Jack Antonoff

Image of Jack Antonoff
When you start writing songs on your own, there's no Bible, there's no one around you, so you're just writing, and you're left with, like, the dead space in your head to know if it's a good song or an interesting concept.
- Jack Antonoff
Image of Jack Antonoff
The exciting thing about Bleachers and fun. are they're different, and they're aesthetically different in many ways. But it's also like my role is very different, and that's cool.
- Jack Antonoff
Image of Jack Antonoff
I've noticed that a lot of people in film always seem interested in music videos, like it's some, like, really exciting thing they've always wanted to do or something.
- Jack Antonoff
Image of Jack Antonoff
You can look at someone and get to know their music and say, 'This is someone who I want to work with.'
- Jack Antonoff
Image of Jack Antonoff
You have to believe that people don't want what you think they're going to like, you know? They want what you like. Once you start doing that, you actually start connecting with people.
- Jack Antonoff
Image of Jack Antonoff
If you're lucky enough to find anything in life that gives you five seconds, let alone an hour, of relief from life, you should try to do it forever.
- Jack Antonoff
Image of Jack Antonoff
I just work a lot. I just remember recording in a hotel room in Malaysia. I work on planes, I work on buses. A lot of times when I'm backstage in the hotel or on the bus, I would have new ideas.
- Jack Antonoff
Image of Jack Antonoff
For better or for worse, I just have to be on tour for some portion of the year. But it's not easy, you know. It's not easy on the people you love, and I understand when people look at this life and say this isn't sustainable.
- Jack Antonoff
Image of Jack Antonoff
Everyone wants to get better. You go through life, you want to shift and change and get better. No one ever says, "I'm better." They say, "I wanna get better."
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Get Better
Image of Jack Antonoff
God, just shoot me the day I start making music you can just put on in the car and have a conversation over it.
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Car
Image of Jack Antonoff
Usually it seems like either you sacrifice something and a lot of people will pay attention, or you stay true to yourself and appeal to a smaller group of people, but now we've managed to do what we felt was the right thing to do in our heart and had it reach a wide audience. It feels very rare.
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Heart
Image of Jack Antonoff
I don't ever want to do anything that's obvious, and I also want to find ways to do things that are extremely new and exciting and can make sense in bizarre ways. I always want things to make sense in really bizarre ways.
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Want
Image of Jack Antonoff
I first met Taylor Swift at an awards show, which is a pretty easy place to suss out who is cool. Right off the bat I was like, This is a person I want to know. Just because she's a very famous person doesn't mean she doesn't exist outside of that space. She's wonderful and special and treats me really nicely and we have a great, mature relationship. She's on a short list of people like that for me.
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Mean
Image of Jack Antonoff
If I was a supervillain, I'd create this universal, cosmic rule where every time an old, shitty, right-wing white man says something unsavory about a young woman, he would just get the clap immediately.
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Men
Image of Jack Antonoff
So many boys and girls talk the same way, listen to the same music, look the same. If I'm out, I'll notice the person who looks different before I notice the person who's, "really hot."
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Girl
Image of Jack Antonoff
I'll say about Fueled By Ramen is, I don't know what anyone else's experience has been, but we signed to them as Fun. We already had a fanbase, we already had music out there so when they signed us they were signing our vision. I always think it's so weird when people think that Fueled By Raman are trying to change us or mould us into something else, as we weren't a bunch of kids playing in a garage who joined a label and then collectively worked on a vision, like, they signed us with the intention of letting us be Fun.
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Fun
Image of Jack Antonoff
It probably all started with The Beatles, and then I guess it goes out from there. Springsteen... Fleetwood Mac... I mean, that's all so inherent in us that when we're making records now, we take a lot from the artists who are around us.
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Mean
Image of Jack Antonoff
The same way all the people I love factor in—my parents, my sister, my girlfriend [Lena Dunham], my best friend, all the people I love are always right there. I don't have a lot of people in my life, but there's a small group of people that I don't like to do things without.
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Jack Antonoff
I think what's cool about about going on a co-headline tour is everyone's bringing a huge show, so it's not like opening band, opening band, then here's the big show. It's like two big shows.
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jack Antonoff
You have to look at the body of work you're doing and then figure out the best way for people to digest it. You want people to come in and listen to all of it and understand the entire project. I think it's bad when everyone's like, "This is how you have to do it."
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jack Antonoff
Glee is one of the very few mainstream outlets that is giving a voice to communities of people that don't necessarily have a loud voice, specifically the gay community. It gives a really positive and forward statement.
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Gay
Image of Jack Antonoff
I think fans get bored of the pre-roll. I also think they don't care about the pre-roll, they just want the album.
- Jack Antonoff
Collection: Thinking