Kim Kardashian

Image of Kim Kardashian
Kanye [West] is the hardest person to buy something for.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: West
Image of Kim Kardashian
I would say looking fat sometimes. I really do take it seriously. I try to do what I can and diet and stay in shape, and it does make me insecure when I'm heavy.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Insecure
Image of Kim Kardashian
How you feel like a unit, you feel like a team together. There's something about being married that just unites that and just bonds you. I think it does mean something, and it does feel different. Kanye has always treated me like we were that team from day one, but I've seen a change in him as a dad. He's really softened up since he's become a dad.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Dad
Image of Kim Kardashian
So far, designing is the most exciting thing. Ive done I have a vision of what I want the clothes to look like in my mind and its fun to see it come alive on paper.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Fun
Image of Kim Kardashian
I love to bake, especially cupcakes. I'm really good at it.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Cupcakes
Image of Kim Kardashian
Kourtney [Kardashian] is so freaking cute, she can wear everything.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Cute
Image of Kim Kardashian
I am a huge Eminem fan and find it flattering that he would rap about me. Personally, I'm honored.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Rap
Image of Kim Kardashian
I would probably creepily follow my kids around, see how they act, see what they talk about. I record my daughter just talking because the things she says are so funny. I could watch her talk all day.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kim Kardashian
I get annoyed with rushing. Then I get in a bad mood - I'm so cranky. I hate being late.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Hate
Image of Kim Kardashian
I just want a look so classic that I don't get made fun of for it later!
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Fun
Image of Kim Kardashian
I can smell when someone has a cavity. It's a very specific smell - not a bad-breath smell - but something that is really strong.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Strong
Image of Kim Kardashian
It's [her new house] kind of like my relationship. I'm like nurturing it and like spending a lot of time there and making sure that everything is perfect. It's like my new boyfriend.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Perfect
Image of Kim Kardashian
But I do realize I'm going to have to go through the pregnancy again. Mine was a really difficult pregnancy. It's tough. Of course I want to have another child. We'll see. I'm going to have one more, and see what it's like.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Children
Image of Kim Kardashian
We met the Jonas Brothers. Nick [Jonas] is so cute ... I don't think Reggie will get mad because [Nick] is, like, I really shouldn't say he's cute. It's a little inappropriate!
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Cute
Image of Kim Kardashian
I don't care what the weather is, I will always wear my coats. I am always freezing, so it works out perfectly for me!
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Weather
Image of Kim Kardashian
Embraced by the Light. It's about a woman who passed away during surgery, and she went to heaven, had her experience, and then came back. My dad [Robert Kardashian] would try to get me to read it, and I wouldn't. Then when he passed away, I was cleaning out my room in his house, and I found it. I read it, and it helped me. I felt like my dad was okay.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Dad
Image of Kim Kardashian
A lot of people have strong beliefs, but they don't have the confidence to really stick to them. I really respect Kanye [West] for that.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Strong
Image of Kim Kardashian
The best piece of business advice probably came from my mother, and she always just tells me to, you know, commit to it 100%. And to stay focused, and don't be lazy. I was never taught to really be lazy. If you're going to take on a project, do it 100%. Don't half - ass anything.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Mother
Image of Kim Kardashian
First and foremost, I married for love. I can't believe I even have to defend this.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Firsts
Image of Kim Kardashian
I thought Johnny Depp was so cute when I was younger.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Cute
Image of Kim Kardashian
One main problem with raising awareness of LGBT abuse is the denial. The term "domestic violence" is perceived as something akin to alcoholism, ("I don't sit on a park bench drinking") and people do not see that they are perpetrating or are a victim of DV because they have a set idea about what it is.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Drinking
Image of Kim Kardashian
I've always been into leopard print. No joke, when I was 14 years old I wanted my entire room to be covered in it.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Years
Image of Kim Kardashian
I took on so many things and not everything was the right fit. If you do that, it can kill your brand. A partnership has to be real and authentic.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Real
Image of Kim Kardashian
It was always so important to my dad for us to understand about the Genocide and to know about our family history.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Dad
Image of Kim Kardashian
I've learned to not care. There are always going to be ridiculous rumours.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Ridiculous
Image of Kim Kardashian
For me, skinny is just a style of jeans -- not a goal.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Jeans
Image of Kim Kardashian
I was really strict about my daughter sleeping in her own room, and now she's really independent and likes it that way. So I think for all new moms, I can totally see how you can get wrapped up in making your child 100% your time. But if you could just take 5% or 10% for yourself a day, it won't just make the difference in your confidence, but also your sanity. I think once you just set boundaries and how you're going to parent - everyone parents differently so I hate to be that person to tell them how anyone should parent, I think whatever works for you works.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Mom
Image of Kim Kardashian
My mom told me I could have sheets, towels, and a few pillows, but I wanted leopard drapes, carpeting, and a comforter, too. I think maybe my obsession had something to do with my grandmother - she told me the best print to buy is leopard because it always stays in style.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Mom
Image of Kim Kardashian
The things I'm passionate about are beauty and fashion.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Fashion
Image of Kim Kardashian
I really like the song "Only One" [ Kanye West with Paul McCartney].
