Jon Hamm

Image of Jon Hamm
For most people, the authentic things are relationships, friends, and family.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: People
Image of Jon Hamm
Some boys are particular about how they look. I'm not.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Boys
Image of Jon Hamm
It is nice when things end. That is what stories do - they end. It is hard to write endings and it is hard to come to the end of things, but I think when it is done right, it is a very satisfying way to appreciate something.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Nice
Image of Jon Hamm
I'm painfully aware of my surroundings at all times.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Surroundings
Image of Jon Hamm
I played Winnie the Pooh in first grade. I was an early adopter of standing in front of people and looking like an idiot.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: People
Image of Jon Hamm
We know that inevitably the millennials will get old and tired again, and then there will be the bilennials or trilennials, or whatever the next generation is, and we're all going to end up on our lawn shaking our fists in a bathrobe yelling at the moon.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Tired
Image of Jon Hamm
I think that we live in a moment in time where people have a lot of information about a lot of people kind of instantly, but it's all sort of surface information and it doesn't really mean anything.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Mean
Image of Jon Hamm
Point me to 50 people online who think I'm super sexy. I'll point you to 50 more who say he's old and looks like my dad.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Sexy
Image of Jon Hamm
I've always been a fan of advertising, I've always been a fan of television, I've loved commercials, I've loved all the jingles, I loved all the stuff
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Fans
Image of Jon Hamm
I don't have any sort of calculus in choosing film roles.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Roles
Image of Jon Hamm
I'm wearing pants, for f---'s sake. Lay off. I mean, it's not like I'm a f---ing lead miner. There are harder jobs in the world. But when people feel the freedom to create Tumblr accounts about my c---, I feel like that wasn't part of the deal ... But whatever. I guess it's better than being called out for the opposite.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jon Hamm
Time moves on. You can't go back in time. Everything has a consequence, and the last episode of the last season is no exception.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Moving
Image of Jon Hamm
I think pets are great. They're better than kids, that's for sure.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Kids
Image of Jon Hamm
I'm a huge fan of television, and it's a really good time to be a fan of television, because there's so much good stuff out there. In every genre, really.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Fans
Image of Jon Hamm
You have to have a hell of a lot of confidence in what you're doing.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Hell
Image of Jon Hamm
It's such a capricious, strange existence, basing your life on the whims of others, and basing your ebbs and flows of confidence and lack of confidence on the fact that people either choose you or don't.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Ebb And Flow
Image of Jon Hamm
Would you want people walking up to you and pointing at your d--k? I can't believe I'm still talking about this. But I've worn underwear every day of my life and the fact that I'm painted as this exhibitionist is a little annoying. It's become a meme, I guess. Being someone who people want to photograph, you have to open yourself up to the positive and negative. It is what it is. If I get mad at it I'll look like a douchebag. But it's silly.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Believe
Image of Jon Hamm
The world keeps moving, the world keeps turning, and people get older, and young people become older and more important and cooler and interesting, and actually staying the same becomes a liability, especially in the advertising industry.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Moving
Image of Jon Hamm
I'm able to leave Don Draper at work. I'm quite dissimilar from him in real life
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Real
Image of Jon Hamm
I've always had weird hair, and it's never looked good.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Hair
Image of Jon Hamm
Any time you're making a movie, all you want to do is reduce the variables of things that could possibly go wrong. I think that's why we work with the same people over and over again.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jon Hamm
In this ridiculously polarized, obstructionist world, the operating principle should be, Let's get something done. Not, Let's freeze everything.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Principles
Image of Jon Hamm
People care enough to write blogs and reviews and things, which is nice.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Nice
Image of Jon Hamm
People go through different stages of their lives at different times. If you're out of sync with your friend group, that gets exploded once everyone starts having kids because they just have to deal with different stuff that you don't really relate to.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Kids
Image of Jon Hamm
When I was a little kid, I kind of liked the commercials more than a lot of the stuff on TV. My favorite ones were the Miller Lite ads with all the jocks in them. "Tastes great, less filling."
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Kids
Image of Jon Hamm
It's hard to describe to people how terrible it was when you could only watch cartoons at a certain time in your life. But no, I would watch all of them - the Warner Bros. cartoons and the Bugs Bunnys and then the Tex Avery stuff. Looking back on it, they were so incredibly subversive for their time. You'd think, "Oh, they're just making jokes and this or that." But when you watch them as an adult, you think, "Oh no, they were talking about some pretty deep stuff."
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jon Hamm
It's nice, when the lights come up at the end of the movie, to not be like, "What did I just watch?"
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Nice
Image of Jon Hamm
It's funny when guys don't like to talk about makeup. I'm like, "You know you're wearing makeup, right? We all are."
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Makeup
Image of Jon Hamm
It's definitely nerve-racking to be the center of attention. I'm not the kind of an actor that just craves attention 24-7 - but it's part of the deal. You're the leader on the set
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Leader
Image of Jon Hamm
Men ruled the roost and women played a subservient role [in the 1960s]. Working wives were a rarity, because their place was in the home, bringing up the kids. The women who did work were treated as second-class citizens because it was a male-dominated society. That was a fact of life then. But it wouldn't be tolerated today, and that's quite right in my book... people look back on those days through a thick veil of nostalgia, but life was hard if you were anything other than a rich, powerful, white male.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Powerful
Image of Jon Hamm
The difference between directing film and directing television is so stark simply because TV is a living breathing organism already when you direct an episode.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Breathing
Image of Jon Hamm
I've been surrounded by dogs my whole life. I got a golden retriever a year after I was born.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Dog
Image of Jon Hamm
I wouldn't know anything about opera music if it wasn't for Bugs Bunny. That was my entire introduction to opera music. I wouldn't know anything about classical music if it wasn't for "Fantasia." They didn't have to do that stuff. They chose to base this ridiculous, funny, intriguing, creative story on this beautiful classical music. It's the combination of the high and the low that I thought was very cool. But I had no concept of it as a kid.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Jon Hamm
Acting is sort of an extension of childhood. You get to play all of these roles and have so much fun. Playing an athlete would be so cool. Or where you get to shoot guns, ride horses. I wouldn’t turn down any of that.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Fun