Lou Holtz

Image of Lou Holtz
I'll assure you this: I will have nothing to do with politics.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
I think that we have opportunities all around us - sometimes we just don't recognize them.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
If Tiger Woods had played football, he would have been a quarterback.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
My first assistant-coaching job in football was at William & Mary in 1961.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
If you try to fight the course, it will beat you.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
ESPN is a great organization to work for.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
I don't exercise.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
All an agent is going to do is buy things for a player, damage his eligibility, and make the player dependent on them.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
God answers prayers, but he doesn't always answer it your way.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
I feel that God wants me to coach; otherwise, he wouldn't have put the desire in me.
- Lou Holtz
Image of Lou Holtz
Remember. Every day, some ordinary person does something extraordinary. Today, it's your turn.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Preparation
Image of Lou Holtz
The greatest power God gave us is the power to choose. We have the opportunity to choose whether we're going to act or procrastinate, believe or doubt, pray or curse, help or heal. We also choose whether we're going to be happy or whether we're going to be sad.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Believe
Image of Lou Holtz
Don't ever promise more than you can deliver, but always deliver more than you promise.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Lou Holtz
The answers to these questions will determine your success or failure. 1) Can people trust me to do what's right? 2) Am I committed to doing my best? 3) Do I care about other people and show it? If the answers to these questions are yes, there is no way you can fail.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Success
Image of Lou Holtz
Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Lou Holtz
Everybody is looking for instant success, but it doesn't work that way. You build a successful life one day at a time.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Wrestling
Image of Lou Holtz
Teamwork is the foundation of success. The three universal questions that an individual asks of his coach, player, employee, employer are: Can I trust you? Are you committed to excellence? And, do you care about me?
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Teamwork
Image of Lou Holtz
The price of LEADERSHIP is RESPONSIBILITY....and part of that responsibility is to STAY POSITIVE whether you feel like it or not.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Lou Holtz
Winners and losers aren't born, they are the products of how they think
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Thinking
Image of Lou Holtz
Only the unprepared are overcome by pressure
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Pressure
Image of Lou Holtz
I believe your attitude is the most important choice you can make.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Attitude
Image of Lou Holtz
We aren't where we want to be; we aren't where we ought to be; but thank goodness we aren't where we used to be.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Want
Image of Lou Holtz
What you are capable of achieving is determined by your talent and ability. What you attempt to do is determined by your motivation. How well you do something is determined by your attitude.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Motivation
Image of Lou Holtz
Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Lou Holtz
It's the extra effort after you have done your best that creates victory.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Effort
Image of Lou Holtz
Remember that adversity presents us with numerous possibilities for success, if we are just willing to see them.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Lou Holtz
There are certain things in this world we all have in common such as time. Everybody has sixty seconds to a minute, sixty minutes to an hour, twenty-four hours to a day. The difference is what we do with that time and how we use it.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Differences
Image of Lou Holtz
Actually, all I ever wanted to be was the best in my field.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Fields
Image of Lou Holtz
It's a better view if you're standing up than if you're laying down.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Motivational
Image of Lou Holtz
I've never known anybody to achieve anything without overcoming adversity.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Success
Image of Lou Holtz
To my wife 'I told you I was sick'.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Football
Image of Lou Holtz
One reason I won't compromise is because I believe honesty helps you win over the long haul. You can win a game tomorrow and lose a team. You can lose a game tomorrow and win a football team.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Sports
Image of Lou Holtz
When I work a game as an analyst, all I do is look at the game like a coach. Why was something successful? What makes it work? I just try to use my expertise and whatever insight I have to the game.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Successful
Image of Lou Holtz
A player has no use for an agent. None.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Player
Image of Lou Holtz
It was a great game if you don't care who won. I cared.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Leadership
Image of Lou Holtz
Absolutely. There are a 1000 better coaches in the cities, but I'm the best in the country.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Football
Image of Lou Holtz
My athletes always follow my advice... unless it conflicts with what that they want to do.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Athlete
Image of Lou Holtz
It's not my job to motivate players. They bring extraordinary motivation to our program. It's my job not to de-motivate them.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Sports
Image of Lou Holtz
First we become the best, then we'll become first.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Leadership
Image of Lou Holtz
No, but you can see it from here.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Football
Image of Lou Holtz
They say a tie is like kissing your sister. I guess that is better than kissing your brother.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Sports
Image of Lou Holtz
You can pay people to perform, but you can't pay people to excel.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: People
Image of Lou Holtz
The team that's on defense first (in overtime) has the advantage because they know whether they need a touchdown a field goal or just a score.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Team
Image of Lou Holtz
The freedom to do your own thing ends when you have obligations and responsibilities.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Lou Holtz
Momentum is whatever your attitude determines it to be.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Attitude
Image of Lou Holtz
All I've seen agents do is talk players into having bad senior seasons because they're trying to keep themselves from getting injured.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Senior
Image of Lou Holtz
After landing his invasion forces on the shores of some country, the sixteenth-century Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes would immediately burn his own boats. He was sending his army a message: "We can't turn back. Either we succeed here or we die here." Excuses were not an option.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Country
Image of Lou Holtz
You always have to prepare for the obstacles that are going to come. Consequently, when they do come, it doesn't affect you mentally near as much as when you're unprepared for them.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Obstacles
Image of Lou Holtz
It's good to be successful but it's great to be significant
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Successful