Karl Lagerfeld

Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I don't even want to have things associated with my name on the internet - it's very dangerous.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Names
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
People want to know everything, and so they put you in the limelight. Sometimes, I am not down to earth, and I think I am flying away from the outer realms of reality.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Reality
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I think it's very important what young people see in pictures or on TV or in magazines. Drugs, violence, anorexia. All of the things that I absolutely do not reference in my photos.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Thinking
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I don't have prejudices. I'm against taboos. But of course there are some things I'll never touch - because as a mom, there are things one doesn't want their children to be around.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Mom
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
When I was a child, my mother always told me that you could wake up in the middle of the night and be deathly sick, so you always have to be impeccable. I laugh about it now, but I think everyone should go to bed like they have a date at the door.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Mother
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I see things in the middle of the night. I draw them on paper and I don't even think about it. I'm like a machine in a way - just made of some electronic stuff. Vaguely digital.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Thinking
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I like the present and tomorrow
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Tomorrow
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
Never use the word “cheap”. Today everybody can look chic in inexpensive clothes (the rich buy them too). There is good clothing design on every level today. You can be the chicest thing in the world in a T-shirt and jeans — it’s up to you.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Fashion
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
With expensive fashion, the inside should be as perfect as the outside.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Fashion
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
If you stick to something doggedly, you are off to a bad start.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Sticks
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
What I've done, Coco Chanel would never have done. She would have hated it.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Fashion
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
Seduction is, first and foremost, an art form. And seduction should not always be treated as a wild celebration. In fact, it's more of an evocation of what you do. It's more an evocation of seduction.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Art
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
Clear thinking at the wrong moment can stifle creativity.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Creativity
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
When I was 14, I wanted to smoke because my mother smoked like mad. I wanted to smoke to look grown-up. But my mother said: 'You shouldn't smoke. Your hands are not that beautiful and that shows when you smoke.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I've survived quite a few generations. That's because I never lost my enthusiasm. I wake up every morning like on Christmas Day, waiting for the gifts.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Morning
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
We create a product nobody needs but people want. You spend more for what you really want; some boring things you need: an ugly old car can wait, but if you have a new fashion item it cannot wait.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Fashion
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
If you want respect for your past, it means that you have a problem with your present and even more with your future.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Mean
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I do my job like I breathe — so if I can’t breathe I’m in trouble.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Jobs
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
People who do a job that claims to be creative have to be alone to recharge their batteries. You can’t live 24 hours a day in the spotlight and remain creative. For people like me, solitude is a victory.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Jobs
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
Beauty—or the desire to be beautiful—is in itself a dangerous motivation. Someone (I forgot who) once said, ‘Does the person who loves someone for their beauty really love them?’ So don’t focus on beauty ... a respectable appearance is sufficient to make people more interested in your soul. It is the sum of our experiences that makes us interesting, and having been through a time in your life in which you were in a bad place (or what you perceived as a bad place) physically, can be useful. It can even be necessary.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
Beauty with character ages better than perfection.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Character
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
The secret to modeling is not being perfect. What one needs is a face that people can identify in a second. You have to be given what’s needed by nature, and what’s needed is to bring something new.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Nature
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
As a child I wanted to be a grown-up. I wanted to know everything - not that I like to talk about it. I hate intellectual conversation with intellectuals because I only care about my opinion.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Children
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I hate amateurs. I hate unprofessional people. There are enough people who can do jobs decently that there's no reason that people who cannot do them decently [should] pretend to be great at it.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Jobs
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
The thing at the moment is Adele. She is a little too fat, but she has a beautiful face and a divine voice.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
In fact, I don’t even know myself. That is the big secret of the story. That there is no story.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Stories
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
The importance of logo into today’s fashion is un! be! Lievable!
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Fashion
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
Seduction is, first and foremost, an art form. And seduction should not always be treated as a wild celebration. In fact, it’s more of an evocation of what you do. It’s more an evocation of seduction.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Firsts
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I make such big efforts to forget things and I can’t tell the story of my life because, thank God, I’m still living it.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Stories
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
Don’t overact the story of your name. Overact the story of your work.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Stories
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I’m rather pro-prostitution, I admire people who do it. It can’t be much fun. Thank goodness for it. People need relief or they become murderers.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Fun
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I hate leisure, except reading. I’m really a person made to work, if sketching is considered work.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Reading
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
The story with anorexic girls – nobody works with anorexic girls. That has nothing to do with fashion.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Stories
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
A book has to be easy to open and you don’t have to be a bodybuilder to lift it. I like books I can read in bed. Those big tombstones would kill me.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Book
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
Things have to be beautifully made, even if they are full of fun, fantasy and futility.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Fun
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I’ve only wanted paper and beautiful colors. It was my dream, and it still is my dream. And books. They’re all I need, and the rest I can do without.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Book
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I never go anywhere. I do sketches and make phone calls, and people visit. It’s more fun to come to Paris.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Fun
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
Because I stopped dieting already six months ago, and I think it’s important to bring out a book like this and you are there a year later and say look, I’m still like this.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Book