Jada Pinkett Smith

Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I've always wanted to have the ability to do what I want to do. And there are so many things that I want to do because I love acting, I love directing, I love producing, I love being a mother, I love being a wife. If I had to choose one, just would put me in the crazy house.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I think that with marriages, people have to understand that you have to look at your marriage and understand what is needed in your marriage - not what people think your marriage should be or what people want your marriage to be.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I feel like, to me, art is a ladder to God, in my own opinion, you know. And so, for me, the more people that I can reach through many different artistic avenues, the better.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I definitely want to make it very clear to everybody that the educational institution that we have, the school that Will and I have, is not a Scientology school. And that, you know, I know there's been, you know, a lot of buzz around that idea and that it is not my desire to, you know, teach Scientology at all.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I might get some more animals or something, but I'm done with the kids. I got a boy, I got a girl, and I got an older boy. I'm straight.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
Controversy is always a beautiful thing. I love controversy and I try to fan it as much as I can without having my husband's head pop off!
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
You know, as I get older, personal happiness is all about love. It's all about love. You know, how I'm loved and how I love my family and my husband. That to me is happiness, when I feel like I am loved and I have a place to love deeply. That to me is happiness.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I'm not here to - as a parent, I believe we are specifically here to help our children mature in the way that they can take on their own lives. I'm not here to live their lives for them. That's not my job.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I don't think I've made my favorite film yet. But I loved 'Bamboozled.' 'Bamboozled' to me is off the chain. It's definitely in the ranking. I loved 'Bamboozled.'
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
My music is like my freedom space.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
Willow and I definitely talked about doing a collaboration. She really loves rock music, so she wants to come on and get crazy with me on a track. Which I would love, because she has a fantastic voice.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
Will and I are yin and yang. He's all sky, vast and bright and soaring, and I'm all earth. I'm here to ground him, and he's here to help me fly.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I think, as women, we have to stop being scared to be the women we want to be and we have to raise our daughters to be the women they want to be - not the women we think they should be.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I think that old school style of 'I'm your parent and I'm greater than you' doesn't work. What I establish with my children is a partnership.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
One of the reasons why I decided to participate in 'HawthoRNe' was I really wanted the opportunity to show how ordinary people do extraordinary things.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I really look at children as being little people and not necessarily things or people to control.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
When I believe in something, I'm very passionate. I don't take 'no' for an answer.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
It's not easy working with your husband, I'll be straight up about that. But when we work together, we always get great product. It's not easy in the process and as we go along it gets easier, but yeah, it gets a little sticky.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
Nobody I know would have expected me to marry Will, and nobody he knows would have expected him to marry me because we are so opposite. Yet we're perfect for each other.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
Art should never be limited - the beauty of art is that it gives us the freedom to go places where we wouldn't go to in our normal lives. Inside, I'm just so many different people. I go from the pretty girl on the red carpet to the singer at Ozzfest, spitting in the crowd. That's Jada.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I would say being deeply involved in the art world would help keep a young artist on track. Doing what you love, so that your focus is your artistry.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
It's very important to prioritize. I know, for me, my family comes first. That makes every decision very easy.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
Oh, I laugh hard every day. I mean, my husband is Will Smith! I'm telling you, that's one of the joys of being married to him. My life full of laughter. Thank God I have him. My life is full of laughter because of that man.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I'm the glue that keeps it all together. I'm the nucleus of an entertainment family. My day-to-day is making decisions to keep life above water.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I don't get afraid in talking about subject matter that may spark controversy, and I'm not afraid to not be liked. I think that sometimes people pay too much attention to being liked, and it's paralyzing.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I met my husband, Will Smith, when I was 19 and auditioned to be his date on 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.' They said I was too short to play the part.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I find fame to be quite unnatural. Humans are not built for extreme adoration.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I love religion and have contemplated going back to school to get a world religion degree.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
How can we ask for our young stars to have a high level of responsibility if we are not demonstrating that same level of responsibility towards them?
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
Worry about being respected, never worry about being liked because that's the trap.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Worry
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
We don't back off obstacles and tough situations, we use them to make us stronger.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Stronger
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
You always have to remember to take care of yourself first and foremost, because when you stop taking care of yourself you get out of balance and you really forget how to take care of others.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Balance
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
Lack of confidence is what makes you want to change somebody else's mind. When you're OK, you don't need to convince anyone else in order to empower yourself.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Trust
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
Don't take your health for granted. Don't take your body for granted. Do something today that communicates to your body that you desire to care for it. Tomorrow is not promised.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Desire
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
You've got to be happy in your own skin.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
Don't trap yourself with the desire of wanting to be liked.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Desire
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I don't get afraid in talking about subject matter that may spark controversy and I'm not afraid to not be liked. I think that sometimes people pay too much attention to being liked and it's paralyzing.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I do call upon a little Fish Mooney energy sometimes, believe it or not.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Believe
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
When I was growing up, my mother only put her foot down once: She said, "You are going to college." And that was a lifesaving moment. But she never talked to me about my clothes or hair. So I learned how to parent my kids through her.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Mother
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
That to me is happiness when I feel like I am loved and I have a place to love deeply. That to me is happiness.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
Many times people will say, you know, you're such a great role model. Well, that's great, but at the end of the day, you have to learn to be your own best role model and learn what makes you happy, not necessarily what society thinks you're supposed to be or women that you look up to, what they're doing. I look at that as being a symbol in a blueprint, but never forget that who you are is what's most important.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
The statement I made in regard to, "Will can do whatever he wants," has illuminated the need to discuss the relationship between trust and love and how they co-exist...Should we be married to individuals who can not be responsible for themselves and their families within their freedom? Should we be in relationships with individuals who we can not entrust to their own values, integrity, and LOVE...for us??? Here is how I will change my statement...Will and I BOTH can do WHATEVER we want, because we TRUST each other to do so. This does NOT mean we have an open relationship...this means we have a GROWN one.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Integrity
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
If I say to you I don't have an open marriage...and you don't trust that, well, there's nothing that I really have to say to anybody about anything because at the end of the day, I'm living my life and I'm happy.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: The End Of The Day
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
As I get older, personal happiness is all about love. It's all about love.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Love My Family
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I'm a huge comic book fan - me and the kids.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Book
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
The love of a child is different from any other type of love on the planet. And being loved by your children is a love that is immense. I'm always so overwhelmed by how much my children love me. I think the best part of being a parent is feeling the love of a child.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Children
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I have a great way of disappearing, and I'm able to do things people would never imagine. I'm often not recognized because I'm easy to hide if I change my hairstyle or put on a hat. I disappear very easily. That's not hard for me to do.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: People
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
I try to stay out of my kids' way and kind of just let them discover things for themselves. Our job as parents is more to keep other people out of their way, so they're free to discover what works for them on their own.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: People
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
It's always wonderful when you can have safe places where you can dance with the not-so-nice you in a fun way.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Fun