Noel Gallagher

Image of Noel Gallagher
The charts are only relevant when you're top of them!
- Noel Gallagher
Image of Noel Gallagher
I don't fall into the category of tortured artist. But it's not made me more or less anything.
- Noel Gallagher
Image of Noel Gallagher
You can't afford to think about what might have been. You just be aware of what is.
- Noel Gallagher
Image of Noel Gallagher
American sports are quite masculine. And football - although it's still played by men all over the world - football compared to American football is quite feminine in its artistry. And there's no padding. It's America's loss, though.
- Noel Gallagher
Image of Noel Gallagher
If everyone in the music business were brutally honest about what their intentions were then you could sort things out, but it's all smoke and mirrors.
- Noel Gallagher
Image of Noel Gallagher
Tony Blair is a brilliant politician. Unfortunately, his legacy is entwined with George W. Bush because of Iraq.
- Noel Gallagher
Image of Noel Gallagher
I don't have the genetic make up of a frontman, but I'm learning how to do it.
- Noel Gallagher
Image of Noel Gallagher
There's enough music in the world. There are enough rock stars.
- Noel Gallagher
Image of Noel Gallagher
I started off as many fathers do. I enjoyed the good bits, but I was wary of the responsibility. But now I love being a dad.
- Noel Gallagher
Image of Noel Gallagher
Kids and family life are only as good as your wife, and she's amazing.
- Noel Gallagher
Image of Noel Gallagher
Progression is going forwards. Going backwards is regression. Going sideways is just gression.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Regression
Image of Noel Gallagher
You gotta say what you say, Don't let anybody get in your way...
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Way
Image of Noel Gallagher
You're asking if I'm happy? I've got 87 million in the bank, I've got a Rolls Royce, I've got 3 stalkers, I'm about to go on the board at Manchester City, I'm part of the greatest band in the world. Am I happy with that? No, I'm not! I want more!
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Cities
Image of Noel Gallagher
I just think Radiohead are f-in' miserable bastards.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Thinking
Image of Noel Gallagher
Those who don't say what they mean will live and die by their own sword.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Mean
Image of Noel Gallagher
I have to be myself, I can't be no one else.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: I Can
Image of Noel Gallagher
No matter how much you sit there twiddling, going, 'We're all doomed', at the end of the day people will always want to hear you play Creep. Get over it.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Play
Image of Noel Gallagher
Some might say they don't believe in heaven Go and tell it to the man who lives in hell.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Believe
Image of Noel Gallagher
Do you ever look at the sky and think, I'm glad I'm alive? After I heard System of a Down, I thought, I'm actually alive to hear the shittiest band of all time. Which is quite something when you think about it. Of all the bands that have gone before and all the bands that'll be in the future, I was around when the worst was around.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Thinking
Image of Noel Gallagher
Thank you for the sun, The one that shines on everyone, Who feels love...
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Shine On
Image of Noel Gallagher
I'm embarrassed when I see Brits abroad; they have their tops off, wear flip flops, and shout at the top of their voices.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Voice
Image of Noel Gallagher
I'm a great songwriter, but I'm not the most talented musician.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Oasis
Image of Noel Gallagher
When we started off, we wanted the girls, the cocaine, the fur coats. It wasn't like it was an act; it was almost like working-class people winning the pools. We went bananas.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Girl
Image of Noel Gallagher
We need each other, We believe in one another, And I know we're gonna uncover, What's sleepin' in our soul...
