Top Faithful Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Faithful quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jerry Bridges
Because God is sovereign, He is able to answer. Because He is faithful to His promises, He will answer.
- Jerry Bridges
Collection: Faithful
Image of Matthew Pearl
I prefer the society of one faithful person to an association of rapid talkers, who more than anything else seek admiration from one another.
- Matthew Pearl
Collection: Faithful
Image of Walter E. Williams
In keeping Americans ill-educated, ill-informed and constitutionally ignorant, the education establishment has been the politician's major and most faithful partner. It is in this sense that American education can be deemed a success.
- Walter E. Williams
Collection: Faithful
Image of George Edward Woodberry
To be faithful to your instincts and the impulses that carry you in the direction of the excellence you most desire and value ... surely that is to lead the noble life.
- George Edward Woodberry
Collection: Faithful
Image of Pope Benedict XVI
God is always faithful to His promises, but He often surprises us in the way He fulfills them.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Collection: Faithful
Image of Alexander Payne
The better a novel is, in literary terms, the more you can't be faithful. The novel succeeds on terms exclusive to literature. A good film succeeds on terms exclusive to the cinema. That's why so many bad novels can become good movies.
- Alexander Payne
Collection: Faithful
Image of John Ortberg
Never try to have more faith - just get to know God better. And because God is faithful, the better you know Him, the more you'll trust Him.
- John Ortberg
Collection: Faithful
Image of John Bytheway
Everyone would like to have stronger faith. By themselves, the scriptures may not strengthen your faith, but being faithful to what they teach, does. In other words, faith cannot be separated from faithfulness.
- John Bytheway
Collection: Faithful
Image of Karl G. Maeser
Exhorting his students: Be faithful to the moral principles of your religion.
- Karl G. Maeser
Collection: Faithful
Image of Richard Salter Storrs
Always carry with you into the pulpit a sense of the immense consequences which may depend on your full and faithful presentation of the truth.
- Richard Salter Storrs
Collection: Faithful
Image of Pope Innocent III
The universal Church of the faithful is one outside of which none is saved.
- Pope Innocent III
Collection: Faithful
Image of Mark E. Petersen
If that Negro is faithful all his days, he can and will enter the celestial kingdom. He will go there as a servant, but he will get a celestial resurrection.
- Mark E. Petersen
Collection: Faithful
Image of Angela Merici
Strive to be faithful to that which God has called you.
- Angela Merici
Collection: Faithful
Image of I. A. R. Wylie
Another of our highly prized virtues is fidelity. We are immensely pleased with ourselves when we are faithful.
- I. A. R. Wylie
Collection: Faithful
Image of Riccardo Tisci
I’m very faithful to myself. When you do things that are true it just comes out quite instinctively.
- Riccardo Tisci
Collection: Faithful
Image of Propertius
Even a faithful mistress can be bent by constant threats.
- Propertius
Collection: Faithful
Image of Kelly Clark
I feel like there is great purpose in a lot of my endeavors. I've seen God in the middle of them. I've seen Him be faithful in those things.
- Kelly Clark
Collection: Faithful
Image of Jay Kesler
Biblically sound, faithful, and intellectually satisfying theology that will . . . cure many current theological concerns.
- Jay Kesler
Collection: Faithful
Image of Paul the Apostle
God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
- Paul the Apostle
Collection: Faithful
Image of R. K. Milholland
Never confuse the faith with the supposedly faithful.
- R. K. Milholland
Collection: Faithful
Image of Anne Desclos
Keep me rather in this cage, and feed me sparingly, if you dare. Anything that brings me closer to illness and the edge of death makes me more faithful. It is only when you make me suffer that I feel safe and secure. You should never have agreed to be a god for me if you were afraid to assume the duties of a god, and we know that they are not as tender as all that. You have already seen me cry. Now you must learn to relish my tears.
- Anne Desclos
Collection: Faithful
Image of Dennis Lillee
Geoffrey [Boycott] is the only fellow I've ever met who fell in love with himself at a young age and has remained faithful ever since
- Dennis Lillee
Collection: Faithful
Image of Mike Bickle
I don't want to be the biggest or the best, I want to be faithful.
- Mike Bickle
Collection: Faithful
Image of Kari Jobe
Don't be afraid to step out and trust God. He is more faithful than the rising of the sun.
- Kari Jobe
Collection: Faithful
Image of Norodom Sihamoni
In all my life and in the future, I will always be a faithful and loyal servant to all of my compatriots.
