Jerry Brown

Image of Jerry Brown
We`re not going to have a backlash. We`re going to build a consensus. And I live in the real world, not the kind of fantasy goals that we would all like, but we would never achieve if we go about it in the blunderbuss fashion that your question would assume.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Fashion
Image of Jerry Brown
Even when you sign a treaty like I think [Richard] Nixon did, the anti-ballistic missile treaty, George W. Bush reneged on it. He got out of. So any treaty can be withdrawn from.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jerry Brown
Were I to stop oil production, we`d have to import it from Iraq and from Caracas, Venezuela or from North Dakota where the environmental standards are much lower, on trains that have already proven themselves unsafe, or by more ships that are causing significant pollution in the world. It`s just really dumb.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Oil
Image of Jerry Brown
The corporation is not a person; it is a legal fiction backed up by guns and police and jail cells and taxing authorities and the regulators called government.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Gun
Image of Jerry Brown
Without the truth of the people, politics degenerates into mere spectacle and democracy declines, leaving demagoguery and cynicism to fill the void.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: People
Image of Jerry Brown
We're going to move left and right at the same time.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Funny
Image of Jerry Brown
Nuclear power will be the Vietnam issue of the 1980s.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Issues
Image of Jerry Brown
Everyone's heard about the military-industrial complex, but they know very little about the medical-industrial complex...(in) a medical arms race.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Military
Image of Jerry Brown
You've got the oil companies fighting Pope Francis. Fighting the scientists of the world. Fighting the governor of California. They are engaged in literally a life-and-death struggle, and I have no doubt who is going to be the victor.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Struggle
Image of Jerry Brown
The execution of William Bonin was not the traditional gas chamber of the past. That has been ruled cruel and unusual. Instead, we have something that seems very kind and benign and technical; the injection of chemicals, Nazi-style.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Past
Image of Jerry Brown
A lot of street crime is horrible, but in terms of the dislocation, the undermining of the family - the corporate criminals, many of whom reside in Congress and the White House - are getting away literally with murder.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: White
Image of Jerry Brown
The corporation is an out-of-control Frankenstein.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Corporations
Image of Jerry Brown
The CIA was revealed to be spying in France, not for military purposes, but for corporate purposes. So this $30 billion spook agency is now at the disposal of these oligarchic corporate structures run by the 1%.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Running
Image of Jerry Brown
The big lock-up is about drugs. Here's the real scam. The drug war is one of the games to get more convictions and prisoners.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Real
Image of Jerry Brown
The U.S. incarceration binge is not tied to crime. It's a strategy to control the surplus population in a capitalist system that is breaking down.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Population
Image of Jerry Brown
We’re being ripped off and screwed by a bunch of liars, thieves, crooks, and criminals, and they’re not the folks below. Don’t look in the streets, look in the corporate suites.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Liars
Image of Jerry Brown
It's not viable' for poverty stricken developing world to emulate prosperity of U.S.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: World
Image of Jerry Brown
‎We need to become more unreasonable but in an intelligent way.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Jerry Brown
Basically, if you have above-average intelligence, you have common sense and you can speak in front of a camera and to a crowd, you can govern the state.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Average
Image of Jerry Brown
There's nothing wrong with being an anarchist.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Anarchist
Image of Jerry Brown
The volume of paper expands to fill the available briefcases.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Work
Image of Jerry Brown
I question whether we can afford to teach mother macramé when Johnny still can't read.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Education
Image of Jerry Brown
This is exciting, it is bold and it is absolutely necessary if we are to have any chance of stopping potentially catastrophic changes to our climate system.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Climate
Image of Jerry Brown
President Trump is boldly moving in what I would call rather extreme directions. And that is going to set into motion a reaction, and it already has... He builds the strength on the other side to combat climate change.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Moving
Image of Jerry Brown
The great problem with government is that it never goes bankrupt.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Government
Image of Jerry Brown
If you say the world is totally dependent on oil in many parts of the world, coal and certainly natural gas, we are fossil fuel, that is modernity, modernity has two elements: individualism and oil. Now to move toward a more enlightened sustainable world, we have to transform with lots of technology, with even differences in the way we see the world and how we live in the world. That`s going to take decades.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Moving
Image of Jerry Brown
When I was Governor, Louis Kelso went out of his way to brief me. I was very impressed, but I was never able to get any of the economists in state government to give him the help his plan deserves.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Jerry Brown
Taking significant amounts of carbon out of our economy without harming its vibrancy is exactly the sort of challenge at which California excels.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: California
Image of Jerry Brown
Republican attacks are without basis, but when the Democrats attack me they're usually right.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Republican
Image of Jerry Brown
We're going to get that little bug before that little bug gets my poll ratings down any further.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Littles
Image of Jerry Brown
I've been in office and I've been out of office. And if I were to choose, I'd rather be in office.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Office
Image of Jerry Brown
The whole Jeffersonian ideal was that people are temporarily in government. Government is not the basic reality. People are. The private sector. And government is just a limited power to make things go better.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Jerry Brown
The way people are treated in them [prisons] is very similar to gulags.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: People
Image of Jerry Brown
As we all learned from the sorry experience of state-sanctioned bureaucracies in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, decentralization in education is crucial to both freedom and excellence.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Sorry
Image of Jerry Brown
Here the system is creating an industry around the drug issue when it does nothing to stop the corrupt military that moves the drugs, and the big banks that are all in cahoots with the President and the big shots in the Congress.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Military
Image of Jerry Brown
So we are being systematically trained to fear this false 'rising crime' tide. This is all part of a system to lock up more people, and impose more control and surveillance.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: People
Image of Jerry Brown
Okay, so what we really have to recognize and own as Americans is that our way of being is itself perhaps the greatest threat to the continuation of civilization.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Civilization
Image of Jerry Brown
The great danger of humane punishment is that people will come to accept state murder as something sanitary. I don't think bureaucracy should ever be entrusted with that kind of power.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jerry Brown
Then once you get people locked up, it's an incredibly inhuman system.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: People
Image of Jerry Brown
Banning capital punishment takes us to a higher state of consciousness.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Punishment
Image of Jerry Brown
The shuttle tomorrow is truly like laying the last spike on the transcontinental railroad, only much more so. And whether or not we're going to see in in the next 10 or 20 years, there are people alive today who will see manufacturing in space from moon materials or from asteroids.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Future
Image of Jerry Brown
The drug war isn't what purports to be. If you look at the whole operation and the tie-in between the American intelligence agencies, these so-called "assets", the spies on the payroll of the CIA, and drug dealers. Don't let members of Congress and the media get away with this complacency and distortion!
- Jerry Brown
Collection: War
Image of Jerry Brown
The war on drugs is really no war at all - it's a business!
- Jerry Brown
Collection: War