Joseph Smith, Jr.

Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Trust in God, always take care of each other.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Care
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
The benefits of the constitution and laws are alike for all; and the great Elohim has given me the privilege of having the benefits of the constitution and the writ of habeas corpus.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Freedom
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
When God commands, do it!
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Command
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Will not the Lord hear my prayers and listen to my cries as soon as he ever did to theirs [the ancient saints'] if I come to him in the manner they did?
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Prayer
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
I combat the errors of ages; I meet the violence of mobs; I cope with illegal proceedings from executive authority; I cut the gordian knot of powers, and I solve mathematical problems of universities, with truth-diamond truth; and God is my 'right hand man'.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Cutting
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
I believe all that God ever revealed, and I never hear of a man being damned for believing too much; but they are damned for unbelief.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Believe
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
When a man has offered in sacrifice all that he has for the truth’s sake, not even withholding his life, and believing before God that he has been called to make this sacrifice because he seeks to do his will, he does know, most assuredly, that God does and will accept his sacrifice and offering, and that he has not, nor will not seek his face in vain.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Believe
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
I am like a huge rough stone...and the only polishing I get is when some corner gets rubbed off by coming in contact with something else, striking with accelerated force...thus I will become a smooth and polished shaft in the quiver of the Almightly.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Stones
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
The root of masculine is stronger, and of feminine weaker. The sun is a governing planet to certain planets, while the moon borrows her light from the sun, and is less or weaker.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Moon
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
And the angel said unto me: Behold the formation of a church which is most abominable above all other churches, which slayeth the saints of God, yea, and tortureth them and bindeth them down, and yoketh them with a yoke of iron, and bringeth them down into captivity.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Angel
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Be wise; let prudence dictate all your counsels; preserve peace with all men, if possible; stand by the Constitution of your country; observe its principles; and above all, show yourselves men of God, worthy citizens.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Wise
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
How I do love to hear the wolves howl!
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Howl
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Sound
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
You will live to see men arise in power in the Church who will seek to put down your friends and the friends of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Many will be hoisted because of their money and worldly learning which they seem to be in possession of; and many who are the true followers of our Lord and Savior will be cast down because of their poverty.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Jesus
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
The exaltation and happiness of any community, goes hand in hand with the knowledge possessed by the people, when applied to laudable ends; whereupon we can exclaim like the wise man; righteousness exalteth a nation; for righteousness embraces knowledge and knowledge is power.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Wise
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
To get salvation we must not only do some things, but everything which God has commanded...The object with me is to obey and teach others to obey God in just what he tells us to do. It mattereth not whether the principle is popular or unpopular; I will always maintain a true principle even if I stand alone in it.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Principles
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
If men do not comprehend the character of God, they do not comprehend themselves..." If the veil were rent today, and the great God who holds the world in its orbit, and who upholds all worlds and all things by His power, was to make Himself visible, - I say, if you were to see Him today, you would see Him like a man in form - like yourself in all the person, image, and very form as a man.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Character
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
God hath not revealed anything to Joseph, but what he will make known unto the Twelve, and even the least Saint may know all things as fast as he is able to bear them.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Twelve
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Unless we members of the Church do all we can to preserve the freedoms we have within the bounds of the laws of God, we will be held accountable.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Law
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
All men are, or ought to be free, possessing unalienable rights, and the high and noble qualifications of the laws of nature and of self-preservation, to think, and act, and say as they please, while they maintain a due respect to the rights and privileges of all other creatures, infringing upon none.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Men
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Jesus
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Patience is heavenly, obedience is noble, forgiveness is merciful, and exaltation is godly; and he that holds out faithful to the end shall in no wise lose his reward. A good man will endure all things to honor Christ, and even dispose of the whole world, and all in it, to save his soul.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Wise
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Our nation, which possesses greater resources than any other, is rent, from center to circumference, with party strife, political intrigues, and sectional interest; our counselors are panic stricken, our legislators are astonished, and our senators are confounded.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Party
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
You don't know me; you never knew my heart. No man knows my history. I cannot tell it: I shall never undertake it. I don't blame any one for not believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I would not have believed it myself.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Believe
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
The purposes of our God are great, His love unfathomable, His wisdom infinite, and His power unlimited; therefore, the Saints have cause to rejoice and be glad.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Saint
