Top Deep Love Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Deep Love quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
That to me is happiness when I feel like I am loved and I have a place to love deeply. That to me is happiness.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Thomas Keating
In human relationships, as mutual love deepens, there comes a time when two friends convey their exchanges without words. They can sit in silence sharing an experience or simply enjoying each other's presence without saying anything.
- Thomas Keating
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Alysia Reiner
The more I have deep love and compassion for my earth and my fellows, the more love and compassion I have for myself, and vice versa.
- Alysia Reiner
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Three things differentiate living from the soul verses living from the ego only: the ability to sense and learn new ways, the tenacity to ride a rough road, and the patience to learn deep love over time.
- Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Irina Tweedie
When you love, deeply love another human being, really deeply, somewhere you will feel that you are still alone, and this very beloved human being has no access.
- Irina Tweedie
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Desmond Tutu
Sometimes you wish you could keep quiet. It's the kind of thing you heard the prophet Jeremiah complain of where he says, "You know God, I didn't want to be a prophet and you made me speak words of condemnation against a people I love deeply. Your word is like a fire burning in my breast."
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Laozi
Because of deep love, one is courageous. Because of frugality, one is generous. Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world.
- Laozi
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Kerry Washington
I have a deep, deep love for sneakers.
- Kerry Washington
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Rumi
Go to the well of deep Love inside each of Us.
- Rumi
Collection: Deep Love
Image of John Oliver
I guess the tone of jokes is often, at best, irreverent, but it always comes from a place of deep love.
- John Oliver
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Craig Groeschel
When we love deeply, love makes us do things we wouldn't otherwise do.
- Craig Groeschel
Collection: Deep Love
Image of David Deida
Whatever is your present experience, you can recognize the spaciousness that allows it to be. You are this spaciousness, this awareness, this love. Deeper love and more spacious awareness is the best lesson you can get from any experience.
- David Deida
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Henri Nouwen
Do not hesitate to love and to love deeply.
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Rajneesh
Love deeply, love without jealousy, love blissfully and help each other to be more meditative.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Euripides
The worst, the least curable hatred is that which has superseded deep love.
- Euripides
Collection: Deep Love
Image of Lady Gaga
I will always have a very deep love for Amy Winehouse.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Deep Love