January Jones

Image of January Jones
I feel as though my career really hit its high point when I was cast as a supporting actress in 'American Wedding'. I thought the script had a lot of depth and intelligence, and it really just jumped off the page.
- January Jones
Collection: Wedding
Image of January Jones
Going to New York to do whatever - show business - it just seemed fun. It seemed fun to go to the big city and meet all kinds of different people and maybe be famous. It was just exciting. So I wasn't scared.
- January Jones
Collection: Famous
Image of January Jones
I lived in a town of 400 until I was like nine or ten. My dad coached all the sports - he was a gym teacher and health teacher for grades K-12.
- January Jones
Collection: Teacher
Image of January Jones
Why not show off if you've got something to show?
- January Jones
Image of January Jones
I choose roles that are not me.
- January Jones
Image of January Jones
If I could do one thing over I'd have been nicer to my parents.
- January Jones
Image of January Jones
My dad liked how January went with Jones. My sisters' names are Jina and Jacey Jones.
- January Jones
Image of January Jones
People think that I changed my name. I could've been an actress, a superhero, or a stripper.
- January Jones
Image of January Jones
If everything always went perfectly, I would feel like, When is the ball going to drop? Because good things don't always last. Maybe I'm a pessimistic person. When something just seems too good, I can't believe it.
- January Jones
Image of January Jones
I have that thing in my stomach where I just need to keep striving for things. In my mind, I want the fairy tale.
- January Jones
Image of January Jones
Am I being typecast as a horrible person? I don't know. I don't think so. But if it happens, I'd rather get to play that, because there's nothing fun about being sweet. Sweet can be so boring, so I'd be happy staying away from that.
- January Jones
Image of January Jones
'Mad Men' was really my first television role, and it never feels like TV to me. It's done at such a high level.
- January Jones
Image of January Jones
In this business, I don't know how you can have a plan or how you can orchestrate anything. But I've been lucky with my choices. I'm very strong-willed, so I've been able to stick with it. I'm lucky there.
- January Jones
Image of January Jones
A lot of the stuff that I do with Betty is in the eyes. A lot of the feelings that I evoke with her are unspoken, so that's been fun to play with.
- January Jones
Image of January Jones
I wanted to be a meteorologist. I wanted to be a marine biologist.
- January Jones
Image of January Jones
It’s not witch-crafty or anything! I suggest it to all moms!
- January Jones
Collection: Mom
Image of January Jones
Some men don't want their women to speak up, and then other men are attracted to that very thing. But as a woman, you don't want to be just window dressing. I've probably been unattractive to some men because I do say what I feel and what I think. You can be political about it, but I don't have a red flag. I don't have a mechanism in my head that prevents me from saying what I think, or if something upsets me or if I feel like I'm being degraded. I come from a family of very outspoken women. I can't imagine living in a time when you couldn't express what you felt.
- January Jones
Collection: Men
Image of January Jones
I think men are still attracted to what they've always found attractive, which is a woman who is feminine, soft, real, and . . . womanly.
- January Jones
Collection: Real
Image of January Jones
It's something I was very hesitant about, but we're the only mammals who don't ingest our own placentas. It's not witchcrafty or anything! I suggest it to all moms!
- January Jones
Collection: Mom
Image of January Jones
I feel déjà vu a lot. Someone said that means that you're living your life the right way because maybe you have foresight, because then, when something actually happens, it feels like déjà vu. I like to think of fate that way.
- January Jones
Collection: Mean
Image of January Jones
I've gotten to do a lot of weird stuff.
- January Jones
Collection: Stuff
Image of January Jones
I prefer to remain mysterious and have people MAKE their own judgment calls about me than to always have to EXPLAIN who I am and what I’m about.
- January Jones
Collection: Who I Am
Image of January Jones
I have that thing in my stomach where I just need to keep striving for things. In my mind, I want the fairy tale
- January Jones
Collection: Mind
Image of January Jones
I went to a party at the Playboy Mansion once. For a Halloween Party. And everyone wasn't in costume, or if they were they were little bunnies or something, and I went as Michael Jackson.
- January Jones
Collection: Halloween
Image of January Jones
Success for me is to feel happy - 80 percent of the time. That's been my goal in life. I think that comes from my father. He's a very optimistic, happy person. I'm not quite sure if I'll ever feel this, but I want to know how to be happy. I'm happy when I'm at work. I'm happy when I'm with my family or my dog. But there's always that feeling of, I'm not satisfied. I have that thing in my stomach where I just need to keep striving for things. In my mind, I want the fairy tale.
- January Jones
Collection: Dog
Image of January Jones
If everything always went perfectly, I would feel like, When is the ball going to drop? Because good things don't always last. Maybe I'm a pessimistic person. When something just seems too good, I can't believe it. I come from a background where I was never told that I couldn't do something, so I'm very stubborn. I don't know if I believe in fate or destiny, but it kind of feels that way sometimes.
- January Jones
Collection: Believe
Image of January Jones
I've never been trained as an actress, so it's all instinct. I just let myself go into this kind of a free fall. Sometimes I feel scared, or out of my element - like everyone else knows what they're doing but me. I don't know . . . Maybe I function well with fear or I like to be faced with a challenge . . . I think I'm just a work in progress.
- January Jones
Collection: Fall
Image of January Jones
Crows follow me wherever I go.
- January Jones
Collection: Crow
Image of January Jones
I think luck is a big part of people who are successful in L.A.
- January Jones
Collection: Successful
Image of January Jones
Mad Men' was really my first television role, and it never feels like TV to me. It's done at such a high level.
- January Jones
Collection: Men
Image of January Jones
Going to New York to do whatever - show business - it just seemed fun. It seemed fun to go to the big city and meet all kinds of different people and maybe be famous. It was just exciting. So I wasn't scared
- January Jones
Collection: New York
Image of January Jones
I feel as though my career really hit its high point when I was cast as a supporting actress in 'American Wedding'. I thought the script had a lot of depth and intelligence, and it really just jumped off the page
- January Jones
Collection: Wedding
Image of January Jones
I wanted to be a meteorologist. I wanted to be a marine biologist
- January Jones
Collection: Marine
Image of January Jones
I lived in a town of 400 until I was like nine or ten. My dad coached all the sports - he was a gym teacher and health teacher for grades K-12
- January Jones
Collection: Sports
Image of January Jones
Am I being typecast as a horrible person? I don’t know. I don’t think so. But if it happens, I’d rather get to play that, because there’s nothing fun about being sweet. Sweet can be so boring, so I’d be happy staying away from that.
- January Jones
Collection: Fun
Image of January Jones
Going to New York to do whatever – show business – it just seemed fun. It seemed fun to go to the big city and meet all kinds of different people and maybe be famous. It was just exciting. So I wasn’t scared.
- January Jones
Collection: Fun