Mike Dirnt

Image of Mike Dirnt
Listen to the silence. Listen to your life. Be present, not just think about what's going on next week, next month.
- Mike Dirnt
Image of Mike Dirnt
I'm an optimistic agnostic. I think the second we die, within a matter of seconds, everybody else arrives, and that's the party, and you live your hell on earth.
- Mike Dirnt
Image of Mike Dirnt
I think that's the most important thing you can do to be a real person - is to be honest with yourself.
- Mike Dirnt
Image of Mike Dirnt
I have a daughter and she's the greatest thing that ever happened to me. She gives me a good excuse to watch cartoons.
- Mike Dirnt
Image of Mike Dirnt
When I listen to songs, I can smell a rat. I like songs that speak to me with some deeper truth.
- Mike Dirnt
Image of Mike Dirnt
I'm an optimist, so I believe in some sort of life after death; I don't know what kind.
- Mike Dirnt
Image of Mike Dirnt
At the end of the day, if you follow the music, it'll take you on a really, really great journey
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Journey
Image of Mike Dirnt
Be yourself. Unless you have the option to be Batman, then always be Batman.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Mike Dirnt
If you start planning too far ahead, the next thing you know you forget you're living today
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Today
Image of Mike Dirnt
We work super hard to not have to work
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Hard
Image of Mike Dirnt
All my religious beliefs are based on Star Wars.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Religious
Image of Mike Dirnt
I started playing bass for the same reason everyone else does – I’m a lousy guitarist.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Doe
Image of Mike Dirnt
Happiness is a road traveled, not a destination.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Destination
Image of Mike Dirnt
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Opinion
Image of Mike Dirnt
Green Day is like sex, when were good, were really good, when were bad . . . were still pretty damn good.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Sex
Image of Mike Dirnt
Music's awesome, it's the closest thing we have to magic.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Music
Image of Mike Dirnt
It's no use analyzing your life the whole time. Those analyses won't help you when you're dead
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Analysis
Image of Mike Dirnt
Dogs are gonna take over the world. It's a known fact for those who believe it, kinda like the Bible.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Dog
Image of Mike Dirnt
I don't really give a f**k about the mainstream. The mainstream doesn't offer me anything. Why would I offer it anything? I love the world I have. I love the sort of subculture that Green Day represents.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Giving
Image of Mike Dirnt
Grab life by the balls and squeeze.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Balls
Image of Mike Dirnt
Bush, as far as I'm concerned, is a war criminal. With Trump, we have no idea. Right now it's just a freak show.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: War
Image of Mike Dirnt
There isn't an audience in the world that Billie Joe can't command.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: World
Image of Mike Dirnt
I have nothing to prove. I just want to follow the music. I love making records. I love playing live. That's it. There's nothing outside of that. I look forward to the weirdness that's in front of us every day.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Looks
Image of Mike Dirnt
As long as each day comes with a nice fresh cup of Oakland Coffee then everything will be alright.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Nice
Image of Mike Dirnt
I think we have an obligation to put on a fun show and put on a concert that's memorable, that's energetic and that spreads joy and open-mindedness. If being open-minded and joyful is against your political beliefs, then you know, f**k you.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Fun
Image of Mike Dirnt
I love our country. My dad served in the army. I always grew up with a song sense of belonging as an American. But I was also in the counterculture and I was coming from a place of fearing the police. So I was anti-establishment, but also loving your country. It's kind of an ironic sort of upbringing.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Country
Image of Mike Dirnt
Early on I learned to question everything. But I feel like everything is so divisive right now. Going against the grain would be to not be divisive and be inclusive. That's the disruptive way to go about it.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Would Be
Image of Mike Dirnt
A turtle does come in it's own bowl
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Turtles
Image of Mike Dirnt
Sometimes you need coffee, and sometimes you need a Bloody Mary.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Coffee
Image of Mike Dirnt
First and foremost, I want people on concerts to have a really great experience away from the negative press and negative stuff that you see on the news and Facebook. I don't even like seeing people's cell phones. Let's have a human experience and rub up against each other, you know.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Phones
Image of Mike Dirnt
There's no way you could get me onstage with someone that I didn't like. No way. I would never do that. We have our gripes and stuff like that. All bands have their drama, but life is too short to be miserable around somebody that you don't like.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Drama
Image of Mike Dirnt
I hate saying that youth is wasted on the young since it's so f**king stupid, but I think you realize if you're fortunate enough to realize what you have, you don't want to sleep as much or squander any time. It's weird, but early in your career you don't stop to smell the roses since you're too busy picking them.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Kings
Image of Mike Dirnt
It makes me extremely proud to make punk rock the biggest music in the world right now.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Rocks
Image of Mike Dirnt
I always said that the world is a better place because of Joey Ramone
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: World
Image of Mike Dirnt
For me, when you get to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, there's a side of me that goes, "What does that mean? Are you still relevant after that? Do they put you on the shelf along with the award?" I don't know, but that's the last thing we wanted.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Mean
Image of Mike Dirnt
I look at my kids as the Harry Potter Generation. There's a sense of justice about that, in beating Voldemort. It's a classic tale of good versus evil. To have a role model like Harry Potter that says you can defeat evil, but still be a complicated human being. That gives me a lot of hope.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Kids
Image of Mike Dirnt
For me, it's important to get back to fundamentally what it feels like to be an American. We all come from different backgrounds, but we come together and create this world. It's like a microcosm for the rest of the world. I want people to feel unity when they come to a show.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: People
Image of Mike Dirnt
When people start writing songs for award shows, there's a very limited palette you can use. You end up not sounding like you. You end up sounding like somebody else. You end up getting what the record company thinks they can market.
- Mike Dirnt
Collection: Song