Top Old Things Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Old Things quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Mike Quade
How can you wonder what's going to happen when you don't know who's going to be the new guy in town? It's the age-old thing - it's such a cliché - but why worry about things you have no control over? What I can do is try to get this club to continue to play well. That's all I can do.
- Mike Quade
Collection: Old Things
Image of Dan Mangan
We're constantly dealing with old problems under the circumstance of new variables, so just things like greed and fear and anger and inequality are issues that humanity has constantly dealt with. The parameters and the variables change but these are old things. And discussing those things is slightly more timeless rather than focusing on one tiny thing.
- Dan Mangan
Collection: Old Things
Image of Lamar Alexander
Americans wouldn't do that [cashing out the same day]. Then they would be in the great old thing we used to call the marketplace. You know, we have hundreds of millions of stock shares floating every day. People buy them and sell them and trade them.
- Lamar Alexander
Collection: Old Things
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
There is this old thing that a lot of people say - that the worst experiences make the best films. I don't subscribe to it. But I've seen it happen.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Collection: Old Things
Image of Juicy J
Nothing is going to stay the same; nothing's gonna sound like in 1952. There's some stuff that has some elements of back in the day, like back in the 90's, back in the 80's or whatever. Some elements, but it's not going to be the same, exactly, sounding. And I love it, I've seen the music change. I've seen the flow and the energy go from turned up to turned down to back to turned up. I like to try different stuff. I don't like to do the same old thing over and over again. I don't like to be repetitive, that gets on my nerves.
- Juicy J
Collection: Old Things
Image of R. K. Milholland
Sometimes old things need to go away. That way, we have room for the new things that come into our lives.
- R. K. Milholland
Collection: Old Things
Image of Thomas Cole
How I have walked... day after day, and all alone, to see if there was not something among the old things which was new!
- Thomas Cole
Collection: Old Things
Image of Ethel M. Dell
What the world, social and political, concrete and mental, really needs is not new things, but the old things made new.
- Ethel M. Dell
Collection: Old Things
Image of Ned Beauman
Naming one thing after another cannot, logically, increase the chances of the new thing turning out like the old thing.
- Ned Beauman
Collection: Old Things
Image of Jonathan Hickman
When you come fact to face with love, and before the sun sets, you become someone you didn't used to be. It makes the old things new. Makes dead things live. Love makes you into something better.
- Jonathan Hickman
Collection: Old Things
Image of Renzo Novatore
My motto is: walk expropriating and igniting, always leaving behind me howls of moral offenses and smoking trunks of old things.
- Renzo Novatore
Collection: Old Things
Image of Hal Hartley
We discover and invent new ways of finding out the same old things.
- Hal Hartley
Collection: Old Things
Image of Jules Breton
There is nothing new under the sun, not even Manet.
- Jules Breton
Collection: Old Things
Image of Robert Baden-Powell
"Be Prepared." "Be prepared for what?" "Why, for any old thing."
- Robert Baden-Powell
Collection: Old Things
Image of Manolo Blahnik
I'm an old bag - I like old things.
- Manolo Blahnik
Collection: Old Things
Image of Kami Garcia
Old things are better than new things, because they've got stories in them, Ethan.
- Kami Garcia
Collection: Old Things
Image of Wallace Stevens
The people in the world, and the objects in it, and the world as a whole, are not absolute things, but on the contrary, are the phenomena of perception... If we were all alike: if we were millions of people saying do, re, mi, in unison, One poet would be enough... But we are not alone, and everything needs expounding all the time because, as people live and die, each one perceiving life and death for himself, and mostly by and in himself, there develops a curiosity about the perceptions of others. This is what makes it possible to go on saying new things about old things.
- Wallace Stevens
Collection: Old Things
Image of Mark Batterson
If you want God to do something new in you, you cannot keep doing the same old thing. You have to do something different. And if you do, God will create new capacities within you. There will be new gifts and new revelations. But you've got to pray the price. You'll get out of this what you put into it.
- Mark Batterson
Collection: Old Things
Image of Donald Miller
The thing about new things is you feel new when you buy them, you feel as though you are somebody different because you own something different. We are our possessions, you know. There are people who get addicted to buying new stuff. Things. Piles and piles of things. But the new things become old things so quickly. We need new things to replace the old things.
- Donald Miller
Collection: Old Things
Image of Darynda Jones
Can you find out how owns C and R industries? They bought the old abandoned mental asylum downtown." "That old thing? What are they going to do with it?" "I don't know. I was hoping their overcompensating sign would say, but it just says 'private property' and shouts lots of threats in capital letters, all of which I plan to completely ignore later.
- Darynda Jones
Collection: Old Things
Image of Andy Warhol
New things are always better than old things.
- Andy Warhol
Collection: Old Things
Image of Joseph Campbell
A schism in the body social, will not be resolved by any scheme of a return to the good old days (archaism), or by programs guaranteed to render an ideal projected future (futurism), or even by the most realistic, hardheaded work to weld together again the deteriorating elements. Only birth can conquer death -- the birth, not of the old thing again, but of something new.
- Joseph Campbell
Collection: Old Things
Image of Mason Cooley
The same old thing--even if it's champagne--is still the same old thing.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Old Things
Image of Anne Fadiman
It is a truism of epistolary psychology that, for example, a Christmas thank-you note written on December 26 can say any old thing, but if you wait until February, you are convinced that nothing less than Middlemarch will do.
- Anne Fadiman
Collection: Old Things
Image of Freeman Dyson
New directions in science are launched by new tools much more often than by new concepts. The effect of a concept-driven revolution is to explain old things in new ways. The effect of a tool-driven revolution is to discover new things that have to be explained.
- Freeman Dyson
Collection: Old Things
Image of Allen Ginsberg
Unholy battered old thing you were, my sunflower O my soul, I loved you then!
- Allen Ginsberg
Collection: Old Things
Image of Seth Godin
At least at first, the new thing is rarely as good as the old thing was. If you need the alternative to be better than the status quo from the very start, you'll never begin.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Old Things
Image of Charles Kettering
Obsolescence is a factor which says that the new thing I bring you is worth more than the unused value of the old thing.
- Charles Kettering
Collection: Old Things
Image of Jude Law
You are [as an actor] aware that you don't want to repeat stuff, but you want to use what has worked. But you don't want to be accused of just going over the old thing, you know? You want it to start growing a little bit more.
- Jude Law
Collection: Old Things
Image of C. S. Lewis
Surely arrested development consists not in refusing to lose old things but in failing to add new things.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Old Things
Image of Rudyard Kipling
Funny how the new things are the old things.
- Rudyard Kipling
Collection: Old Things