Jiang Zemin

Image of Jiang Zemin
It takes two hands to clap.
- Jiang Zemin
Image of Jiang Zemin
The theory of relativity worked out by Mr. Einstein, which is in the domain of natural science, I believe can also be applied to the political field. Both democracy and human rights are relative concepts - and not absolute and general.
- Jiang Zemin
Image of Jiang Zemin
Talk politics, talk about study and talk positively.
- Jiang Zemin
Image of Jiang Zemin
You are very familiar with Western ways, but you are too young. You go everywhere to follow the big news, but the questions you ask are too simple -- sometimes naive.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: Simple
Image of Jiang Zemin
The Communist Party of China should represent the development trends of advanced productive forces, the orientations of an advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people of China.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: Party
Image of Jiang Zemin
History shows that anything conducive to our national stability is good.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: China
Image of Jiang Zemin
The Chinese government thinks China and the U.S. should develop a constructive relationship of cooperation.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jiang Zemin
Naturally, in this period, there are also some ups and downs, and this is nothing strange.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: Strange
Image of Jiang Zemin
China will continue to support the efforts of the Palestinian people to regain their legitimate rights, including the establishment of an independent state.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: Independent
Image of Jiang Zemin
It is not wise for Chinese to do things to artificially disrupt relations with the U.S.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: Wise
Image of Jiang Zemin
Shocked to learn of the serious attacks against certain areas in New York City and Washington D.C. on September 11, which caused horrendous casualty, I wish to express, on behalf of the Chinese Government and people, our deepest sympathy and solicitude to you and, through you, to the Government and people of the United States. I wish also to extend our condolences to the families of the victims. The Chinese Government has consistently condemned and rejected all forms of terrorist violence.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: New York
Image of Jiang Zemin
ASEM should build a new Silk Road to actively boost exchanges between these two civilizations in the new century so that countries in Asia and Europe will build on their respective civilizations and respect, learn from, complement and benefit each other.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: Country
Image of Jiang Zemin
A convention on the comprehensive ban of nuclear weapons should be negotiated. Since biological and chemical weapons have been prohibited, there is no reason why nuclear weapons, which are more destructive, should not be comprehensively banned and thoroughly destroyed. All it takes to reach this objective is strong political will.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: Strong
Image of Jiang Zemin
Hong Kong compatriots will surely display great love for the motherland and for Hong Kong and take it as their utmost honor to maintain long-term prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and safeguard the fundamental interests of the country.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: Country
Image of Jiang Zemin
The People's Liberation Army should play the role of shock troops, overcoming fatigue and sharpening vigilance to make new contributions.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: Army
Image of Jiang Zemin
Streamlining the army with Chinese characteristics is the right choice for China in military modernization.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: Military
Image of Jiang Zemin
No department or locality may, or will be allowed to, interfere in the affairs which should be administered by [the SAR] on its own.
- Jiang Zemin
Collection: May