Jude Law

Image of Jude Law
Rafferty [Law] plays three or four instruments. He is very gifted. Whereas I pick instruments up and kind of stare at them and go, "I can't ever possibly play this." And I don't!
- Jude Law
Collection: Law
Image of Jude Law
When I think about it like that, it feels like a burden. But that won't mean I'll be single for the rest of my life - I hope. I feel very settled with myself in my world. I don't feel as needy and desperate to prove things about myself. In my twenties I was very keen to achieve this and disprove this and that. Now I enjoy just being able to concentrate on my children and my work and myself.
- Jude Law
Collection: Single
Image of Jude Law
I've always thought Prince Charming in Cinderella was the most boring role; I'd rather be the Wicked Witch.
- Jude Law
Collection: Wicked
Image of Jude Law
I'm a massive comic book fan. I was buying weekly installments of "The Watchmen", and "From Hell", and "Parallax" and "Johnny Nemo". I was a huge comic book fan as a kid and I still am. Me and my youngest son are both comic book nerds together; make models and stuff.
- Jude Law
Collection: Book
Image of Jude Law
It's interesting to see how people bring different things to them. I think it comes down to the universal appeal of the Holmes-Watson that they can keep being discovered in different ways.
- Jude Law
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jude Law
[Tom] Wolfe's books offered a whole new world to step into, and whilst at times you could accuse him of being somewhat long-winded, he had an incredible quality of prose and a bravery of writing from the heart. He believed in being autobiographical at all times.
- Jude Law
Collection: Book
Image of Jude Law
It was the shaving that bothered me the most. I'm not a great fan of shaving and I had to be really clean-shaven, hands, head, hairline, all the fluff off my face, everything except my eyebrows, so this sheen, this kind of polish they used on me, would stick.
- Jude Law
Collection: Hands
Image of Jude Law
You can compare Holmes and Watson to great Shakespearean characters, in a way. They've been played by hundreds of actors over the years, and each one is a different interpretation - the source material can take that form of interpretation.
- Jude Law
Collection: Character
Image of Jude Law
When you got source material, whether it's a play or a book - a great writer often appreciates being adapted and developed. It's like when you go see a production of a great play and they are always different. There is always room for interpretation.
- Jude Law
Collection: Book
Image of Jude Law
I never thought I had to forge a family, but it felt the most natural thing that ever happened to me - meeting someone and becoming a father.
- Jude Law
Collection: Father
Image of Jude Law
I only want to do the kind of work that I would like to go and see, that`s going to teach me something new, that involves working with people I can learn something from and I can give something to.
- Jude Law
Collection: People
Image of Jude Law
There is no defence for my actions which I sincerely regret. [on an affair with nanny Daisy Wright]
- Jude Law
Collection: Regret
Image of Jude Law
I hadn't read or heard a lot about [Tom] Wolfe until I read this script, and in that way I think it was really clever to write a piece about him instead of Max Perkins,[Ernest] Hemingway, [John] Fitzgerald, or others that people have strong opinions of already.
- Jude Law
Collection: Strong
Image of Jude Law
You are [as an actor] aware that you don't want to repeat stuff, but you want to use what has worked. But you don't want to be accused of just going over the old thing, you know? You want it to start growing a little bit more.
- Jude Law
Collection: Old Things
Image of Jude Law
The only film I ever made for money was something called Music From Another Room, which I really didn`t like.
- Jude Law
Collection: Rooms
Image of Jude Law
You have a handkerchief, put it in your pocket.
- Jude Law
Collection: Pockets
Image of Jude Law
I need someone to give me a part where I play the piano so I can learn it. I would love that.
- Jude Law
Collection: Play
Image of Jude Law
There are always seasons to a career and perhaps always the grass is often greener, you're often looking at other people's careers going, "Damn, they get all the good roles. Why didn't I read that? Why didn't they ask me to do that?"
- Jude Law
Collection: Careers
Image of Jude Law
The other nice thing about the robes is that they keep you cool in the summer, and we were filming sometimes in Rome, where it was sometimes over 100 degrees.
- Jude Law
Collection: Summer
Image of Jude Law
When someone like Steven Soderbergh asks you to do a film you know you're in good hands. You know it's going to be slick, and it's going to be intelligent, and it's going to have a kind of style to it, and I would probably have done anything to be really honest.
- Jude Law
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Jude Law
Landing a role now is not based on my looks - more on my acting ability.
- Jude Law
Collection: Acting
Image of Jude Law
The truth is, one can work for another ten years and be playing parts, pushing yourself as hard as you can, and you are still accused of that. You're still tainted with that brush. I'm not called Jude Law, I have three names; I'm called 'Hunk Jude Law'.
- Jude Law
Collection: Years
Image of Jude Law
The greatest gift an actor can have is not revealing who he is but through the parts he plays. Unfortunately, we live in a world where everyone wants to know everything all the time and I think it takes away part of the fun of acting that we have to go through that all the time.
- Jude Law
Collection: Fun