Peter Drucker

Image of Peter Drucker
Most people think they know what they are good at. They are usually wrong... And yet, a person can perform only from strength.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Strength
Image of Peter Drucker
Business exists to supply goods and services to customers and economic surplus to society, rather than to supply jobs to workers and managers or even dividends to shareholders.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Drucker
If you want to know what the future is, be part of its development.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Development
Image of Peter Drucker
Leadership is all about getting results.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Results
Image of Peter Drucker
Systematic decision review also shows executives their own weaknesses, particularly the areas in which they are simply incompetent. In these areas, smart executives don't make decisions or take actions. They delegate.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Smart
Image of Peter Drucker
It is willingness of people to give of themselves over and above the demands of the job that distinguishes the great from the merely adequate.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Drucker
People who need certainty are unlikely to make good entrepreneurs.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: People
Image of Peter Drucker
No one has ever failed to find the facts they are looking for.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Facts
Image of Peter Drucker
A superior who works on his own development sets an almost irresistible example.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Example
Image of Peter Drucker
You cannot prevent a major catastrophe, but you can build an organization that is battle-ready, where people trust one another. In military training, the first rule is to instill soldiers with trust in their officers - because without trust, they won't fight.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Military
Image of Peter Drucker
The knowledge we now consider knowledge proves itself in action. What we now mean by knowledge is information effective in action, information focused on results. Results are outside the person, in society and economy, or in the advancement of knowledge itself. To accomplish anything this knowledge has to be highly specialized.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Drucker
Executives do many things in addition to making decisions. But only executives make decisions. The first managerial skill is, therefore, the making of effective decisions.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Skills
Image of Peter Drucker
Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves - their strengths, their values, and how they best perform.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Economy
Image of Peter Drucker
The manager is a servant. His master is the institution he manages and his first responsibility must therefore be to it.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Peter Drucker
The success and ultimately the survival of every business, large or small, depends in the last analysis on its ability to develop people. This ability is not measured by any of our conventional yardsticks of economic success; yet, is the final measurement.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Success
Image of Peter Drucker
A business is not defined by its name, statutes, or articles of incorporation. It is defined by the business mission. Only a clear definition of the mission and purpose of the organization makes possible clear and realistic business objectives.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Names
Image of Peter Drucker
The individual is the central, rarest, most precious capital resource of our society.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Individuality
Image of Peter Drucker
There are no creeds in mathematics.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Science
Image of Peter Drucker
Leadership is not rank, privileges, title or money. It is responsibility.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Peter Drucker
Planning is actually incompatible with an entrepreneurial society and economy. Planning is the kiss of death of entrepreneurship.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Kissing
Image of Peter Drucker
The correct assumption is that what individuals have learned by age twenty-one will begin to become obsolete five to ten years later and will have to be replaced-or at least refurbished-by new learning, new skills, new knowledge.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Drucker
The moment people talk of "implementing" instead of "doing," and of "finalizing" instead of "finishing," the organization is already running a fever.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Running
Image of Peter Drucker
Every three or four years I pick a new subject. It may be Japanese art; it may be economics. Three years of study are by no means enough to master a subject but they are enough to understand it. SO for more than 60 years I have kept studying one subject at a time.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Art
Image of Peter Drucker
The most effective way to manage change is to create it.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Peter Drucker
The most important decisions in organizations are people decisions, and yet only the military, and only recently, has begun to ask, "If we assign this general to lead this base, what do we expect him to accomplish?"
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Military
Image of Peter Drucker
Most executives have learned that what one postpones, one actually abandons ... timing is a most important element in the success of any effort. To do five years later what would have been smart to do five years earlier, is almost a sure recipe for frustration and failure.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Smart
Image of Peter Drucker
Communism is evil. Its driving forces are the deadly sins of envy and hatred.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Evil
Image of Peter Drucker
Leadership is defined by results not attributes.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Peter Drucker
Every enterprise is learning and teaching institution. Training and development must be built into it on all levels, training and development that never stop.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Teaching
Image of Peter Drucker
Effective people are not problem minded; they're opportunity-minded. They feed opportunities and starve problems. They think preventively.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Peter Drucker
Any organisation develops people; it either forms them or deforms them.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: People
Image of Peter Drucker
The essence of management is to make knowledge productive.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Essence
Image of Peter Drucker
Results are obtained by exploiting opportunities, not by solving problems.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Peter Drucker
(Waste = Loss): The first rule of business is to survive and the guiding principle of business economics is not the maximisation of profit, it is the avoidance of loss
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Business
Image of Peter Drucker
There are only two things in a business that make money - innovation and marketing, everything else is cost.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Two
Image of Peter Drucker
Trees die from the top”. No one should ever become a strategist unless he or she is willing to have his or her character serve as a model for subordinates
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Character
Image of Peter Drucker
To make a living is no longer enough. Work also has to make a life.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Work
Image of Peter Drucker
Efficiency is doing better what is already being done.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Teamwork
Image of Peter Drucker
I have been saying for many years that we are using the word 'guru' only because 'charlatan' is too long to fit into a headline.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Learning
Image of Peter Drucker
The really important things are said over cocktails and are never done.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Funny
Image of Peter Drucker
If you have too many problems, maybe you should get out of business. There is no law that says a company must last forever.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Business
Image of Peter Drucker
For new technology to replace old, it has to have at least ten times the benefit.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Technology
Image of Peter Drucker
Businesses once grew by one of two ways; grass roots up, or by acquisition... Today businesses grow through alliances - all kinds of dangerous alliances. Joint ventures and customer partnerings which, by the way, very few people understand.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Art
Image of Peter Drucker
We've spent the last 30 years focusing on the T in IT, and we'll spend the next 30 years focusing on the I.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Drucker
There is the risk you cannot afford to take, and there is the risk you cannot afford not to take.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Peter Drucker
No business can do everything. Even if it has the money, it will never have enough good people. It has to set priorities. The worst thing to do is a little bit of everything. This makes sure that nothing is being accomplished. It is better to pick the wrong priority than none at all.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: People
Image of Peter Drucker
Every organization must be prepared to abandon everything it does to survive in the future.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Peter Drucker
Successful leaders don't start out asking, 'What do I want to do?' They ask, 'What needs to be done?' Then they ask, 'Of those things that would make a difference, which are right for me?'
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Successful
Image of Peter Drucker
I think the growth industry of the future in this country and the world will soon be the continuing education of adults. ...I think the educated person of the future is somebody who realizes the need to continue to learn. That is the new definition and it is going to change the world we live in and work in.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Country