Jason Statham

Image of Jason Statham
You can't be pretentious about what we do, because at the end of the day, movies are about entertainment, and if people get 10 dollars' worth, then that's okay.
- Jason Statham
Image of Jason Statham
If you can have a great story that people can follow the mystery and get the suspense, and then you have those moments of tension and a splash of visual fun, then you kind of get everything. You get your money's worth.
- Jason Statham
Image of Jason Statham
My father used to run auctions. He's now a singer in the Canary Islands.
- Jason Statham
Image of Jason Statham
Every single day has a different combination of exercises. It always changes, and that's what keeps things interesting.
- Jason Statham
Image of Jason Statham
People like to pigeonhole you.
- Jason Statham
Image of Jason Statham
Scorsese will only work with brilliant material. And everyone wants to work with him.
- Jason Statham
Image of Jason Statham
A movie, it's like a very complicated timepiece. There's a lot of wheels in a watch. And some of those wheels, if they don't turn right, then, you know, the watch ain't gonna tell the time.
- Jason Statham
Image of Jason Statham
Look at someone like Edward Norton. A truly phenomenal actor. He's definitely went to school and trained.
- Jason Statham
Image of Jason Statham
I'm prepared to take risks. And every movie that I do is a risk. No one knows what the movie is going out turn out like.
- Jason Statham
Image of Jason Statham
A kid is something precious, and you want to protect it and keep it fun. I'm not a dad, but I've seen people and how they behave with their kids.
- Jason Statham
Image of Jason Statham
Me in a cape? I don't fancy that. Tight tights? Nah! I don't think that's right for me. I just respond more to true stories; that's my flavour.
- Jason Statham
Image of Jason Statham
I'm more into MMA than any other sport. I watch a lot of the UFC fights. I have since it first came onto the scene.
- Jason Statham
Image of Jason Statham
There is something about yourself that you don't know.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Revolver
Image of Jason Statham
Every sequel needs to be bigger and better.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Needs
Image of Jason Statham
Do 40 hard minutes, not an hour and a half of nonsense.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Motivational
Image of Jason Statham
Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. If you have a healthy lifestyle, your diet and nutrition are set and you're working out, you're going to feel good.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Hands
Image of Jason Statham
I should never go with rumors because they're often not correct.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Rumor
Image of Jason Statham
I like to relax. Spend it with people that I've grown up with, or people that I care about, and just relax, sit around doing nothing or sitting on a beach.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Beach
Image of Jason Statham
I'm used to being efficient and a guy that can do more than the average guy can.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Average
Image of Jason Statham
You only get one shot in your life and you might as well push yourself and try things. There's so many interesting aspects of making a movie; the costume department, the set design, the casting itself, the locations. It's a great, great thing to be involved in if you have the headspace for it, and I do. Try anything once.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Interesting
Image of Jason Statham
I think that's as far as you have to think, everything happens as a coincidence. It either happens or it doesn't. It's hard to map out a strategic plan by saying, 'If I do that, that's going to get me to the next level.' I think that's the wrong way to go into movies as an actor. It doesn't happen for me that way.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jason Statham
I was a sportsman for years. I've always had a physical background. I've always had an interest in boxing and fighting. To get physical in films is a dream. I love it.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Dream
Image of Jason Statham
You ain't ever gonna get an Academy Award for doing 'Crank,' and you certainly won't for doing all the other movies I've done.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Awards
Image of Jason Statham
I'm not fixed in any genre. I love all kinds of films. The essential thing is; you have to have good material. If you have the filmmaker, and the material, and the script is good, you can start from there.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Essentials
Image of Jason Statham
Usually I'm trying to work with people that I've worked with before, so we have a certain amount of know-how and what we're going to do together.
- Jason Statham
Collection: People
Image of Jason Statham
If anybody knows how to make action movies it's Sly.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Action
Image of Jason Statham
I'd love to do a comedy. I'd love to do a two-hander like the old Leathal Weapon movies. I love those, like an action comedy with the straight man and the funny man. I'd love to do one of those. Just got to find one, find a funny man that wants to do one with me.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Men
Image of Jason Statham
I like Jackie [Chan] because I've been a fan of Jackie's forever. He's broken every bone in his body for his commitment and dedication to doing his own stunts. So he's the real deal.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Real
Image of Jason Statham
I like heist movies. I like action movies that set all the elements into one and a chance to do something that comes from a great stable of writing.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Writing
Image of Jason Statham
Sometimes there are people who don't know how to make action movies - and that situation isn't a good one.
- Jason Statham
Collection: People
Image of Jason Statham
[On performing in action movies] I've spent all those years learning how to do certain skills, and then that competitive spirit kicks in and you want to do the stunts. Basically, it's the the male competitive ego at work.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Years
Image of Jason Statham
I feel that I have a certain amount of experience and I'm still learning so much. But a director's job is so vast; they have so much to do with the preparation. You have to be great with all kinds of personalities and you have to be very patient, there's a lot of skills I'm not sure if I have. So I don't know if I'm ready to direct, but who knows what the future has.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jason Statham
I’m prepared to take risks. And every movie that I do is a risk. No one knows what the movie is going out turn out like.
- Jason Statham
Collection: Risk
Image of Jason Statham
When I'm getting ready for a movie, let's just say my diet is "The Antisocial Diet." I don't go to restaurants. I don't eat what I really want to eat. I don't eat much. I eat small things frequently. Lots of protein and greens. And I don't eat with people, because there's a tendency to get social and then to overeat.
- Jason Statham
Collection: People
Image of Jason Statham
It's hard to predict what kinds of people are going to enjoy it [film]. And what people ain't. That's the movies. You never know.
- Jason Statham
Collection: People