Joyce Meyer

Image of Joyce Meyer
We don't have to wait for something nice to happen to us, we can be aggressive and do something nice for ourselves.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Joyce Meyer
You are a preacher! Maybe not with your mouth all the time like me, but as a believer in Christ, your life is a living sermon.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Life
Image of Joyce Meyer
Justified means just as if you've never sinned.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Mean
Image of Joyce Meyer
It pleases our heavenly Father when we acknowledge and confess to Him our inability to run our own lives. That is what we are doing when we say, "Father, help me! I need You!"
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: God
Image of Joyce Meyer
When you forgive, you're not doing God a favor, you are giving yourself the gift of freedom.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Giving
Image of Joyce Meyer
Everything doesn't have to feel good to be God
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Feel Good
Image of Joyce Meyer
Your soul is your mind, your will and your emotions. When the Word gets rooted in there and begins to change your mind, it begins to heal your emotions and turn your will away from self-will and onto doing the will of God.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Self
Image of Joyce Meyer
Today is a brand new beginning for me!
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: New Beginnings
Image of Joyce Meyer
The more we keep our mind on ourselves and our wants, the more unhappy we become. God wants us to love others and meet their needs.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Mind
Image of Joyce Meyer
Make happiness a habit. Be so happy you drive the devil stark-raving mad.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Mad
Image of Joyce Meyer
Don't live like there's no tomorrow because tomorrow always comes.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Tomorrow
Image of Joyce Meyer
The Holy Spirit showed me that when I put up walls to keep others out I also wall myself into solitary place of confinement.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Wall
Image of Joyce Meyer
If God is in fact separated from the government, then we can never possibly have a godly government. There's no way for America to be good if she's not godly.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Godly
Image of Joyce Meyer
[The notion of separating church and state with such policies as disallowing prayer in public schools] is a deception from Satan.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Prayer
Image of Joyce Meyer
We may not know what to do, but it is sufficient to know the One who knows. We all like specific direction; however, when we don't have it, knowing God is faithful and ever true to His promise, and that He has promised to be with us always, is comforting and keeps us stable until His time is right to speak to us more specifically.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Knowing
Image of Joyce Meyer
It isn't necessary to trust God when we have full understanding and knowledge of what He is doing on our behalf... Trust is needed in those times when, for whatever reason, we are not hearing from God as clearly as we would like.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Understanding
Image of Joyce Meyer
Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Patience
Image of Joyce Meyer
Having a rough day? Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? It’s called purpose. You’re alive for a reason. Don’t give up.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Heart
Image of Joyce Meyer
If you don’t love yourself, it’s impossible for you to love others. You can’t give away what you don’t have.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Love You
Image of Joyce Meyer
The more you trust Jesus and keep your eyes focused on Him, the more life you’ll have. Trusting God brings life. Believing brings rest. So stop trying to figure everything out, and let God be God in your life.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Joyce Meyer
Worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Worry
Image of Joyce Meyer
I want to focus on God’s grace and give thanks for all the good things in my life. I don’t want to focus on what I don’t have.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Giving
Image of Joyce Meyer
We will all fail in life, but nobody has to be a failure. Failing at a thing doesn’t make you a failure. You are only a failure when you quit trying.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Quitting
Image of Joyce Meyer
You never know how close you are to a breakthrough. It may be right around the corner. Don’t quit!
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Encouraging
Image of Joyce Meyer
Faith is having a positive attitude about what you can do and not worrying at all about what you can’t do.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Attitude
Image of Joyce Meyer
Do what’s right, first. Don’t sit around and wait for someone else to do the right thing first.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Firsts
Image of Joyce Meyer
Fear will try to keep you from taking that first step. Don’t give in to fear, do it afraid.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Firsts
Image of Joyce Meyer
Patience is a fruit of the spirit that grows only under trial. It is useless to pray for patience. Well, actually I encourage you to pray for patience, but I’ll tell you what you’ll get TRIALS!
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Patience
Image of Joyce Meyer
You can’t have real love without operating in forgiveness. Love keeps giving the other person another chance.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Real
Image of Joyce Meyer
If you’re strong enough on the inside, you can handle anything that comes at you on the outside.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Strong
Image of Joyce Meyer
I don’t really have many hobbies but one of my favorite things to do is spend time with my family. We have fun together, and building those relationships is very important to me.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Fun
Image of Joyce Meyer
As we regularly spend time reading God’s Word and talking to Him in prayer, we put ourselves in position for Him to do things in our lives we could never do on our own.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Reading
Image of Joyce Meyer
Be it unto you, even as you believe. In God’s economy, we believe first and then see.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Firsts
Image of Joyce Meyer
When it comes to our everyday habits, it’s important to ask: ‘Am I putting God first?’
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Firsts
Image of Joyce Meyer
I’m sure most parents read to their children to explain what certain things mean. So books are a good way to convey a message to anybody. Everybody reads.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Book
Image of Joyce Meyer
Home Run portrays the church in its beauty – true life transformation through real and honest relationships with one another and with Jesus.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Real