Marlo Thomas

Image of Marlo Thomas
Marriage is like a vacuum cleaner. You stick it to your ear and it sucks out all your energy and ambition.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Ambition
Image of Marlo Thomas
Ive always been a champion of kids pursuing their dreams. But sometimes in life, extraordinary circumstances may force us to temporarily put our dreams on hold. The most important thing is to never lose sight of that dream, no matter what punches life may throw in our way.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Dream
Image of Marlo Thomas
It's so important to raise people to grow up to be who they are and not be forced to be who they're not. What an awful thing to do to people - it's like being in prison.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Marlo Thomas
... any woman who accepts aloneness as the natural by-product of success is accepting a punishment for a crime she didn't commit. And she is not acknowledging one of the most precious lessons of the women's movement, the lessons of community ... We may not able to tell women that there is safety in freedom. But we certainly can say, with absolute certainty, that for free women, the only safety is in numbers.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Punishment
Image of Marlo Thomas
One woman is a pest and two women is a team, but three women or more is a coalition. If you can bring a lot of people together as a coalition, you can get a lot changed.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Team
Image of Marlo Thomas
A society is judged by the way it cares for its most vulnerable citizens. As an American, I am ashamed that we have turned out backs on millions of our children. I want to do my part to rectify this terrible situation.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Children
Image of Marlo Thomas
You can't be happy, if you're not free and you're not fulfilling yourself.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Fulfilling
Image of Marlo Thomas
A man has to be Joe McCarthy to be called ruthless . . . all a woman has to do is put you on hold.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Marlo Thomas
If you want to get somewhere in six months, you're not going to get there by wishing it.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Wish
Image of Marlo Thomas
If you really need to, you have to make it happen.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Needs
Image of Marlo Thomas
You know, theres endorphins in laughter, as there are endorphins in running in the park.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Running
Image of Marlo Thomas
I have this theory that there are two kinds of people in the world, people who stop at a traffic accident and those that just drive by. If I see a traffic accident, I am going to stop. I do notice. I don't think that makes me a good or bad person, or anybody else better or worse.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Thinking
Image of Marlo Thomas
Chiropractic solved my neck and shoulder pains; it put me back on my feet. I think chiropractic is great!
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Pain
Image of Marlo Thomas
You really do learn by example... Especially women, sometimes we think somebody's going to rescue us, or somebody's going to teach us how to do it, when in fact we have to understand that the biggest resource we have is inside of ourselves. I know that I can count on me to take care of me. That's a very important thing to know.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Marlo Thomas
A feminist is a man or woman who already knows for a fact that men and women are qual and wants society to wake up to that fact, so the world can stop operating at half-strength.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Men
Image of Marlo Thomas
Every child deserves a chance at a life filled with love, laughter, friends and family. We are working to find the cures that will give these youngsters a fighting chance. When a child or parent faces an uncertain disease like cancer, they can find hope at St. Jude - a place where miracles can and do happen.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Laughter
Image of Marlo Thomas
What I love about the theater is the work ethic. I grew up with it.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Work Ethic
Image of Marlo Thomas
[On husband Phil Donahue:] The man does not know the meaning of the word tidy. He asked me one day, 'Where are my shoes?' So I asked him, 'Where are my shoes?' I don't know what it is about men. They think that women have radar attached to our uteruses.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Husband
Image of Marlo Thomas
I wish someone would have told me that, just because I'm a girl, I don't have to get married.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Girl
Image of Marlo Thomas
I am extremely grateful for two big gifts from my father. First, my sense of humor - the ability to see the humor in something while it is happening. That has cushioned my life. I am also grateful for the work of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. It has enriched my life and made me a very different person.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Children
Image of Marlo Thomas
There's no doubt about it... I was born a feminist.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Marlo Thomas
One of the things women are very good at, that's networking. Women are not afraid to say, "I need." They're not afraid. Men won't even ask for directions. Women will tell each other when they need something. Women will tell each other when their husband is having an affair. Men don't do that.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Husband
Image of Marlo Thomas
My father (Danny Thomas) used to tell me there are two kinds of people, the takers and the givers. 'The takers sometimes eat better,' he would say, 'but the givers always sleep better.'
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Father
Image of Marlo Thomas
Be who you are. Otherwise, you end up committing suicide. You end up marrying people when you shouldn't be marrying them and having terrible, secret lives.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Suicide
Image of Marlo Thomas
Women have to make a living. We don't live in a wealthy world where we even have a choice. We're losing our choice of whether or not we need to work. If we want to work, we obviously should work and have that choice, but a lot of women can't even get to the word "want." They need to work. And it's great to see women who needed to work and found a way to become a firefighter or a steel worker. That, to me, is very exciting.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Firefighter
Image of Marlo Thomas
Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Our many different cultures notwithstanding, there's something about the holidays that makes the planet communal. Even nations that do not celebrate Christmas can't help but be caught up in the collective spirit of their neighbors, as twinkling lights dot the landscape and carols fill the air. It's an inspiring time of the year.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Christmas
Image of Marlo Thomas
If it's one thing we learned from the first book, it's that you don't have to be a prizefighter, or a world-renowned architect, or a concert violinist to have been affected by the power of words.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Book
Image of Marlo Thomas
What I'm loving about Hilary Clinton is that she has the job that's been held mostly by men. She's made it her job, not only to be a very tactful diplomat, but she travels the world, spotlighting what's going on with girls and women, in every country that she goes to. That has been so unique.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: Girl
Image of Marlo Thomas
People don't want to be bothered, if they're not being pressured to change. You have to push people. You have to be the agitator that makes the pearl.
- Marlo Thomas
Collection: People