Oriana Fallaci

Image of Oriana Fallaci
I am an atheist, and if an atheist and a pope think the same things, there must be something true. There must be some human truth that is beyond religion.
- Oriana Fallaci
Collection: Atheist
Image of Oriana Fallaci
Journalism combines adventure with culture.
- Oriana Fallaci
Collection: Adventure
Image of Oriana Fallaci
You wear yourself out in the pursuit of wealth or love or freedom, you do everything to gain some right, and once it's gained you take no pleasure in it.
- Oriana Fallaci
Collection: Gains
Image of Oriana Fallaci
I am angry at the Jews for many things... If you want to take the example of America, how they hold the power, the economical power in so many ways, and the press and the other kind of stuff... I never realized how it happened and they came to control the media to that point. Why?
- Oriana Fallaci
Collection: America
Image of Oriana Fallaci
True power does not need arrogance, a long beard and a barking voice. True power strangles you with silk ribbons, charm and intelligence.
- Oriana Fallaci
Collection: True Power
Image of Oriana Fallaci
Whether it comes from a despotic sovereign or an elected president, from a murderous general or a beloved leader, I see power as an inhuman and hateful phenomen. To the same degree that I do not understand power, I do understand those who oppose power, who criticize power, who contest power, especially those who rebel against power imposed by brutality.
- Oriana Fallaci
Collection: Power
Image of Oriana Fallaci
What's the point anyway - Of suffering, dying? It teaches us to live, boy. A man who does not struggle does not live, he survives.
- Oriana Fallaci
Collection: Struggle
Image of Oriana Fallaci
I leave shreds of my soul on every experience.
- Oriana Fallaci
Collection: Soul
Image of Oriana Fallaci
But here's what I've learned in this war, in this country, in this city: to love the miracle of having been born.
- Oriana Fallaci
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Oriana Fallaci
A lot of women ask themselves why they should bring a child into the world? So that it will be hungry, so that it will be cold, so that it will be betrayed and humiliated, so that it will be slaughtered by war or disease? They reject the hope that its hunger will be satisfied, its cold warmed, that loyalty and respect will accompany it through life, that it will be a devote a life to the effort to eliminate war and disease.
- Oriana Fallaci
Collection: Loyalty