Joe Arpaio

Image of Joe Arpaio
Not that I ever did anything wrong. I was just aggressive. That's the way I am in my life.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Way
Image of Joe Arpaio
We do have freedom of speech, but if you say the wrong word, it looks like it makes headlines. So everybody has to be very careful.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Freedom Of Speech
Image of Joe Arpaio
Let [Ted] Cruz - let the people go to the courts and see if he's here legitimately. I don't know. I'm not going to get into that.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: People
Image of Joe Arpaio
You know why you have to give [Donald] Trump credit, whether you don't like him or not? He opened the door.Now there's a lot of talk about immigration. That's good. Nobody wanted to talk about it.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Doors
Image of Joe Arpaio
I think [ immigration] is still is a problem, whether it's 11 million or 2 million. Why is it - why have the situation decreased? Are we going to say because of the crackdown or are we going to say that the jobs are not here?
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Arpaio
I don't care where [Ted] Cruz comes from. I don't care where the President comes from. Day one, I opened an investigation on a fraudulent government Hawaii document, period, on a birth certificate, so if you can say Cruz has fake documents, okay.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Government
Image of Joe Arpaio
In the old days when I was enforcing illegal immigration laws, when I had the authority from the 287G, everybody accused me that 100,000 people from foreign countries left town. They either went back to where they came from or whatever. So if this little old sheriff can cause, if you want to believe it, many, many people leaving and going back to their country, why can't you do that nationwide?
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Country
Image of Joe Arpaio
I don't look at me taking risks or if that's going to affect me politically.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Risk
Image of Joe Arpaio
It doesn't matter whether you're black, Hispanic, white. They're all in the same boat.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: White
Image of Joe Arpaio
If I'm hated, okay. I don't believe that.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Believe
Image of Joe Arpaio
All the studies say that immigrants are less likely to be criminals in the United States. That's what they say. The sources are there.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Criminals
Image of Joe Arpaio
There's a lot of other [than Donald Trump] people that say things you may call insulting, but no one seems to care about that.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: People
Image of Joe Arpaio
I take risks, if you want to call it a risk. All the people running for president, last time, you know, they all came to visit me or meet me. They all wanted my endorsement and I endorsed [Rick] Perry at that time. He wasn't that well-liked either, but you have to do what you have to do.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Running
Image of Joe Arpaio
Now everybody is mafia. You got the Russian mafia, the Mexican mafia. Everybody is mafia these days.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Mexican
Image of Joe Arpaio
I don't rely on the media. I usually average one speech a day for 25 years. People know me because I'm out there.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Media
Image of Joe Arpaio
Many times, when you go to arrest somebody, they pull their gun, and here I am, a federal agent, telling them to drop their gun. But the gun is like that. I give them a split second to drop it, and they drop it. I could have shot them - who is going to complain?
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Gun
Image of Joe Arpaio
I roam the streets all the time. You'll be shocked. I'm shocked, everybody that comes up to me, "Oh, thank you, Sheriff. You're supporting Trump." I don't care who they are. They kind of whisper sometimes.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Care
Image of Joe Arpaio
I was taught to work hard and to be honest, and that's what I try to do, so that's it.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Joe Arpaio
I'm not interested in Vice President. I'm hanging around Arizona. I'm running again for Sheriff.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Running
Image of Joe Arpaio
I'd rather report to four million people as the elected Sheriff than some governor or president, so I like reporting to the people.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: People
Image of Joe Arpaio
I just can't surrender. I can't start something and then surrender because of political reasons. I just don't do that, and that goes back to me, why I keep running when I should probably take it easy, even though I have no hobbies, and enjoy the rest of my life.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Running
Image of Joe Arpaio
I believe Donald Trump is the best guy for president; and I'm not going to shy away and I take the risk. I could just stay home and don't talk about any candidate.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Believe
Image of Joe Arpaio
Everything I do in my life is very aggressive.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Life Is
Image of Joe Arpaio
I love the president Donald Trump. He supports law enforcement and I'm very humbled. I said publicly, recently, pardon or no pardon, I will be with him until the end.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Support
Image of Joe Arpaio
Once I can talk to people, I switch them over on my side.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: People
Image of Joe Arpaio
I just talk, and I say what I feel, and yet, I'm a nice guy.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Nice
Image of Joe Arpaio
You make deals in business and in government if you're smart.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Smart
Image of Joe Arpaio
I'd feel more comfortable talking to the blacks, or Hispanics, or the poor areas. I feel more at home, believe it or not.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Believe
Image of Joe Arpaio
You get so tired of political correctness. I'm noted for speaking out all my career.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Tired
Image of Joe Arpaio
It takes a lot of work to do this every day, every day, but I feel, as a sheriff, I should get to know my people. I serve them. They don't serve me. I serve them. They're my bosses, and the more people I can see and talk to, I love it.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: People
Image of Joe Arpaio
I'm a very private person, regardless of what the world may think of me.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Thinking
Image of Joe Arpaio
I still think people like to hear from someone's heart and how they really feel than the old political rhetoric trying to not say the wrong thing because how would it look, would they get votes, lose votes.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Heart
Image of Joe Arpaio
I even used to stop vehicles going through stop signs, even though I was walking.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Used
Image of Joe Arpaio
I really love how Israel operates, and I love the Jewish people.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Israel
Image of Joe Arpaio
I don't think Donald Trump is afraid of journalists. If he was, he wouldn't be on the TV every hour on the hour.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Thinking
Image of Joe Arpaio
If a nation’s security is only as strong as its weakest link, then America may be in serious trouble. Hawaii may be our weakest link and could have a serious impact on our nation’s immigration policy.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Strong
Image of Joe Arpaio
I used to have trust with reporters. Give them scoops. Those were the old days. It’s very strange, when you give a story and it doesn’t come out the right way.
- Joe Arpaio
Collection: Stories