Martha Beck

Image of Martha Beck
To be really productive, it's as important to rest when we're tired as it is to work when we're inspired.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Martha Beck
Imagine the choices you'd make if you had no fear-of falling, of losing, of being alone, of disapproval.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Fall
Image of Martha Beck
If you're a bit spongy, vulnerable to the unsettling energy of others, count yourself lucky. You've been given an incentive to armor up, to consciously screen out the ubiquitous stresses that afflict humanity.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Stress
Image of Martha Beck
From a place of stillness, openness, forgiveness and acceptance you can renew your commitment to any eating plan you like.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Commitment
Image of Martha Beck
Conflict in close relationships is not only inevitable, it's essential. Intimacy connects people who are inevitably different.
- Martha Beck
Collection: People
Image of Martha Beck
I explain to everyone I deal with-co-workers, children, friends-that I'm transitionally challenged and they should call me on my cell phone if I'm even a few minutes late. Such calls often come in when I'm happily writing or rearranging the furniture. The monochrones in my life are so organized, they have no trouble remembering to remind me to show up.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Children
Image of Martha Beck
Most people go through their whole lives," John went on, "and never have one miracle happen to them. You've had dozens and dozens, and you still want more! It's like God gives you a brownie, I mean a really good brownie, but you can't be content with it. You want the whole pan of brownies. Nobody gets that.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Mean
Image of Martha Beck
No one can give you anything-love, shame, self-esteem- until you give it to yourself. Today, give yourself good things.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Martha Beck
Menders of all times and places have taught that silencing the thoughts in our heads and opening to the experience of the body and emotions is the basis of all healing. It's the only means by which we can reclaim our true nature or feel the subtle cues telling us how to find our way through life.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Mean
Image of Martha Beck
Learning to quit while you're not ahead, when the dull ooze of depression tells you things are not going to get any better, is one of the best financial and life skills you can master.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Skills
Image of Martha Beck
It's only by starting in a place of peace that we find our purpose and power.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Purpose
Image of Martha Beck
The only way to the Place beyond Fear is to do the thing you fear most. This is how to surrender to your best destiny.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Destiny
Image of Martha Beck
Try seeing your world and yourself this way, eyes open to whatever is before you, mind free of dichotomies. Are you good or bad, fragile or tough, wise or foolish? Yes. And so am I.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Wise
Image of Martha Beck
I don't believe that there are no spiritual beings around us. I don't know what to call them, I don't know how they work. But I know they're there
- Martha Beck
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Martha Beck
Many of us have spent a lifetime trying to be what we’re not, feeling lousy about ourselves when we fail, and sometimes when we succeed. We hide our differences when, by accepting and celebrating them, we could collaborate to make every effort more exciting, productive enjoyable, and powerful. Personally, I think we should start right now.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Powerful
Image of Martha Beck
You will know how to stop suffering as soon as suffering ceases to be valuable. If you are in pain, you are being led.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Pain
Image of Martha Beck
If you're feeling abandoned by the world, interact with anyone you can.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Lonely
Image of Martha Beck
The shortness of life, which we all discuss, but which is very clear to me at the moment, makes keeping and spreading a joyful peace more crucial than ever before. Let us keep our minds on what matters, which is our work, which is astonishment and gratitude. From this quiet magic comes a power for all other new years wishes to come true.
- Martha Beck
Collection: New Year
Image of Martha Beck
My deep belief is that all of us have the same lifelong work: to learn honesty, courage, and love. To learn, in other words, how to be our best selves.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Honesty
Image of Martha Beck
There are things that can only happen through you when you are still. Silence is often the most important work you can do.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Silence
Image of Martha Beck
You do not owe anyone your time. When you realize that, others will respect your time much more.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Realizing
Image of Martha Beck
It seems to me at this moment that laughing is a serious thing, that it connects us with truth and love and God.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Laughing
Image of Martha Beck
The holy days are the best times to focus on real enthusiasm, the inner source that lightens and sanctifies our lives all year.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Real
Image of Martha Beck
If you ask people, as I often do, how they make decisions, 'lucky' people will talk about tuning in to information and instincts, while 'unlucky' people often mention pushing away the uncomfortable feeling they were headed for trouble.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Uncomfortable Feeling
Image of Martha Beck
In the pursuit of Knowledge, every day something is added. In the practice of the Way, every day something is dropped. Less and less do you need to force things, until finally you arrive at non-action. When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Peace
Image of Martha Beck
What should you do now? Find a new way. A better way. Your way. The unknown, uncharted path through this wild new world that allows you---yourself, in your uniqueness--to reclaim the full measure of your true nature.
- Martha Beck
Collection: World
Image of Martha Beck
Constantly measuring ourselves against others sours and shortens our lives, robbing us of the very things we think it will bring: prosperity, love, inner peace, the knowledge that we’re good enough.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Thinking
Image of Martha Beck
The moment we begin tolerating meanness, in ourselves and others, we are using our authorial power in the service of wrongdoing. We have both the capacity and the obligation to do better.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Moments
Image of Martha Beck
I once read that forgiveness is giving up all hope of having had a different past...but forgiving is not the same as obliterating memory.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Martha Beck
Every aspect of your life, whether it's a task or relationship, personal or professional, will be based on love and joy. And when you get right down to it, nothing else really matters.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Friends
Image of Martha Beck
Recurrent floods of sadness and anger gradually wash away the rubble of the defunct relationship, leaving only the bits of treasure: the remembered moments of real communion, a new understanding of your own mistakes, a clear picture of the dysfunctions you will never tolerate again.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Real
Image of Martha Beck
Every instance of heartbreak can teach us powerful lessons about creating the kind of love we really want.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Powerful
Image of Martha Beck
Don’t hide love. If you feel it, express it-not to demand that others love you back, but simply to live outwardly the best of what you feel inwardly. The worst that can happen to your heart is not rejection by another person but failure to act on the love you feel.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Love You
Image of Martha Beck
Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Change
Image of Martha Beck
Many of us assume that we have to do things a certain way: ignore passion in favor of safer bets, act stoic amid inner turmoil, run on an upward trajectory of success and money acquisition at any emotional cost. But these are not rules.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Running
Image of Martha Beck
The past doesn’t exist except as a memory, a mental story, and though past events aren’t changeable, your stories about them are. You can act now to transform the way you tell the story of your past, ultimately making it a stalwart protector of your future.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Memories
Image of Martha Beck
Own your failure openly, publicly, with genuine regret but absolutely no shame, and you’ll reap a harvest of forgiveness, trust, respect, and connection-the things you thought you’d get by succeeding. Ironic, isn’t it?
- Martha Beck
Collection: Regret
Image of Martha Beck
Don’t worry that you’ve wasted time. Each moment -- no matter how frozen or confused -- was a useful and necessary lesson.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Confused
Image of Martha Beck
Any moment you spend attacking yourself is a moment away from your higher purpose and your power to love. Don't go there.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Purpose
Image of Martha Beck
A confession you make merely to illuminate the murky corners of your little life may end up lighting the path to freedom for a thousand other hearts.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Heart
Image of Martha Beck
Play until it's time to rest, then rest until it's time to play.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Play
Image of Martha Beck
Angels come in many shapes and sizes, and most of them are not invisible.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Angel
Image of Martha Beck
Learning to spot narcissists and deal with their destructive behavior can save you the world of hurt that awaits anyone who mistakes the near enemy for a friend.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Hurt