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Song
Image of Kim Kardashian
I don't find myself as sexy as everyone thinks. I'm a lot more insecure than people would assume, but with little stupid things. When I get dressed, I'm always so indecisive.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Sexy
Image of Kim Kardashian
EWW. I'm at lunch, the woman at the table next to me is breast feeding her baby with no coverup.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Baby
Image of Kim Kardashian
I think it really takes about 15-20 selfies that someone takes on their phone before they post the right one. There was this selfie that I took where I was wearing a white bathing suit, and it was after I had the baby, and it was a sexy pic. It took about 15 pictures to get the one that I posted. So you'll see all the ones that didn't make it. And you'll see all my selfies from the past years, including my first-ever selfie when I was four years old.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Sexy
Image of Kim Kardashian
I was like, 'What's Margiela?' back then.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Fashion
Image of Kim Kardashian
Is that not ridiculous that people thought that Justin Bieber and I were on a vacation together, on a romantic vacation, in the Bahamas, and I just happened to wear a gown as my swimsuit and red lips and he's dressed in a suit in the ocean? Seriously who would walk to the beach like that?
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Beach
Image of Kim Kardashian
Being on TV has changed my life because I get lots of free stuff!
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Stuff
Image of Kim Kardashian
I feel lazy when I'm not working. I learned all my business sense from my dad. He always believed in me, and I think the last thing he said to me before he passed away was, 'I know you're gonna be OK. I'm not worried about you.'
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Relationship
Image of Kim Kardashian
It would be really sexy to have George Clooney once. I think he is so sexy!
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Sexy
Image of Kim Kardashian
Every girl who has dated a football player ... They all have sex the same way.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Girl
Image of Kim Kardashian
I think the most important thing [for moms] is - I always liked help with feeding essentials like breastfeeding stuff, because it's really tricky.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kim Kardashian
When you do a cheesy leopard print, it can turn out so wrong.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Cheesy
Image of Kim Kardashian
I need to wear either something really short or a maxi dress; anything in between just looks weird.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Dresses
Image of Kim Kardashian
I definitely think anything I’d be in now is a permanent relationship.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kim Kardashian
And of Kanye's [West]? I have to say [I love] his heart. And I've always loved his legs.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Heart
Image of Kim Kardashian
I love Ali MacGraw and her style - I'm into vintage '70s outfits at the moment.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Vintage
Image of Kim Kardashian
When I was younger I always wanted to dress like Kim [Kardashian], but her style doesn't necessarily fit my body type.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Style
Image of Kim Kardashian
I think Kanye West gets really annoyed because I just hate fittings. I'll just be like,"Ah, I can't find something to wear."
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Hate
Image of Kim Kardashian
I'm up at like 6 a.m. With my trainer, running up the hill you drove up to get here.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Running
Image of Kim Kardashian
I love sharing my world, and I love showing the creative process, whether we're in the middle of a design meetings for our kids line or, you know, I posted a photo of me with my makeup halfway done with the contour. I do like to share my life. I think that's just always who I've been.
- Kim Kardashian
Collection: Kids