Liz Phair

Image of Liz Phair
I am comfortable performing now. I love it!
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I have that thrill-seeking mentality, so when people want to know why my incarnations keep changing, or why I'll do something different than I did before, it's that same impulse.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I always give the encore over to chaos, so people can yell out requests and I can hack my way through a song that I don't really know anymore.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I'm always champing at the bit to try everything new. It's a terrible quality that I have.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I was trying to break out of the suburbs, and when I did break out, I don't think I took my whole self with me - I think I played a role of being too cool and hip.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
Guys don't really don't wanna hear if it's really smart, and women feel uncomfortable if you reveal stuff they're going to have to remember they did themselves.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
There's nothing wrong at all with women wanting to be women.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
Wearing a veneer of perfection never did me any good.
- Liz Phair
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I don't know why it surprises people that I surprise them.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
My career has been riddled with controversy, which I never fully understand.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
It's about the journey and the process. I do things because I love doing them, or trying them.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
All parents gush about what it's like to be a parent. I love it.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I think I write songs because of pent-up feelings.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I ended up becoming so self-conscious that my songs stopped being about my life and started being about what people thought of my music. And that was really bad.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I don't have the same access or time to gain access to music the way I used to.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I've lost touch with a lot of that boutique-type music just because of my age, and raising my son and the multiple jobs I have at this point.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I'm just out of touch with new music in general, and I only know about it if I'm hanging out with someone that knows about it, or I catch it on YouTube.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I love scoring. Putting music to picture is a rewarding challenge and one that relies on interpretation of emotion - as in, what is the pivotal feeling in a scene and which character's point of view is driving it at any given moment?
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I love stretching myself musically.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
Composing gives me a chance to work in multiple dimensions and helps me pare down my melodies into what is essential. Learning new skills has always energized me and scoring has opened up a world of sonic possibilities.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
When you love what you do, you're happy just doing it!
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
People hang their hopes on you fitting into their CD collection in way that they have made a space for, but I'm playing a longer game than that.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I don't like being approached by people who look at me too intensely, who needed something from me that I didn't have. I don't represent anything.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
I am just like you and everyone else. I am trying to live my life as best I can.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
Am I coasting on some early success? Yeah. It was a good lucky break for me. But I would rather earn my way back again than simply conform to what people are expecting.
- Liz Phair
Image of Liz Phair
Just to prove i was right that it's harder to be friends than lovers and you shouldn't try and mix the two, cause if you do and then you're still unhappy, then you know that the problem is you.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Two
Image of Liz Phair
It’s nice to be liked, but it’s better by far to get paid.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Nice
Image of Liz Phair
I just want to hear the true voices of women self-expressing - smart ones, stupid ones, ugly ones, beautiful ones, good ones, bad ones, fat ones, thin ones, all of it - until the profound silence that has resounded throughout history is filled with a healthy chorus coming from our side of the aisle.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Liz Phair
Isn't this the best part of breakin' up? Finding someone else you can't get enough of. Someone who wants to be with you, too.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Want
Image of Liz Phair
And, you know, I still haven't been contacted by Mick Jagger, either!
- Liz Phair
Collection: Stills
Image of Liz Phair
I don't mind people not liking me as long as there's mutual respect.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Long
Image of Liz Phair
I grew up with a lot of brothers and male cousins, so I had to worm my way in to get heard. But that's sort of what excites me.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Brother
Image of Liz Phair
I can feel it in my bones: I'm gonna spend my whole life alone.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Bones
Image of Liz Phair
What does it mean when something changes how it's always been?
- Liz Phair
Collection: Mean
Image of Liz Phair
Lana Del Rey seems to be bothering everybody because she allegedly remade herself from a folk singing, girl-next-door type into an electro-urban kitty cat on the prowl (of course I like her), and they feel she is inauthentic.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Girl
Image of Liz Phair
Love is nothing, nothing, nothing like they say.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Love Is
Image of Liz Phair
Madonna is the speedboat, and the rest of us are just the Go-Gos on water skis.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Water
Image of Liz Phair
The license said you had to stick around until I was dead, but if you're tired of looking at my face I guess I already am.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Tired
Image of Liz Phair
When it's me in my living room, it's pretty pure, and then what gets recorded involves more people, and it keeps escalating from there.
- Liz Phair
Collection: People
Image of Liz Phair
When I was young, I used to need other people's albums and I got very involved with their music and it meant a lot to me.
- Liz Phair
Collection: People
Image of Liz Phair
Well, if you've got a one-in-a-million girl don't let her get away; cause the next one-in-a-million girl is a million girls away.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Girl
Image of Liz Phair
No. You know what really bugs me about my videos? When they can't figure out what to do, they just have me change clothes five times.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Clothes
Image of Liz Phair
I'd like to do a tour with a bunch of people where it's just them and their guitars. It would be like Lilith Fair - only everyone plays alone, and it would be competitive.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Guitar
Image of Liz Phair
I'm really happy with my life now, but there's a lot of stuff I feel very sad about in ways I can't even control.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Stuff
Image of Liz Phair
Nothing feeds a hunger like a thirst
- Liz Phair
Collection: Hunger
Image of Liz Phair
There's even more stuff that I'd like to release, but I'm scared to, that's really, um, nerdy... not nerdy in a good way. Like, silly.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Silly
Image of Liz Phair
That's exactly what's exciting for me - the idea of infiltrating the male structure and affecting change from within.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Ideas
Image of Liz Phair
I would argue that the uncomfortable feelings she elicits are simply the by-product of watching a woman wanting and taking like a man.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Men