Michael Jackson

Image of Michael Jackson
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Men
Image of Michael Jackson
"In Africa," S. B. once remarked, "if you do well, people close to you will hate you."
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Success
Image of Michael Jackson
The purpose of parenting is to provide steady and wide-ranging opportunities for a child. The child does the rest.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Children
Image of Michael Jackson
They say that parenting is like dancing. You take one step, your child takes another.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Children
Image of Michael Jackson
If you want to see eccentricities, I'll be grotesque before your eyes.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Eye
Image of Michael Jackson
Ain't no mountain that I can't climb, baby
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Baby
Image of Michael Jackson
What can I do but bring forth the talent that God gave me? That's all I wanted to do. To share the love and gift of entertainment. That's all I want to do. I don't want to hurt anybody.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Hurt
Image of Michael Jackson
I truly love my fans. Truly, truly from the heart. That's the real truth. I love them.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Real
Image of Michael Jackson
ONCE UPON A TIME when the world was young there was a Martian named Smith.Valentine Michael Smith was as real as taxes but he was a race of one.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Real
Image of Michael Jackson
I made a terrible mistake. I got caught up in the excitement of the moment. I would never intentionally endanger the lives of my children. I love my children. I was holding my son tight. Why would I throw a baby off the balcony? That's the dumbest, stupidest story I ever heard.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Baby
Image of Michael Jackson
There's a Mother's Day and there's a Father's Day, but there's no Children's Day. It would mean a lot. World peace.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Mother
Image of Michael Jackson
Like the Bible says. A child should be leader of them all, and to be led by that kind of innocence. Didnt Jesus say bring on the children? Be like the children. Not childish, but child-like. That kind of innocence.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Michael Jackson
When I perform, I lose myself. I'm in total control of that stage. I don't think about anything. I know what I want to do from the moment I step out there and I love every minute of it.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Michael Jackson
Let's all work to get people to drink more good beer, so if someone walks into your office and says he drinks Corona, don't immediately call him a dickhead.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Beer
Image of Michael Jackson
So I'm leaving Sony, a free agent, owning half of Sony. I own half of Sony's Publishing. I'm leaving them, and they're very angry at me, because I just did good business, you know.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Leaving
Image of Michael Jackson
Leinenkugels makes better beer now that Miller bought them. It will license insecure people to like craft beers.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Beer
Image of Michael Jackson
I care about being paid fairly for what I do. When I approach a project, I put my whole heart and soul into it. Because I really care about it.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Heart
Image of Michael Jackson
Criticizing reporters is like boo-ing at the Special Olympics.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Special
Image of Michael Jackson
The foundation of all human knowledge, the beginning of human consciousness, must be that each and every one of us is an object of love. Before you know if you have red hair or brown, before you know if you are black or white, before you know of what religion you are a part, you have to know that you are loved
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Love Is
Image of Michael Jackson
The Wizard Of Oz" has secrets that are just too much. Or "Peter Pan" – the whole 'lost boys' thing is just incredible. They’re not childlike at all, they’re really, really deep; you can rule your life by them. Or say 'child-like', because children are the most brilliant people of all, that’s why they relate to those stories so well. Fairy-tales are wonderful.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Children
Image of Michael Jackson
I said if you're thinkin' of being my brother, it don't matter if you're black or white.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Brother
Image of Michael Jackson
I have a loving family, a strong faith and wonderful friends and fans who have, and continue, to support me.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Strong
Image of Michael Jackson
There's nothing that can't be done if we raise our voice as one.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Voice
Image of Michael Jackson
Never ask for 'a beer.'
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Funny
Image of Michael Jackson
I wasn't aware that the world thought I was so weird and bizarre. But when you grow up, like I did, in front of 100 million people since the age of 5, you're automatically different.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Michael Jackson
For me, Love is something very pure.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Love Is
Image of Michael Jackson
I believe in the Bible and I try to follow the Bible. I know I'm an imperfect person … I'm not making myself an angel because I'm not an angel and I'm not a devil either. I try to be the best I can and I try to do what I think is right.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Believe
Image of Michael Jackson
There is an inherent dissonancebetween the quasi-formal world of computer programs - defining the programmed machine in each system - and the non-formal problem world of the system requirements.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Machines
Image of Michael Jackson
We must wave our banners even higher and belt out our voices even stronger and be unified as people. We're going to make it through this!
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Voice
Image of Michael Jackson
Don't blame it on the sunshine. Don't blame it on the moonlight. Blame it on the boogie.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Sunshine
Image of Michael Jackson
Have you seen my childhood? I'm searching for the world that I came from cause I've been looking around in the lost and found of my heart.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Heart
Image of Michael Jackson
The lyrics, the strings, the chords, everything comes at the moment like a gift that is put right into your head and that's how I hear it.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Moments
Image of Michael Jackson
Stop this agony of wishing Play it out Don't think, don't hesitate Curving back within yourself Just create... Just create
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Michael Jackson
Before you Judge me, Try hard to Love me
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Judging
Image of Michael Jackson
Just doing as well as you did last time is not good enough.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Not Good Enough
Image of Michael Jackson
When it's allowed to be free, love is what makes life alive, joyful and new.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Love Is
Image of Michael Jackson
All the things I've read in my school books about England and the Queen were okay, but my eyes are the greatest book in the world.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Queens
Image of Michael Jackson
We are behaving like people without compassion and love for the most vulnerable section of society. The children of the universe are without a spokesperson, they are voiceless...We are all touched by the atrocities committed against children: sexual, physical abuse, child slave labor, educational neglect. We feel ashamed. Angry. Appalled. But there is no action...No action.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Love
Image of Michael Jackson
I truly believe I have the most wonderful fans in the world.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Believe
Image of Michael Jackson
Love. Children are loving, they dont gossip, they dont complain, theyre just open-hearted. Theyre ready for you. They dont judge. They dont see things by way of color. Theyre very child-like. Thats the problem with adults: they lose that child-like quality. And thats the level of inspiration thats so needed and is so important for creating and writing songs and for a sculptor, a poet or a novelist. Its that same kind of innocence, that same level of consciousness, that you create from. And kids have it. I feel it right away from animals and children and nature. Of course.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Song
Image of Michael Jackson
I love to read. I wish I could advise more people to read. There's a whole other world in books.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Book
Image of Michael Jackson
We need to put love back into the world remind the world that love is important. We're all one.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Love Is
Image of Michael Jackson
Pierre Bordieu was right: "The all powerful is he who does not wait but makes others wait. Absolute power is the power to make oneself unpredictable and deny other people any reasonable anticipation, to place them in total uncertainty by offering no scope for their capacity to predict."
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Powerful
Image of Michael Jackson
Out of the bliss comes magic, wonderment and creativity.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Creativity
Image of Michael Jackson
I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Heart
Image of Michael Jackson
No one can quite say what the creative process is. Because I have nothing to do with it of course. It's created in space. It's God's work, not mine.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Space
Image of Michael Jackson
I know that the creator will go, but his work survives. That is why to escape death, I attempt to bind my soul to my work.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Soul
Image of Michael Jackson
With my music, with what I do, I would like to bring a light into the world.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Light