Philip Massinger

Image of Philip Massinger
What can innocence hope for, When such as sit her judges are corrupted!
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Judging
Image of Philip Massinger
But married once, a man is stak'd or pown'd, and cannot graze beyond his own hedge.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Marriage
Image of Philip Massinger
He is not valiant that dares lie; but he that boldly bears calamity.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Suicide
Image of Philip Massinger
Revenge, that thirsty dropsy of our souls, makes us covet that which hurts us most.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Hurt
Image of Philip Massinger
As the index tells us the contents of stories and directs to the particular chapter, even so does the outward habit and superficial order of garments (in man or woman) give us a taste of the spirit, and demonstratively point (as it were a manual note from the margin) all the internal quality of the soul; and there cannot be a more evident, palpable, gross manifestation of poor, degenerate, dunghilly blood and breeding than a rude, unpolished, disordered, and slovenly outside.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Men
Image of Philip Massinger
Thou art figured blind, and yet we borrow our best sight from thee.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Art
Image of Philip Massinger
You may boldly say, you did not plough Or trust the barren and ungrateful sands With the fruitful grain of your religious counsels.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Religious
Image of Philip Massinger
Nor custom, nor example, nor cast numbers Of such as do offend, make less the sin.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Numbers
Image of Philip Massinger
My dancing days are past.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Past
Image of Philip Massinger
What pity 'tis, one that can speak so well, Should in his actions be so ill!
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Action
Image of Philip Massinger
Gold--the picklock that never fails.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Gold
Image of Philip Massinger
Virgin me no virgins! I must have you lose that name, or you lose me.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Names
Image of Philip Massinger
This is the Jew that Shakespeare drew.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Acting
Image of Philip Massinger
Shall this nectar Run useless, then, to waste? or ... these lips, That open like the morn, breathing perfumes, On such as dare approach them, be untouch'd? They must--nay, 'tis in vain to make resistance-- Be often kissed and tasted.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Running
Image of Philip Massinger
Tis the only discipline we are born for; all studies else are but as circular lines, and death the center where they all must meet.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Death
Image of Philip Massinger
Though the desire of fame be the last weakness Wise men put off.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Wise
Image of Philip Massinger
They are only safe That know to soothe the prince's appetite, And serve his lusts.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Lust
Image of Philip Massinger
The good needs fear no law, It is his safety and the bad man's awe.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Men