Jamaica Kincaid

Image of Jamaica Kincaid
In a way, a garden is the most useless of creations, the most slippery of creations: it is not like a painting or a piece of sculpture-it won't accrue value as time goes on. Time is its enemy' time passing is merely the countdown for the parting between garden and gardener.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Garden
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
in the place I am from ... a grave is topped off with a huge mound of loose earth - carelessly, as if piled up in child's play, not serious at all - because death is just another way of being, and the dead will not stay put, and sometimes the actions of the dead are more significant, more profound, than their actions in life, and no structure of concrete or stone can contain them.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Death
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
The thing to remember about the Declaration of Independence and the profession of freedom is that it was written by people who were quite free and who were surrounded by people who were not free. The people who wrote the Declaration of Independence were ventriloquists really. The obsession with freedom makes no sense when it applies to them.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: People
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
"Race." I really can't understand it as anything other than something people say. The people who have said that you and I are both "black" and therefore deserve a certain kind of interaction with the world, they make race. I can't take them seriously.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Race
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
I'm writing out of desperation. I felt compelled to write to make sense of it to myself - so I don't end up saying peculiar things like 'I'm black and I'm proud.' I write so I don't end up as a set of slogans and clichés.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Writing
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
I wish that I could love someone so much that I would die from it.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Wish
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
Like father like son, like mother like daughter!
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
I'm trying to earn a living in the way that is most enjoyable to me. I love the world of literature, and I hope to support myself in it.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Support
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
This naming of things is so crucial to possession - a spiritual padlock with the key thrown irretrievably away - that it is a murder, an erasing, and it is not surprising that when people have felt themselves prey to it (conquest), among their first acts of liberation is to change their names.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
I am not aware of anything below my neck. I live completely in my head.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Necks
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
Often the lines that define the traditional European arrangement of fiction, non-fiction, history, etc. are not useful. These lines can distort the world we, people who look like me, live in - and by the world, I mean our personal experience of it.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Mean
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
Had the Holocaust happened in Tahiti or the Congo, as it has; had it happened in South America, as it has; had it happened in the West Indies, as it has - you must remember that within fifty years of Columbus's arrival, only the bones remained of the people called the Arawaks, with one or two of them in Spain as specimens. Had the Holocaust committed under the Nazis happened somewhere else, we wouldn't be talking about it the way we talk about it.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: West Indies
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
The truth we have to face about the world we live in is that it's driven by profit, and contradictions and doubts are not profitable. They yield wisdom, but wisdom is not profitable. I find pleasure in doubt, but let's face it, my pleasure is not very profitable. To me, the truth is that things mean many things at once, and all of them opposed to each other, and all of them true.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Truth
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
I like to be depressing. I feel it's my duty to make everyone a little less happy. You know that line in the Declaration of Independence, "the pursuit of happiness"? I've come to think that it has no meaning at all. You cannot pursue happiness. And to think that this bad little sentence has determined our lives.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Depressing
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
What I don't write is as important as what I write.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Writing
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
I think a woman is powerless if she cannot freely claim the right to her reproductive capacity. Society can talk about anything it likes, except a woman's reproductive existence.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
One's obligation every day, is to choose to follow the nobler one.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Obligation
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
But some natives--most natives in the world--cannot go anywhere. They are too poor. They are too poor to go anywhere. They are too poor to escape the reality of their lives; and they are too poor to live properly in the place where they live, which is the very place you, the tourist, want to go--so when the natives see you, the tourist, they envy you, they envy your ability to leave your own banality and boredom, they enjoy your ability to turn their own banality and boredom into a source of pleasure for yourself.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Reality
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
if I'd thought that nobody would like it as I was writing it, I would have written it even more. But I never think of the audience. I never think of people reading. I never think of people, period.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Reading
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
That was the moment he got the idea he possessed me in a certain way, and that was the moment I grew tired of him.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Tired
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
On their way to freedom, some people find riches, some people find death.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: People
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
The shadow of my mother danced around the room to a tune that my own shadow sang.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Mother
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
What frustrates me is to see African-Americans behave as though what European-Americans say is worthwhile. It simply isn't. It's just some silly people who can make laws and have the power to enforce them. I'm often amazed at the conversations black people have about themselves. They ought to be having these conversations about white people. It's white people who are flawed and at fault.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Silly
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
The slave trade was globalism. Why people insist that globalism, after its hideous history, is a good thing, I do not know.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: People
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
Someone who knew me well once accused me of being unromantic. And that’s probably true: I don’t trust romance.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Romance