Joseph Stalin

Image of Joseph Stalin
He who votes does not have power. He who counts the votes has power.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Doe
Image of Joseph Stalin
A man's eyes should be torn out if he can only see the past
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Eye
Image of Joseph Stalin
In the future, there will be fewer but better Russians.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Democracy
Image of Joseph Stalin
Ah, these diplomats! What chatterboxes! There's only one way to shut them up - cut them down with machine guns. Bulganin, go and get me one!
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Military
Image of Joseph Stalin
The leaders come and go, but the people remain. Only the people are immortal.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: People
Image of Joseph Stalin
In speaking of the capitalists who strive only for profit, only to get rich, I do not want to say that these are the most worthless people capable of doing nothing else. Many of them undoubtedly possess great organising talent, which I would not dream of denying. We Soviet people learn a lot from the capitalists. But if you mean people who are prepared to reconstruct the world, of course you will not be able to find them in the ranks of those who faithfully serve the cause of profit. ..The capitalist is riveted in profit and nothing can tear him away from it.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Dream
Image of Joseph Stalin
Real liberty exists only there where exploitation has been annihilated, where no oppression of some peoples by others exists, where there is no unemployment and pauperism, where a person does not tremble because tomorrow he may lose his job, home and bread.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joseph Stalin
Marxism is not only the theory of socialism, it is an integral world outlook, a philosophical system, from which Marx’s proletarian socialism logically follows. This philosophical system is called dialectical materialism.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Philosophical
Image of Joseph Stalin
Anti-Semitism is dangerous for the toilers, for it is a false track which diverts them from the proper road and leads them into the jungle. Hence, Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable and bitter enemies of anti-Semitism. In the U.S.S.R., anti-Semitism is strictly prosecuted as a phenomenon hostile to the Soviet system. According to the laws of the U.S.S.R. active anti-Semites are punished with death.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Law
Image of Joseph Stalin
[After Communism succeeds] ...then, there will come a peace across the earth.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Peace
Image of Joseph Stalin
Do you remember the tsar? Well, I‘m like a tsar.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Remember
Image of Joseph Stalin
Of all the treasures a state can possess, the human lives of its citizens are for us the most precious.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Citizens
Image of Joseph Stalin
How do you expect the Germans to revolt when they don't even dare walk on the grass?
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Travel
Image of Joseph Stalin
As we know, the goal of every struggle is victory. But if the proletariat is to achieve victory, all the workers, irrespective of nationality, must be united. Clearly, the demolition of national barriers and close unity between the Russian, Georgian, Armenian, Polish, Jewish and other proletarians is a necessary condition for the victory of the proletariat of all Russia.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Struggle
Image of Joseph Stalin
Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Joseph Stalin
When one man dies it is a tragedy, when thousands die it's statistics.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Men
Image of Joseph Stalin
At this point the question of Ukraine is the most important. The situation in Ukraine is very bad. If we don't take steps now to improve the situation, we may lose Ukraine. The objective should be to transform Ukraine , in the shortest period of time, into a real fortress of the U.S.S.R.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Real
Image of Joseph Stalin
If any foreign minister begins to defend to the death a 'peace conference,' you can be sure his government has already placed its orders for new battleships and airplanes.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Peace
Image of Joseph Stalin
Our Soviet society is socialist because private ownership of factories, plants, land, banks and means of transportation has been abolished in our country, and replaced by public ownership.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Country
Image of Joseph Stalin
Nowadays wars are not declared. They simply start.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
You do not lament the loss of hair of one who has been beheaded.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Loss
Image of Joseph Stalin
We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or they will crush us.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Crush
Image of Joseph Stalin
music's a good thing, it calm the beast in the man.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Men
Image of Joseph Stalin
World War II was fought for the abolition of racial exclusiveness, equality of nations and the integrity of their territories, liberation of enslaved nations and restoration of their sovereign rights, the right of every nation to arrange its affairs as it wishes, economic aid to nations that have suffered and assistance to them in attaining their material welfare, restoration of democratic liberties, and destruction of the Hitlerite regime.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
Remember how the first world war broke out. It broke out as a result of the desire to redivide the world.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
There is not, nor should there be, an irreconcilable contrast between the individual and the collective, between the interests of an individual person and the interests of the collective.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Political
Image of Joseph Stalin
The production of souls is more important than the production of tanks.... And therefore I raise my glass to you, writers, the engineers of the human soul.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Glasses
Image of Joseph Stalin
American Communists have the opportunity to preach freely their ideas. It would be absolutely wrong to hold the Soviet government responsible for activities of the American Communists.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Joseph Stalin
Obviously these [white-guard] emigres enjoy the right of asylum existing also in the U.S. So far as we are concerned we would never tolerate a single terrorist in our territory regardless against whom he would contemplate his crimes. Apparently the right of asylum receives broader interpretation in the U.S.A. than in our country.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Country
Image of Joseph Stalin
I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of History will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Wind
Image of Joseph Stalin
In war I would deal with the Devil and his grandmother
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
Our new Soviet constitution will, in my opinion, be the most democratic constitution of all those existing in the world.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: World
Image of Joseph Stalin
It doesnt matter how many people vote, only who counts them.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: People
Image of Joseph Stalin
As you can see, even when [Adolf] Hitler desires to speak for peace, he cannot dispense with threats. This is symptomatic.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Desire
Image of Joseph Stalin
Personel selection is decisive. People are our most valuable capital.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: People
Image of Joseph Stalin
Quanity has it's own quality.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Quality
Image of Joseph Stalin
The Jews are not a nation!
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Jew
Image of Joseph Stalin
The rich experience of history teaches that up to now not a single class has voluntarily made way for another class.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Class
Image of Joseph Stalin
When you chop wood, splinters fly
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Splinters
Image of Joseph Stalin
The reason why there is now no communist government in Paris is because in the circumstances of 1945 the Soviet army was not able to reach French soil.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
Artillery is the god of war.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Military
Image of Joseph Stalin
Writers are the engineers of human souls.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Writing
Image of Joseph Stalin
In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Law
Image of Joseph Stalin
The Red Army and Navy and the whole Soviet people must fight for every inch of Soviet soil, fight to the last drop of blood for our towns and villages...onward, to victory!
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Change
Image of Joseph Stalin
There is talk ... of our constructing Dnieprostroy through our own means. The means needed are great, several hundred millions. Let us not get into the position of the peasant who, after accumulating a nest-egg, instead of repairing his plough and renewing his equipment, buys a gramophone and goes bankrupt.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Mean
Image of Joseph Stalin
We believe that the Anarchists are real enemies of Marxism.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Real
Image of Joseph Stalin
Take some exercise, try to recover the look of a human being.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Exercise
Image of Joseph Stalin
We Marxists believe that revolution will occur in other countries, as well. But it will occur at a time when it will be considered possible or necessary by revolutionaries of those countries.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: Country