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Believe
Image of Noel Gallagher
It's not about being upset about the things you might have said or done yesterday, which is quite appropriate at the moment. It's about looking forward rather than looking back. I hate people who look back on the past or talk about what might have been.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Hate
Image of Noel Gallagher
The thing about Manchester all comes from here
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Cities
Image of Noel Gallagher
We were able to provide housing to all who need it. We've had incredibly generous offers from alumni for housing.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Able
Image of Noel Gallagher
Traditionally speaking, the three biggest twats in any band are the singer, the keyboardist and the drummer. I don't need to say anything else.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Say Anything
Image of Noel Gallagher
I remember the 70s constantly being winter in Manchester and the Irish community in Manchester closing ranks because of the IRA bombings in Birmingham and Manchester, and you know the bin-workers' strike, all wrapped up in it... They were violent times. Violence at home and violence at football matches.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Football
Image of Noel Gallagher
Is it any wonder why Princes & Kings, Are clowns that caper in their sawdust rings, When ordinary people who are like you and me, Are the builders of their destiny...
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Kings
Image of Noel Gallagher
America is a really delicate flower that needs a lot of attention.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Flower
Image of Noel Gallagher
I hate that Alex [James] and Damon [Albarn]. I hope they catch AIDS and die.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Hate
Image of Noel Gallagher
Drugs is like getting up and having a cup of tea in the morning.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Music
Image of Noel Gallagher
There's no new direction. It's not more poppy or more rocky. They're just rock'n'roll tunes. I'll never change the music I write.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Writing
Image of Noel Gallagher
I do all the work so it's only right that I should get the most money. Plus I am the most handsome.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Music
Image of Noel Gallagher
There is a limited supply of excellent songs, but I am not the only one. Paul McCartney, one of the best songwriters of all time, has only produced manure for the past 25 years. Rock musicians over 30 only produce unimportant material.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Song
Image of Noel Gallagher
We live a dying dream, If you know what I mean...
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Dream
Image of Noel Gallagher
College football today is one of the last great strongholds of genuine old-fashioned American hypocrisy.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Football
Image of Noel Gallagher
Take the time to make some sense for what you wanna say, And cast your words away upon the waves. Sail them home with acquiesce on a ship of hope today, And as they land upon the shore, Tell them not to fear no more. I'm not saying right is wrong, It's up to us to make the best of all the things that come our way. Cos' everything that's been has past, The answers in the looking glass. There's four and twenty million doors On life's endless corridor, So say it loud and sing it proud today.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Home
Image of Noel Gallagher
I like being famous. It can be a bit of a pain but you get free food in restaurants and people send you clothes.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Pain
Image of Noel Gallagher
I'm not sure about this Live 8 thing. Correct me if I am wrong, but are they hoping that one of these guys from the G8 is on a quick 15-minute break at Gleneagles and sees Annie Lennox singing "Sweet Dreams" and thinks: "F... me, she might have a point there, you know." It's not going to f... happen, is it? Keane doing "Somewhere Only We Know" and some Japanese businessman going: "Aw, look at him...we should really f... drop that debt, you know." It's not going to happen, is it?
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Dream
Image of Noel Gallagher
Just because you sell lots of records it doesn't mean to say you're any good. Look at Phil Collins.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Mean
Image of Noel Gallagher
We like annoying people. It's a Manchester thing. It's a trait. We just like pissing people off.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: People
Image of Noel Gallagher
I envy drummers. It must be the ultimate to sing and play drums at the same time. Phil Collins, no wonder he's so f... happy.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Play
Image of Noel Gallagher
The thing about us is we're honest. If we're asked whether we take drugs, we say yes. I was brought up by my mom not to be a liar.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Mom
Image of Noel Gallagher
Maybe the songs that we sing are wrong, Maybe the dreams that we dream are gone, So bring it on home and it won't be long, It's getting better man!
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Dream
Image of Noel Gallagher
It took me to about maybe 16, 17 or 18 or something to realise I was absolutely useless at everything else except for playing guitar and writing words
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Writing
Image of Noel Gallagher
Paul McCartney, one of the best songwriters of all time, has only produced manure for the past 25 years.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Past
Image of Noel Gallagher
If I ever get to go to the moon, I'll probably just stand on the moon and go 'Hmmm, yeah...fair enough...gotta go home now.'
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Home