- Norodom Sihamoni
Collection: Faithful
Image of Paul Feyerabend
Arguments hardly affect the faithful- their beliefs have an entirely different foundation.
- Paul Feyerabend
Collection: Faithful
Image of David Heyman
The films you're making have to be faithful to the material.
- David Heyman
Collection: Faithful
Image of C. I. Scofield
The promise to the Church is a promise of persecution, if faithful in this world, but a promise of a great inheritance and reward hereafter.
- C. I. Scofield
Collection: Faithful
Image of Pierre Berge
I am faithful up to the point of death. It's the only thing I respect. I never abandon anyone. I'm not talking about sexual relations. I'm faithful in my friendship, my admiration.
- Pierre Berge
Collection: Faithful
Image of Ann Spangler
Readable, faithful, accurate-what more could you ask for in a modern translation of the Bible? GOD'S WORD Translation is a great version for enhancing your love for God's Word. I recommend it.
- Ann Spangler
Collection: Faithful
Image of Chris Black
If you're given source material that's as special and well-written such as the new project from Robert Kirkman, you would be foolish not to want to do that and not to be faithful to that to some degree.
- Chris Black
Collection: Faithful
Image of William Henry Willimon
Preaching that is boring is preaching that talks first about us and then only tangentially about God. Preaching that is faithful is preaching that talks first about God and then only secondarily and derivatively talks about us. The God of Scripture is so much more interestingly than we are.
- William Henry Willimon
Collection: Faithful
Image of Radclyffe Hall
[On homosexuality:] Our love may be faithful even unto death and beyond - yet the world will call it unclean.
- Radclyffe Hall
Collection: Faithful
Image of David Roochnik
Modern science is a vast attempt to homogenize the universe. Aristotelian science, by contrast, remains faithful to our lived experience, and thus conceives of the world as essentially heterogeneous; composed of different kinds of beings.
- David Roochnik
Collection: Faithful
Image of Jennifer Rothschild
God stays faithful to us in spite of our repeated failures.
- Jennifer Rothschild
Collection: Faithful
Image of Saddam Hussein
The faithful will be victorious over the sinners.
- Saddam Hussein
Collection: Faithful
Image of Sylvia Poggioli
One footnote says that divorced and remarried faithful, who are not recognized by the Catholic Church because it upholds the indissolubility of marriage, might in some particular cases have access to the sacraments.
- Sylvia Poggioli
Collection: Faithful
Image of Sylvia Poggioli
We have a pope [Francis] who's very popular among the Catholic faithful and non-Catholics, but there's no doubt he's going to continue to face resistance from conservatives inside the church.
- Sylvia Poggioli
Collection: Faithful
Image of Jens Spahn
I'm a devout individual so I remain faithful to my church.
- Jens Spahn
Collection: Faithful
Image of David A. R. White
God is faithful. Trust Him and you'll be amazed to see what He will do.
- David A. R. White
Collection: Faithful
Image of J. C. Ryle
Let us remember, there is One who daily records all we do for Him, and sees more beauty in His servants' work than His servants do themselves... And then shall His faithful witnesses discover, to their wonder and surprise, that there never was a word spoken on their Master's behalf, which does not receive a reward.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Faithful
Image of Arnold Bennett
It is difficult to make a reputation, but is even more difficult seriously to mar a reputation once properly made --- so faithful is the public.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Faithful
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
If only we arrange our life according to that principle which counsels us that we must hold to the difficult, then that which now still seems to us the most alien will become what we most trust and find most faithful.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Faithful
Image of James Monroe
The Executive is charged officially in the Departments under it with the disbursement of the public money, and is responsible for the faithful application of it to the purposes for which it is raised. The Legislature is the watchful guardian over the public purse. It is its duty to see that the disbursement has been honestly made.
- James Monroe
Collection: Faithful
Image of John Milton
Faithful found among the faithless.
- John Milton
Collection: Faithful
Image of Tennessee Williams
I am more faithful than I intended to be!
- Tennessee Williams
Collection: Faithful
Image of James E. Faust
May we all be faithful in doing the day-to-day, ordinary things that prove our worthiness, for they will lead us to and qualify us for great things.
- James E. Faust
Collection: Faithful
Image of Oscar Wilde
Her trust makes me faithful, her belief makes me good.
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Faithful
Image of Guillermo del Toro
They're getting more and more experience on what to expect, and the Hellboy audience is such a faithful and fanatic audience as I am, and you have to really be very open about what you do
- Guillermo del Toro
Collection: Faithful