Jack Kornfield

Image of Jack Kornfield
Gratitude is the confidence in life itself... As gratitude grows it gives rise to joy. We experience the courage to rejoice in our own good fortune and in the good fortune of others... We can be joyful for people we love, for moments of goodness, for sunlight and trees, and for the very breath within our lungs. Like an innocent child, we can rejoice in life itself, in being alive.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Jack Kornfield
At the end of our life our questions are simple: Did I live fully? Did I love well?
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Love
Image of Jack Kornfield
A second quality of mature sirituality is kindness. It is based on a fundamental notion of self-acceptance.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Kindness
Image of Jack Kornfield
Use whatever has come to awaken patience, understanding, and love.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Understanding
Image of Jack Kornfield
Ours is a society of denial that conditions us to protect ourselves from any direct difficulty and discomfort. We expend enormous energy denying our insecurity, fighting pain, death and loss and hiding from the basic truths of the natural world and of our own nature.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Pain
Image of Jack Kornfield
Everybody needs to take some time, in some way, to quiet themselves and really listen to their heart.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Heart
Image of Jack Kornfield
May you know the beauty of your own true nature.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: May
Image of Jack Kornfield
The emotional wisdom of the heart is simple. When we accept our human feelings, a remarkable transformation occurs. Tenderness and wisdom arise naturally and spontaneously. Where we once sought strength over others, now our strength becomes our own; where we once sought to defend ourselves, we laugh.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Heart
Image of Jack Kornfield
Love creates a communion with life. Love expands us, connects us, sweetens us, ennobles us. Love springs up in tender concern, it blossoms into caring action. It makes beauty out of all we touch. In any moment we can step beyond our small self and embrace each other as beloved parts of a whole.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Spring
Image of Jack Kornfield
The trouble is that you think you have time.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Procrastination
Image of Jack Kornfield
When the stories of our life no longer bind us, we discover within them something greater. We discover that within the very limitations of form, of our maleness and femaleness, of our parenthood and our childhood, of gravity on the earth and the changing of the seasons, is the freedom and harmony we have sought for so long. Our individual life is an expression of the whole mystery, and in it we can rest in the center of the movement, the center of all worlds.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Expression
Image of Jack Kornfield
It is true that the heart has its seasons, just as a flower opens to the sunlight and closes to the night. We need to be respectful of those rhythms. But we can't close down for long. It is our true nature to have an open heart.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Flower
Image of Jack Kornfield
Most people discover that when hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with their own pain.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jack Kornfield
Attention to the human body brings healing and regeneration. Through awareness of the body we remember who we really are.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Jack Kornfield
We have only now, only this single eternal moment opening and unfolding before us, day and night.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Buddhism
Image of Jack Kornfield
Even Socrates, who lived a very frugal and simple life, loved to go to the market. When his students asked about this, he replied, "I love to go and see all the things I am happy without.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Simple
Image of Jack Kornfield
In the end, forgiveness simply means never putting another person out of our heart.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Heart
Image of Jack Kornfield
Forgiveness sees wisely. It willingly acknowledges what is unjust, harmful, and wrong. It bravely recognizes sufferings of the past, and understands the conditions that brought them about.Forgiveness honors the heart's greatest dignity. Whenever we are lost, it brings us back to the ground of love.Without forgiveness our lives are chained, forced to carry the sufferings of the past and repeat them with no release.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Heart
Image of Jack Kornfield
The purpose of spiritual life is not to create some special state of mind. A state of mind is always temporary. The purpose is to work directly with the most primary elements of our body and our mind, to see the ways we get trapped by our fears, desires, and anger, to learn directly our capacity for freedom.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Jack Kornfield
Since death will take us anyway, why live our life in fear? Why not die in our old ways and be free to live?
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Why Not
Image of Jack Kornfield
Wisdom says we are nothing. Love says we are everything. Between these two our life flows.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Two
Image of Jack Kornfield
Love is based on our capacity to trust in a reality beyond fear, to trust a timeless truth bigger than all our difficulties.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Jack Kornfield
Let go of the battle. Breathe quietly and let it be. Let your body relax and your heart soften. Open to whatever you experience without fighting.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Jack Kornfield
The task is not to perfect yourself, it's to perfect your love.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Perfect
Image of Jack Kornfield
In spiritual life there is no room for compromise. Awakening is not negotiable; we cannot bargain to hold on to things that please us while relinquishing things that do not matter to us. A lukewarm yearning for awakening is not enough to sustain us through the difficulties involved in letting go. It is important to understand that anything that can be lost was never truly ours, anything that we deeply cling to only imprisons us.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Jack Kornfield
We can struggle with what is. We can judge and blame others or ourselves. Or we can accept what cannot be changed. Peace comes from an honorable and open heart accepting what is true. Do we want to remain stuck? Or to release the fearful sense of self and rest kindly where we are?
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Struggle
Image of Jack Kornfield
Knowledge and achievements matter little if we do not yet know how to touch the heart of another and be touched.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Love
Image of Jack Kornfield
Spiritual life doesn't make you a good person; you ARE a good person, you are a holy being when you are born. What spiritual life does is remind us that this is who we really are.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Spiritual