Marion Cotillard

Image of Marion Cotillard
I don't really pay attention to which accent I have. I'm in a singular box as an actress.
- Marion Cotillard
Image of Marion Cotillard
You fall in love with someone, you don't know this person yet, and you get to know this person. That's what happens when I fall in love with a character, and I want to be this person.
- Marion Cotillard
Image of Marion Cotillard
Usually when I work, I'm totally dedicated to the role, and when I leave the set, I bring some of my character home with me, but I can't bring anyone home with me now because my son would freak out.
- Marion Cotillard
Image of Marion Cotillard
I never dreamt to be a princess in my life; I really dreamt to be an actress, but I dreamt of princesses on screen.
- Marion Cotillard
Image of Marion Cotillard
I was a big fan of Greta Garbo and that era of movies, so I dreamt watching those movies.
- Marion Cotillard
Image of Marion Cotillard
The biggest challenge to me is always technique.
- Marion Cotillard
Image of Marion Cotillard
When you are on set, you are not your best judge because it is hard to step back when you are into the character.
- Marion Cotillard
Image of Marion Cotillard
I think that when you don't see the boundaries, you cross them without even knowing they exist in the first place.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Thinking
Image of Marion Cotillard
I was raised with the idea of beauty in a different way. To me, it is something that really comes out of you and surrounds you.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Ideas
Image of Marion Cotillard
As a teenager, I didn’t want to be me; I wanted to be many different people. Maybe I realized that they all lived inside me and that if I managed to connect with them, they would become aspects of me.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Teenager
Image of Marion Cotillard
You cannot escape what you have to deal with inside yourself. It will never bring good things. It will only bring madness.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Madness
Image of Marion Cotillard
That Paris exists and anyone could choose to live anywhere else in the world will always be a mystery to me.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Paris
Image of Marion Cotillard
You have to invest if you want to restore balance to the world.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Balance
Image of Marion Cotillard
We lost this animal instinct that we used to have. We use a very low percentage of our instinct.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Animal
Image of Marion Cotillard
I think you're where you have to be and I'm not a person who wants to control things too much because I love surprises.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Thinking
Image of Marion Cotillard
For me, what Macbeth is about is people who cannot face their fears and pain and instead of facing them and going beyond, they just run away and they try to cover this with power and violence, but it doesn't work.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Running
Image of Marion Cotillard
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Heart
Image of Marion Cotillard
I'm not a real musician. If you give me a bass guitar and you ask me to improvise something, or even be with some musicians and follow them, I wouldn't be able to do it. And I want to change that. I want to be able to be in a group and take my guitar and play with them, without someone showing me, "Okay, you're going to do this and that," because music has always been a big part of my life.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Real
Image of Marion Cotillard
I'll never approach a part in the same way again. Piaf taught me so much. In terms of my work, I think I'll enjoy it even more than before, because now I know that characters truly exist in their own right. I'll have a way to bring them even more intensely to life.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Character
Image of Marion Cotillard
I think that you always learn something from working with good actors.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Thinking
Image of Marion Cotillard
I'm a great fan of Michael Mann and when he asked to see me I couldn't believe it. I was very happy. I met him and I read this beautiful script. I didn't know anything about Dillinger. I fell in love with the movie and Michael Mann.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Marion Cotillard
I've always known actors because my parents are actors on stage and so I lived in a very creative environment when I was a kid. All my life.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Kids
Image of Marion Cotillard
It cannot be stressful. It just has to be fun. There are many, many things to stress for in this life -- not getting ready for a red carpet.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Fun
Image of Marion Cotillard
As an actress I just want to tell beautiful stories
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Marion Cotillard
Usually when I start to work and to prepare the movie, some inspirations, different kind of human beings, it can be someone I know, someone I don't, a girl, a boy. So usually when I start, quite right away, some inspirations come.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Girl
Image of Marion Cotillard
The first thing, the main thing, about how I work is I need to understand the character.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Character
Image of Marion Cotillard
Sometimes you don't need to explain how you care and love someone so much, but I really love him as a person and as a director. I wanted to be perfect for Michael Mann. I wanted to give the best of my best of my best. I don't know if I did, but I was touched by him. He's totally inspirational.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Giving
Image of Marion Cotillard
I love to work this way - I love the time of preparation. If you feed yourself with all the information and you get to understand who the character is then you can really be her.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Character
Image of Marion Cotillard
I started to write songs. And I started to like what I was writing. I think it's a new way for me to express things that are closer to myself than when I play a role, because, of course, it's really not me. I'm finding a new way. I don't know what it's going to be. But I know that I will need to give it to people one day.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Song
Image of Marion Cotillard
'Particularly' is particularly difficult because the 'L' and the 'R' are totally different, like totally different letters. I would spend hours in front of the mirror with my dialect coach to observe my tongue. You don't think, when you speak, about all the things that happen in your jaw and your mouth, how everything reacts, so you have to watch all those things and realise we have a totally different use of our tongue and jaws.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Thinking
Image of Marion Cotillard
Im so lucky to have the opportunity to work with some directors and some actors I wouldnt have dared to think I would work with one day.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Marion Cotillard
But it's very technical and you really have to work and work and work to crack it. It's about using your whole face, jaw and tongue in a totally different way. It was very interesting - I love the English language, which made it easier.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Interesting
Image of Marion Cotillard
I think what we've experienced in the past is that people do like to be challenged.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Past
Image of Marion Cotillard
I'm always 100% committed to a character, a story and a director, and with Michael Mann it was 1,000%. I don't know how to explain this.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Character
Image of Marion Cotillard
I’m always 100% committed to a character, a story and a director, and with Michael Mann it was 1,000%. I don’t know how to explain this...
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Stories
Image of Marion Cotillard
I find it easier to play someone who is so far from me because you create someone – you build this person based on the story and the script, with the director.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Stories
Image of Marion Cotillard
It cannot be stressful. It just has to be fun. There are many, many things to stress for in this life – not getting ready for a red carpet.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Fun