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Verily, I say unto you, that the wisdom of man, in his fallen state, knoweth not the purposes and the privileges of my hold priesthood, but ye shall know when ye receive a fullness by reason of the anointing: For it is my will, that in time, ye should take unto you wives of the Lamanites and Nephites, that their posterity may become white, delightsome and just, for even now their females are more virtuous then the gentiles.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Native American
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Hence we say, that the Constitution of the United States is a glorious standard; it is founded in the wisdom of God. It is a heavenly banner; it is to all those who are privileged with the sweets of liberty, like the cooling shades and refreshing waters of a great rock in a thirsty and weary land. It is like a great tree under whose branches men from every clime can be shielded from the burning rays of the sun.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Sweet
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
[God] never will institute an ordinance or give a commandment to His people that is not calculated in its nature to promote that happiness which He has designed, and which will not end in the greatest amount of good and glory to those who become the recipients of His law and ordinances.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Law
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
I am the greatest advocate of the Constitution....The only fault I find with the Constitution is, it is not broad enough to cover the whole ground. Although it provides that all men shall enjoy religious freedom, yet it does not provide the manner by which that freedom can be preserved, nor for the punishment of Government officers who refuse to protect the people in their religious rights, punish those mobs, states, or communities who interfere with the rights of the people on account of their religion. Its sentiments are good, but it provides no means of enforcing them.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Religious
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
The old Catholic church traditions are worth more than all you have said. Here is a principle of logic that most men have no more sense than to adopt. I will illustrate it by an old apple tree. Here jumps off a branch and says, I am the true tree, and you are corrupt. If the whole tree is corrupt, are not its branches corrupt? If the Catholic religion is a false religion, how can any true religion come out of it? If the Catholic church is bad, how can any good thing come out of it?
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Men
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Men will be held accountable for the things which they have and not for the things they have not. ... All the light and intelligence communicated to them from their beneficent creator, whether it is much or little, by the same they in justice will be judged, and ... they are required to yield obedience and improve upon that and that only which is given, for man is not to live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Men
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
The greatest responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to seek after our dead. The apostle says, 'They without us cannot be made perfect'; for it is necessary that the sealing power should be in our hands to seal our children and our dead for the fulness of the dispensation of times-a dispensation to meet the promises made by Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world for the salvation of man.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Jesus
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Your constitution guarantees to every citizen, even the humblest, the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property. It promises to all, religious freedom, the right to all to worship God beneath their own vine and fig tree, according to the dictates of their conscience. It guarantees to all the citizens of the several states the right to become citizens of any one of the states, and to enjoy all the rights and immunities of the citizens of the state of his adoption.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Religious
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Friendship is one of the grand fundamental principles of “Mormonism”; it is designed to revolutionize and civilize the world, and cause wars and contentions to cease and men to become friends and brothers.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Brother
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
I never thought it was right to call up a man and try him because he erred in doctrine, it looks too much like methodism and not like Latter day Saintism. Methodists have creeds which a man must believe or be kicked out of their church. I want the liberty of believing as I please, it feels so good not to be tramelled.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Believe
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Happiness is the object and design of our existence.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Happiness
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
We came to this earth that we might have a body and present it pure before God in the celestial kingdom. The great principle of happiness consists in having a body. The devil has no body, and herein is his punishment. He is pleased when he can obtain the tabernacle of man. . . . All beings who have bodies have power over those who have not.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Men
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Whatever principle of intelligence we attain in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Principles
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
I never feel to force my doctrine upon any person; I rejoice to see prejudice give way to truth, and the traditions of men dispersed by the pure principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Jesus
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Principles
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Every man should esteem his neighbor as himself.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Men
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Where doubt is, there faith has no power.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Doubt
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
. . . meekness,love, purity, these are the things that should magnify us.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Purity
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent and in doing good to all men; indeed we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul - We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Believe
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Important
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
There are so many fools in the world for the devil to operate upon, it gives him the advantage oftentimes.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Honesty
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
I never told you I was perfect; but there is no error in the revelations which I have taught.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Errors
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
I love that man better who swears a stream as long as my arm yet deals justice to his neighbors and mercifully deals his substance to the poor, than the long, smooth faced hypocrite.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Hypocrite
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
The Constitution should contain a provision that every officer of the Government who should neglect or refuse to extend the protection guaranteed in the Constitution should be subject to capital punishment; and then the president of the United States would not say, "Your cause is just, but I can do nothing for you."
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Freedom