Jack Kornfield

Image of Jack Kornfield
Breathing meditation can quiet the mind, open the body, and develop a great power of concentration.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Breathing
Image of Jack Kornfield
The words of the Buddha offer this truth: ∼ Hatred never ceases by hatred but by love alone is healed.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Hatred
Image of Jack Kornfield
Without integrity and conscience we lose our freedom.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Integrity
Image of Jack Kornfield
There is no higher happiness than peace.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Higher
Image of Jack Kornfield
The wholeness and freedom we seek is our true nature, who we really are.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Freedom
Image of Jack Kornfield
Know that the freedom you seek can be found right here where you are.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Found
Image of Jack Kornfield
Built on the foundation of concentration is the third aspect of the Buddha’s path of awakening: clarity of vision and the development of wisdom.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Vision
Image of Jack Kornfield
It is not enough to know that love and forgiveness are possible. We have to find ways to bring them to life.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Way
Image of Jack Kornfield
In all practices and traditions of freedom, we find the heart's task to be quite simple. Life offers us just what it offers, and our task is to bow to it, to meet it with understanding and compassion.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Heart
Image of Jack Kornfield
When you rest in presence and pure awareness, sometimes everything is experienced as love because you're connected with all that is, and love is simply the nature of being.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Love Is
Image of Jack Kornfield
Virtue and integrity are necessary for genuine happiness. Guard your integrity with care.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Integrity
Image of Jack Kornfield
Every individual in the world has a unique contribution.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Unique
Image of Jack Kornfield
To let go in the deepest recesses of the heart, to release all struggle and wanting, leads us to that knowing which is timeless.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Jack Kornfield
The purpose of a spiritual discipline is to give us a way to stop the war, not by our force of will, but organically, through understanding an gradual training.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Jack Kornfield
An honorable spiritual practice recognizes the losses we have suffered, tells our story, and sheds our tears to free us from the past.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Jack Kornfield
Gratitude is confidence in life itself. In it, we feel how the same force that pushes grass through cracks in the sidewalk invigorates our own life.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Jack Kornfield
As we follow a genuine path of practice, our sufferings may seem to increase because we no longer hide from them or from ourselves. When we do not follow the old habits of fantasy and escape, we are left facing the actual problems and contradictions of our life.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Practice
Image of Jack Kornfield
Expressing gratitude to our benefactors is a natural form of love. In fact, some people find loving kindness for themselves so hard, they begin their practice with a benefactor. This too is fine. The rule in loving kindness practice is to follow the way that most easily opens your heart.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Jack Kornfield
We have so many ideas and beliefs about ourselves. We told ourselves story about what we want and who we are, smart or kind. Often these are the unexamined and limited ideas of others that we have internalized and then gone on to life out.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Smart
Image of Jack Kornfield
True love is not for the faint-hearted.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Love Is
Image of Jack Kornfield
Each moment of every day is new and then it vanishes. Where is that day? Where is that moment?
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Moments
Image of Jack Kornfield
Some other people think that awakened consciousness is really about fullness or presence, being completely present for every moment, but these experiences are only one of the dimensions of awakened consciousness. Understanding these different dimensions as facets of awakening can help with the confusion surrounding the different spiritual paths. They're not leading to different places, but rather reflect the luminous and liberated aspects of consciousness itself. These qualities are not far away; in fact, they are right here.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Jack Kornfield
Whenever we forgive, in small ways at home, or in great ways between nations, we free ourselves from the past.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Home
Image of Jack Kornfield
Buddhist teachings are not a religion, they are a science of mind.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Buddhist
Image of Jack Kornfield
Great pain, when it is honored from the heart, opens into great understanding.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Pain
Image of Jack Kornfield
With mindfulness, we are learning to observe in a new way, with balance and a powerful disidentification.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Powerful
Image of Jack Kornfield
Anger shows us precisely where we are stuck, where our limits are, where we cling to beliefs and fears.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Limits
Image of Jack Kornfield
As long as you are trying to be something other than what you actually are, your mind wears itself out. But if you say, 'This is what I am, it is a fact that I am going to investigate and understand,' then you can go beyond.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jack Kornfield
Of course, you play the game of life because you got to be incarnated.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Games
Image of Jack Kornfield
We need courage and strength, a kind of warrior spirit. But the place for this warrior strength is in the heart. We need energy, commitment, and courage not to run from our life nor to cover it over with any philosophy-mate rial or spiritual. We need a warrior’s heart that lets us face our lives directly, our pains and limitations, our joys and possibilities.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Running
Image of Jack Kornfield
Wherever you are is the perfect place to awaken. This moment is the exact place to practice compassion and loving awareness. You have all the ingredients to breathe and find freedom just where you are.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Compassion
Image of Jack Kornfield
What is truly a part of our spiritual path is that which brings us alive. If gardening brings us alive, that is part of our path, if it is music, if it is conversation...we must follow what brings us alive.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jack Kornfield
The person who betrayed you is sunning themselves on a beach in Hawaii and you're knotted up in hatred. Who is suffering?
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Beach
Image of Jack Kornfield
Weigh the true advantages of forgiveness and resentment to the heart. Then choose.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Jack Kornfield
There are no holy places and no holy people, only holy moments, only moments of wisdom.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: People
Image of Jack Kornfield
With growing awareness, you can see where you're caught or where you suffer or where you create suffering. You can then turn toward the difficulties that arise in your life with compassion, bow, and say, these too are part of human incarnation.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Compassion
Image of Jack Kornfield
When we have for so long been judged by everyone we meet, just to look into the eyes of another who does not judge us can be extraordinarily healing.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jack Kornfield
...Spiritual opening is not a withdrawal to some imagined realm or safe cave. It is not a pulling away, but a touching of all the experience of life with wisdom and with a heart of kindness, without any separation.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Jack Kornfield
We can bring a heart of understanding and compassion to a world that needs it so much.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Heart
Image of Jack Kornfield
To live fully is to let go and die with each passing moment, and to be reborn in each new one.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Life
Image of Jack Kornfield
If you put a spoonful of salt in a cup of water it tastes very salty. If you put a spoonful of salt in a lake of fresh water the taste is still pure and clear. Peace comes when our hearts are open like the sky, vast as the ocean.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Ocean
Image of Jack Kornfield
Nobody knows why they were born or where they come from.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Born
Image of Jack Kornfield
But forgiveness is the act of not putting anyone out of your heart, even those who are acting out of deep ignorance or out of confusion and pain.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Pain
Image of Jack Kornfield
When we take the one seat on our meditation cushion we become our own monastery. We create the compassionate space that allows for the arising of all things: sorrows, loneliness, shame, desire, regret, frustration, happiness.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Regret
Image of Jack Kornfield
It takes courage to grieve, to honor the pain we carry. We can grieve in tears or in meditative silence, in prayer or in song. In touching the pain of recent and long-held griefs, we come face to face with our genuine human vulnerability, with helplessness and hopelessness. These are the storm clouds of the heart.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Song
Image of Jack Kornfield
There are many good forms of meditation practice. A good meditation practice is any one that develops awareness or mindfulness of our body and our sense, of our mind and heart.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Heart
Image of Jack Kornfield
We as human beings have the amazing capacity to be reborn at breakfast everyday and say, “This is a new day.”
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: New Day
Image of Jack Kornfield
We need a repeated discipline, a genuine training, in order to let go of our old habits of mind and to find and sustain a new way of seeing.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Jack Kornfield
There is beauty to be found in the changing of the earth’s seasons, and an inner grace in honouring the cycles of life.
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: Cycle Of Life