Marcel Proust

Image of Marcel Proust
In the sort of screen dappled with different states of mind which my consciousness would simultaneously unfold while I read, and which ranged from the aspirations hidden deepest within me to the completely exterior vision of the horizon which I had, at the bottom of the garden, before my eyes, what was first in me, innermost, the constantly moving handle that controlled the rest, was my belief in the philosophical richness and beauty of the book I was reading, and my desire to appropriate them for myself, whatever that book might be.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Moving
Image of Marcel Proust
At a certain age, we have already been struck by love; it no longer develops alone, according to its own mysteries and fateful laws while our hearts stand by startled and passive. We come to its assistanceRecognizing one of its symptoms, we recall, we bring back to life the others. Since we possess its song engraved in its totality within us, we do not need for a woman to tell us the beginning--filled with admiration inspired by beauty--to find the continuation.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Song
Image of Marcel Proust
No doubt very few people understand the purely subjective nature of the phenomenon that we call love, or how it creates, so to speak, a supplementary person, distinct from the person whom the world knows by the same name, a person most of whose constituent elements are derived from ourselves.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Names
Image of Marcel Proust
But to ask pity of our body is like discoursing in front of an octopus, for which our words can have no more meaning than the sound of the tides, and with which we should be appalled to find ourselves condemned to live.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Octopus
Image of Marcel Proust
The human plagiarism which is most difficult to avoid, for individuals... is the plagiarism of ourselves.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Individual
Image of Marcel Proust
How can we have the courage to wish to live, how can we make a movement to preserve ourselves from death, in a world where love is provoked by a lie and consists solely in the need of having our sufferings appeased by whatever being has made us suffer?
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Lying
Image of Marcel Proust
We can only be faithful to what we remember, and we remember only what we have known.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Faithful
Image of Marcel Proust
Let a prize lower my position, if it causes me to be read; that I prefer immediately to all the honors.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Honor
Image of Marcel Proust
That translucent alabaster of our memories.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Memories
Image of Marcel Proust
The truth is that men can have several sorts of pleasure. The true pleasure is the one for which they abandon the other.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Men
Image of Marcel Proust
The disinterest [of my two great-aunts] in anything that had to do with high society was such that their sense of hearing ... put to rest its receptor organs and allowed them to suffer the true beginnings of atrophy.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Aunt
Image of Marcel Proust
For neither our greatest fears nor our greatest hopes are beyond the limits of our strength--we are able in the end both to dominate the first and to achieve the second.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Greatest Fear
Image of Marcel Proust
I should have been happy: I wasn’t.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Should Have
Image of Marcel Proust
There is no man ... however wise, who has not at some period of his youth said things, or lived a life, the memory of which is so unpleasant to him that he would gladly expunge it. And yet he ought not entirely to regret it, because he cannot be certain that he has indeed become a wise man -- so far as it is possible for any of us to be wise -- unless he has passed through all the fatuous or unwholesome incarnations by which that ultimate stage must be preceded.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Wise
Image of Marcel Proust
We only really know what is new, what suddenly introduces to our sensibility a change of tone which strikes us, that for which habit has not yet substituted its pale fac-similes.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Tone
Image of Marcel Proust
The past not merely is not fugitive, it remains present.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Past
Image of Marcel Proust
Aristocracy is a relative thing. And there are plenty of out-of-the-way places where the son of an upholsterer is the arbiter of fashion and reigns over a court like any young Prince of Wales.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Fashion
Image of Marcel Proust
According to a charming law of nature which is evident even in the most sophisticated societies, we live in complete ignorance of whatever we love.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Marcel Proust
May you always see a blue sky overhead, my young friend; and then, even when the time comes, as it has come for me now, when the woods are black, when night is fast falling, you will be able to console yourself, as I do, by looking up at the sky.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Fall
Image of Marcel Proust
For one cannot change, that is to say become another person, while continuing to acquiesce to the feelings of the person one no longer is.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Feelings
Image of Marcel Proust
The truth is that every morning war is declared afresh. And the men who wish to continue it are as guilty as the men who began it, more guilty perhaps, for the latter perhaps did not foresee all its horrors.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Morning
Image of Marcel Proust
The sight of the little madeleine had recalled nothing to my mind before I tasted it...
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Sight
Image of Marcel Proust
But when one believes in the reality of things, making them visible by artificial means is not quite the same as feeling that they are close at hand.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Believe
Image of Marcel Proust
But,instead of what our imagination makes us suppose and which we worthless try to discover,life gives us something that we could hardly imagine.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Imagination
Image of Marcel Proust
In summoning even the wisest of physicians to our aid, it is probably that he is relying upon a scientific "truth", the error of which will become obvious in just a few years' time.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Health
Image of Marcel Proust
And indeed when we are no longer in love with women whom we meet after many years, is there not the abyss of death between them and ourselves, just as much as if they were no longer of this world, since the fact that we are no longer in love makes the people that they were or the person that we were then as good as dead?
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Years
Image of Marcel Proust
Error, by force of contrast, enhances the triumph of Truth.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Errors
Image of Marcel Proust
This love of ours, in so far as it is a love for one particular creature, is not perhaps a very real thing, since, though associations of pleasant or painful musings can attach it for a time to a woman to the extent of making us believe that it has been inspired by her in a logically necessary way, if on the other hand we detach ourselves deliberately or unconsciously from those associations, this love, as though it were in fact spontaneous and sprang from ourselves alone, will revive in order to bestow itself on another woman.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Love
Image of Marcel Proust
Are not the thoughts of the dying often turned towards the practical, painful, obscure, visceral aspect, towards the "seamy side" of death which is, as it happens, the side that death actually presents to them and forces them to feel, and which far more closely resembles a crushing burden, a difficulty in breathing, a destroying thirst, than the abstract idea to which we are accustomed to give the name of Death?
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Crush
Image of Marcel Proust
Only through art can we get outside of ourselves and know another's view of the universe which is not the same as ours and see landscapes which otherwise would remain unknown to us like the landscapes of the moon. Thanks to art, instead of seeing a single world, our own, we see it multiply until we have before us as many worlds as there are original artists.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Art
Image of Marcel Proust
The tiny, initial clue ... by allowing us to imagine what we do not know, stimulates a desire for knowledge.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Marcel Proust
There's nothing like desire to prevent the things one says from having any resemblance to the things in one's mind.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Mind
Image of Marcel Proust
Every reader finds himself. The writer’s work is merely a kind of optical instrument that makes it possible for the reader to discern what, without this book, he would perhaps never have seen in himself.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Book
Image of Marcel Proust
Dinner-parties bore us because our imagination is absent, and reading interests us because it is keeping us company.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Reading