Luke Evans

Image of Luke Evans
Vampires were always able to transform into creatures of the night. The dark creatures like bats have always been associated with vampires and using the darkness to their own advantage.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
There are certain tuxes you can get away with a black tie, but with others, you'd be dishonoring the workmanship if you didn't wear a full bow tie.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
I've got two cows licks; when I was a kid, all the boys in school used to have curtains, and my hair never used to do that, ever! I always used to try, and I always looked like the geek.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
A watch is a fashion statement, and it says something about the person wearing it.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
My mother did like to make clothes, and in I think the worst picture I've ever seen of myself - I must have been eight or nine - she'd dressed me in a matching t-shirt and Bermuda shorts ensemble which I think looked like somebody had thrown up all over it. I was so glad when that sewing machine stopped working, I have to say.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
I've always had quite long canines. It's a very strange thing. My parents don't have them.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
Before the 'Fast & Furious' promo in Manila, I went on a vacation in the Philippines 10 years earlier. I loved it. My 'Miss Saigon' friends showed me around.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
Singing seems to be inherent in Filipino, just as it is in my race. That's why I have this affinity with Filipinos.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
I had a very lovely childhood, and, being an only child, I'm very close to my mom and my dad.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
The truth of the matter is roles like James Bond are the ones that I look up to as probably the best roles ever to play. So that's probably my ultimate goal one day: to play James Bond.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
It's hard work just being on set 14 hours a day.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
Sometimes I eat at, like, 9:30 at night and then go to bed at 10:30 and wake up at 4:00.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
I did use my own accent in a play once. It's a very freeing, liberating experience. Actors are often asked to adopt a different accent, and sometimes a different voice, so when that's taken away and you don't have to think about it, that's a lovely thing.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
If you ask an actor what he'd prefer to act on, he'd probably say a tangible, real set, or even better, a real location out on a mountainside or by a river. It's just easier because you don't have to imagine anything.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
You don't want to play the same roles or do the same genre.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
I've played quite a few good guys.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
You have to give everything to every job you do.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
My trainer is with me all day. We train before I come to work, and then I just keep training all day.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
If you're gonna start a story, you start from the beginning, right?
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
I don't comment on other people's opinion.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
I always wanted to get into proper shape.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
It's a lot of fun being dressed by designers and surrounded by publicists.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
I love to sit down on a beanbag at the end of the day and watch my fish. It's therapeutic, isn't it? They're alive, and I'm keeping them alive. I like the responsibility.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
Peter Jackson is a wonderful man. He's a great director. He's found his niche in life.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
Every time you get in shape for a role, there's a different way to do it so it doesn't get boring.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
I don't think you should spend that much time in the gym. Don't sit around between sets too long. If you want to burn some calories, keep the sets tight. Give yourself 30 seconds to a minute between each set. Supersetting is brilliant.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
I was a weed. Such a skinny little weed. I just couldn't put on weight; I couldn't put on muscle. I was the oddest shape. And I thought that was it: that's how I'd look for the rest of my life. And I'd beat myself up about it so much. But you change an awful lot. You're 16. Your body's not even halfway to what it'll end up being.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
If I have to look a certain way for something, I know how long it's going to take me do it.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
I think the best directors rarely lose their temper.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
I think the best directors provide you with a safe environment where they can instill you with confidence and allow you to try things out and not feel like you're failing or that you're doing it wrong.
- Luke Evans
Image of Luke Evans
Sometimes it's not about the size of your role, it's about the machine that you're part of.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Roles
Image of Luke Evans
Everybody has a down day, no one's perfect; no one's having the most idyllic life. I mean, I guess everybody wants to project positivity to the outside world, but if we're honest, no one's going to have 24/7 bliss.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Mean
Image of Luke Evans
You've got to be in the moment and respond to what you're feeling. I try to simplify it as much as possible.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Feelings
Image of Luke Evans
Well usually if I'm having a sh***y day, I don't post anything. I don't go out just to tell everyone I'm having a great day, even if I'm not.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Have A Great Day
Image of Luke Evans
I don't think a lot of people know that I can sing. It's not common knowledge.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Thinking
Image of Luke Evans
When I was younger, I never had that fascination.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Fascination
Image of Luke Evans
If you look weird, you can blame the role, you know? So no one's going to tell me I'm having a mid-life crisis.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Roles
Image of Luke Evans
I do not comment on my client's personal lives in the media. As for Luke, he did so once, a long time ago when he was an inexperienced, young actor and now with maturity and hindsight, he has learned not to engage the press in his personal life again.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Gay
Image of Luke Evans
In 10 years, I’d love to live near the sea, in a warmer climate. I could see myself with three dogs…and it’d be great to share them with someone else.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Dog
Image of Luke Evans
The best night of my life was watching the moon turn red on an island .I think it was called the blood moon and it happens like once every - I don't know how long, but it was a beautiful night. It was a very magical moment.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Luke Evans
When I was playing Dracula I had to switch off from the reality and fall into this fantasy world. Otherwise I just couldn't cope with what I was doing. It's about switching off. It is about trying to flick a switch, which you have to do.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Fall
Image of Luke Evans
I stay away from Speedos. That would cause me absolutely unnecessary publicity.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Causes
Image of Luke Evans
Every film, every fight choreographer, wants to have a different flair, have a different fight technique. So any film I've done that involved weapons has always been fascinating because everyone is different.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Fighting
Image of Luke Evans
With everything you do as an actor, you obviously know the full story. But the person watching it doesn't, necessarily. So, you just have to discipline yourself to wipe the slate clean as you go along.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Discipline
Image of Luke Evans
I'll tell you a little fun fact about the film, though. Me, the little boy playing Chip, Emma Thompson, and Emma Watson, all have the same birthday. We were all in on the same day and they all sang us "Happy Birthday." That will never happen in my life again: Four of us having the same birthday on the same film, and we're all in on the same day. It was an extraordinary thing.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Fun
Image of Luke Evans
I think I sort of realized it was an international thing when we went to South Korea for The Fast [and the Furious] 6 premiere. We knew nothing about South Korea, and we came through the sliding doors [at the airport] with my luggage and there were like 60 fans with Luketeer banners: "We're your Korea Luketeers." It was like, wow, this is amazing.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Thinking
Image of Luke Evans
You can over complicate everything with techniques; when you're in the moment, you have to feel that you are that character, that you're feeling the pain or the happiness or whatever it is that they're feeling in that moment. Usually the authenticity will manifest itself.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Pain
Image of Luke Evans
Not everybody's a great singer, but people can get better at singing. There's great singing teachers out there. It's a muscle, you just have to train it.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Teacher
Image of Luke Evans
Directing is something I've sort of always felt like I'd like to do at one point and I thought the best way to start it is to write something myself or with someone and I'd go from there.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Writing