Jay McInerney

Image of Jay McInerney
The only sensible approach is not to take it too seriously. What counts is the writing.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Writing
Image of Jay McInerney
A modest critique of an age in which an actor is the President, in which fashion models are asked for their opinions, in which getting into a nightclub is seen as a significant human achievement.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Fashion
Image of Jay McInerney
Your heartbreak is just another version of the same old story.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Stories
Image of Jay McInerney
You keep thinking that with practice you will eventually get the knack of enjoying superficial encounters, that you will stop looking for the universal solvent, stop grieving. You will learn to compound happiness out of small increments of mindless pleasure.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jay McInerney
You know, Im always surprised when I read profiles, and they make me sound so jaded. I am so not jaded.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Sound
Image of Jay McInerney
Most all of the writers I admired when I was in my teens and twenties died young. Fitzgerald lived the longest. He was 44. Dylan Thomas was 39. And then once you're approaching 40, you suddenly think, "Well, maybe I would like to live longer than Fitzgerald or Thomas."
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jay McInerney
I'd like to have the kind of house someday where a carousel horse wouldn't be out of place in the living room.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Life
Image of Jay McInerney
"Socialist" is the nastiest thing you can say about an American politician in some quarters.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Politician
Image of Jay McInerney
What I'm nostalgic for is the idea of an edge in New York. There used to be these fringes of the city where civilization sort of ended, and therefore young people could live cheaply, or open nightclubs or art galleries, or even squat. That fringe moved out to New Jersey and Brooklyn. The whole idea of the metropolis is the centralization of like-minded souls, and when the central real estate becomes too expensive, the dreamers, the young poets, and the artists will go elsewhere.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Art
Image of Jay McInerney
If it's red, French, costs too much, and tastes like the water that's left in the vase after the flowers have died and rotted, it's probably Burgundy.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Flower
Image of Jay McInerney
He insisted on a single trade secret: that you had to survive, find some quiet, and work hard every day.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Jay McInerney
Great minds sink alike, right?
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Mind
Image of Jay McInerney
Your presence here is is only a matter of conducting an experiment in limits, reminding yourself of what you aren’t.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Matter
Image of Jay McInerney
The 20th century saw far greater catastrophes than September 11th, as bad as it was, and they didn't render literature or art or music irrelevant. In fact, I think that literature and art help us to understand - sometimes they provide narratives and metaphors for understanding history, for understanding recent catastrophes.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Art
Image of Jay McInerney
The only thing worse for smoking than drinking is quitting drinking. Because then it's the only thing you can do.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Drinking
Image of Jay McInerney
Taste ... is a matter of taste (Tad Allagash)
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Matter
Image of Jay McInerney
Something changed. Somewhere along the line you stopped accelerating.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Lines
Image of Jay McInerney
Delia's arms were inscribed with a grid of self- inflicted wounds, an intricate text of self-loathing
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Suicide
Image of Jay McInerney
There is a shabby nobility in failing all by yourself.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Failing
Image of Jay McInerney
Tim Thornton's portrait of a pop culture obsession is so convincing that one can't help wishing that his fictional alt rock band actually existed, or suspecting that they did. The Alternative Hero is a weirdly compelling portrait of fanatic fandom which reads like High Fidelity at high volume.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Hero
Image of Jay McInerney
Yeah, 'Gossip Girl' is a good show. It's a real New York show, like 'Sex and the City.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Girl