is not going to go backwards. India is too big a country to be run by one person. We are going to accelerate the process of democratization and I think that is the biggest opportunity for Congress party because that is the DNA of the Congress
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Running
Image of Rahul Gandhi
For me, the Congress party is now my life, the people of India are my life, and I will fight for the people of India and for this party
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Party
Image of Rahul Gandhi
Poverty is just a state of mind.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Mind
Image of Rahul Gandhi
Passion is listening.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Passion
Image of Rahul Gandhi
It is for women to come forward and choose the path of sacrifice for serving the nation.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Sacrifice
Image of Rahul Gandhi
It (Congress) is a funny party. It is the largest political organization in the world but perhaps does not have a single rule or regulation. We create new rules every two minutes and then dump them. Nobody knows the rules in the party
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Party
Image of Rahul Gandhi
There is a work that my father had started, a dream he had dreamt. I come to you today saying...allow me to turn that dream into reality
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Dream
Image of Rahul Gandhi
Lokpal Bill alone is not adequate to fight corruption. We need a comprehensive anti-corruption code in this country. The UPA Government has developed a powerful anti-corruption frame work consisting of eight new Central laws...... This is not about one Bill, this is about a frame work and we want to deliver that frame work to the country
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Country
Image of Rahul Gandhi
A rising tide raises all boats, but you need a boat to rise with the tide. What does he who does not have a boat do?
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Doe
Image of Rahul Gandhi
Politics is everywhere. It's in your shirt, it's in your pants. It's everywhere.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Pants
Image of Rahul Gandhi
You got to stop asking your politicians how they are going to do this or that...
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Asking
Image of Rahul Gandhi
We will work on inclusive governance for inclusive growth
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Growth
Image of Rahul Gandhi
We have to provide the roads on which our dreams are paved. And these roads can't have potholes, they can't break down in six months. They have to be big roads because they are going to carry strong people, they are going to carry strong forces.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Dream
Image of Rahul Gandhi
Let's fight against corruption for a better India
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rahul Gandhi
China is referred to as the 'dragon' and India as an 'elephant'. But we are not an elephant, we are a 'beehive'.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Dragons
Image of Rahul Gandhi
India is the Saudi Arabia of 21st century.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: India
Image of Rahul Gandhi
All the public systems – administration, justice, education and political are designed to keep people with knowledge out. Such a system promotes mediocrity.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: People
Image of Rahul Gandhi
I went to University in 1991, and I remember, nobody thought of India. I remember conversations where people would laugh and say, "Do you have elephants on the road?" Nobody is saying that today.
- Rahul Gandhi
Collection: Elephants