Paul Weller

Image of Paul Weller
Being a musician is a noble profession.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
In all honesty, I don't know what one song can change.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
The Jam were a good band, however I feel that the Style Council were better. A lot of people I know will disagree with me. Some things we did with The Style Council were misinterpreted or over their heads.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I had a total belief in The Style Council. I meant every word and felt every action.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I really enjoy playing America. I like the audiences there. It's the home of a lot of music I grew up with.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I take my hat off to people like the Stones, but it's not for me. I couldn't do that. Jagger is brilliant and long may he rock. I couldn't make my career out of old songs; it would do my head in.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
Most people my age, their musical life ended in the '80s. They stick with what they know. But my tastes are much broader. And I don't want to stop learning.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
Playing music is a lifetime's work. And if you want to carry on with it, you have to try to better yourself. You have to see where the music can take you.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
In my old age, my mind gets more open, and I listen to so many different types of music and I guess that all reflects in my work.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
There are so many artists who get to my age that get comfortable and just stick in a groove, and I really don't want to do that.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I still love playing music. It was all I ever wanted to do, and I got the chance to do it.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I think I come from a time when all the artists I grew up with and I loved always used to try and push the boundaries, and there doesn't seem so much of that, really.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
It is nice to make a record and people like it, and it's encouraging.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I never saw myself as a spokesman for a generation. It was all a bit heavy for me. I saw myself as a songwriter and wrote for myself, which I still do, and I also wanted to communicate with my audience.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I suppose I was much more serious-minded in the '70s and '80s.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
Going to college was never an option. I was passionate about music, but how much talent I actually had was another matter.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
Coming from a little suburban town, I wasn't a hip city kid. I was quite the opposite, really. Songs like 'Saturday's Kids' rang a bell for kids all over the country. That song was about the kids I grew up with.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I'm very, very open to experimenting with different people and trying to find different methods of writing and making music.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I don't think about what I can't do or what I shouldn't be doing. I just think there are endless possibilities musically, really.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I'm fine with being thought of as a guitar player, and if I can get any recognition or respect for doing that, that's a pretty good thing for me.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
When I listen to a record, or when I'm making a record, I listen to everything. I listen to the drums, the bass, the voice, the arrangement. I listen to the whole piece as an ensemble.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
There was a time in my 40s where I thought, oh, it's all over - not just work, but I'm never going to feel young again, I'm always going to feel like I know what's going to happen, I'll know what to expect. Looking back I don't know if that was a midlife crisis, I don't know - but I don't feel that now. There's possibilities. It gets better.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I think, with age, you learn that it comes in bursts and you've got no control over it. I'm not one of those people who says, 'I've got to write a song every day.' I just store up ideas, and really I have to wait until it finds me; I know when I'm ready to write. It used to frustrate me, but it doesn't any more. It's just how it is.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I'm so lucky, I'm just really grateful for what I've got around me - children and my wife and everything else.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
When I'm dead, I wanna leave a body of work, like authors or great painters do.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
Pop music was supposed to be a flash in the pan, but here we are 50 years later and it means something to us, and it always will do. It's incredibly important.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
If you're into a certain band, you're into the way they dress.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I'm always looking for something. Not in an unhappy way. I just like to try different things. I don't want to be morbid, but I'm not getting any younger.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I want to see where and how far I can go as an artist. I look back and see what I've done, and I want to do as much as I can in my lifetime. I love doing it. If I didn't have that passion or love for it, I wouldn't do it.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
We can't stop a baby in Africa from starving to death... but we can afford enough technology and weaponry to blow the world up a million times over.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I don't like the royal family, I don't like the establishment, I don't like the civil service.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
Of course I'm proud of what I've done, but I'm interested in what's next. I want to be relevant now, in 2012. I've done my bit for the past. I've only ever been about what's next, really, and I'll be that way until I keel over.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I don't think about what I can't do or what I shouldn't be doing. I just think there are endless possibilities musically, really. And I'm very, very open to experimenting with different people and trying to find different methods of writing and making music.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
When I listen to a record, or when I'm making a record, I listen to everything. I listen to the drums, the bass, the voice, the arrangement. I listen to the whole piece as an ensemble. I don't only listen to the guitar player.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
People say you make your best work when you're in despair and all that, and at your lowest - but for me, I think happiness makes you positive, and I think that's a good creative place to write from.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I get labelled as just being about one thing, but there's lots of layers to what I do. It's just lazy journalism, but people start to accept it. If people spent an hour in my car driving around London and listening to the stuff I listen to, they'd hear some interesting stuff.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
When I got into the Beatles, I must have only been about six or seven but old enough to take notice. We used to have an old radiogram which, for readers of a certain age, was like a big cabinet thing with a record player inside it.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I hear an album so many times during the course of making it that when I've just finished it, I don't want to hear it again. After you've taken a little bit of time away from it, you can come back to it, which can be scary. I'm happy with 'Sonik Kicks,' man.
- Paul Weller
Image of Paul Weller
I'm still a mod, I'll always be a mod, you can bury me a mod.
- Paul Weller
Collection: Mods
Image of Paul Weller
I don't feel old or young, I just am
- Paul Weller
Collection: Young
Image of Paul Weller
Sometimes you're ahead of the game and sometimes people don't get it and that's just one of those things you have to accept and carry on.
- Paul Weller
Collection: Games
Image of Paul Weller
Life is a drink and you get drunk when you're young...
- Paul Weller
Collection: Drunk
Image of Paul Weller
I think anybody goes through a crisis of confidence from time to time. You have to kind of doubt yourself, sometimes. It's the way forward.
- Paul Weller
Collection: Thinking
Image of Paul Weller
I don't like to get pigeonholed. I don't like it when people think they have you sewn up.
- Paul Weller
Collection: Thinking
Image of Paul Weller
Why not go down the pub? A guy once came up to me at a gig and asked me if I had MySpace. I said, 'This is my space, and you're invading it.'
- Paul Weller
Collection: Space
Image of Paul Weller
People say you make your best work when in despair, but I think happiness is a good place to write from.
- Paul Weller
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Weller
I'm always looking forward to what I'm doing now, and what's ahead.
- Paul Weller
Collection: Looking Forward
Image of Paul Weller
My own personal theory is that all popular music, in whatever form it is, to me, it all comes from Africa. Whether it's filtered through America or whatever - African-American. But I still think there's something in that roots music that's very, very African, and I think that's what unites people.
- Paul Weller
Collection: Thinking
Image of Paul Weller
I look for that stimulation constantly. I'm looking for inspiration and stimulation. Not bored with what we've done.
- Paul Weller
Collection: Inspiration