J. K. Rowling

Image of J. K. Rowling
What must strike any intelligent witch or wizard on studying the so-called history of the Elder Wand is that every man who claims to have owned it has insisted that it is "unbeatable," when the known facts of its passage through many owners' hands demonstrate that has it not only been beaten hundreds of times, but that it also attracts trouble as Grumble the Grubby Goat attracted flies.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Intelligent
Image of J. K. Rowling
But this is touching, Severus,” said Dumbledore seriously. “Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?” “For him?” shouted Snape. “Expecto Patronum!” From the tip of his wand burst the silver doe. She landed on the office floor, bounded once across the office, and soared out of the window. Dumbledore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape, and his eyes were full of tears. “After all this time?” “Always,” said Snape.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Eye
Image of J. K. Rowling
Because - oh shut up laughing, you two - because they've just been turned down by girls they asked to the ball!
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Girl
Image of J. K. Rowling
Xenophilius Lovegood," he said, extending a hand to Harry. "My daughter and I live over the hill, so kind of the Weasleys to invite us. I think you know my Luna?" he added to Ron."Yes" said Ron. "Isn't she with you?""She lingered in that charming little garden to say hello to the gnomes, such a glorious infestation! How few wizards realize just how much we can learn from the wise little gnomes - or, to give then their correct names, the Gernumbli gardensi.""Ours do know a lot of excellent swear words," said Ron, "but I think Fred and George taught them those.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Wise
Image of J. K. Rowling
Someone creeping into his yard in the dead of night? More likely there's a very shell-shocked cat wandering somewhere, covered in potato peelings.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Cat
Image of J. K. Rowling
The trouble is, the other side can do magic too, Prime Minister.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Magic
Image of J. K. Rowling
The poor things keep calling in those – those pumbles, I think they're called – you know, the ones who mend pipes and things – " "Plumbers?" " – exactly, yes, but of course they're flummoxed.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Thinking
Image of J. K. Rowling
I'm not so naive that I didn't know or didn't suspect that, at some point, someone was going to say "You're writing about the occult." My wizarding world is a world of imagination. I think it is a moral world.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Writing
Image of J. K. Rowling
So light a fire!" Harry choked. "Yes...of course...but there's no wood!" ... "HAVE YOU GONE MAD!" Ron bellowed. "ARE YOU A WITCH OR NOT!
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Light
Image of J. K. Rowling
You shouldn't have done that.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Done
Image of J. K. Rowling
He had grown used to the idea that Dumbledore could solve anything.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Ideas
Image of J. K. Rowling
And don’t forget: Elvendork! It’s unisex!
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Forget
Image of J. K. Rowling
It’s cruel that I got to spend so much time with James and Lily, and you so little. But know this; the ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them in here
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Potters
Image of J. K. Rowling
Oh, that,' said Ginny, giggling. 'Well-Percy's got a girlfriend.' Fred dropped a stack of books on George's head. 'What?' 'It's that Ravenclaw prefect, Penelope Clearwater,' said Ginny. 'That's who he was writing to all last summer. He's been meeting her all over the school in secret. I walked in on them kissing in an empty classroom one day. He was so upset when she was-you know-attacked. You won't tease him, will you?' she added anxiously. 'Wouldn't dream of it,' said Fred, who was looking like his birthday had come early.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Summer
Image of J. K. Rowling
Blimey,” said the other twin. “Are you — ?” “He is,” said the first twin. “Aren’t you?” he added to Harry. “What?” said Harry. “Harry Potter,” chorused the twins. “Oh, him,” said Harry. “I mean, yes, I am.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Mean
Image of J. K. Rowling
Okay, men,” he said. “And women,” said Chaser Angelina Johnson. “And women,” Wood agreed. “This is it.” “The big one,” said Fred Weasley. “The one we’ve all been waiting for,” said George. “We know Oliver’s speech by heart,” Fred told Harry, “we were on the team last year.” “Shut up, you two,” said Wood. “This is the best team Gryffindor’s had in years. We’re going to win. I know it.” He glared at them all as if to say, “Or else.” “Right. It’s time. Good luck, all of you.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Team
Image of J. K. Rowling
Chess was the only thing Hermione ever lost at, something Harry and Ron thought was very good for her.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Chess
Image of J. K. Rowling
My brain surprises even me sometimes.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Brain
Image of J. K. Rowling
Whoops - My wand is a little over excited!
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Littles
Image of J. K. Rowling
Hagrid howled still more loudly. Harry and Hermione looked at Ron to help them. 'Er-shall I make a cup of tea?' said Ron. Harry stared at him. 'It's what my mum does whenever someone's upset,' Ron muttered, shrugging.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Upset
Image of J. K. Rowling
There is no point in apportioning blame. What is done, is done.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Done
Image of J. K. Rowling
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs,” sighed George, patting the heading of the map. “We owe them so much.” “Noble men, working tirelessly to help a new generation of law-breakers,” said Fred solemnly.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Men
Image of J. K. Rowling
THIRTY–ZERO! TAKE THAT, YOU DIRTY, CHEATING —” “Jordan, if you can’t commentate in an unbiased way — !” “I’m telling it like it is, Professor!
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Cheating
Image of J. K. Rowling
YOU CHEATING SCUM!” Lee Jordan was howling into the megaphone, dancing out of Professor McGonagall’s reach. “YOU FILTHY, CHEATING B —” Professor McGonagall didn’t even bother to tell him off. She was actually shaking her finger in Malfoy’s direction, her hat had fallen off, and she too was shouting furiously.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Cheating
Image of J. K. Rowling
I have seen your heart, and it is mine.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Heart
Image of J. K. Rowling
Merlin's pants!" shrieked Hermione, jumping up and running from the room. "Merlin's pants?" repeated Ron, looking amused. "She must be really upset.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Running
Image of J. K. Rowling
Wow, we're identical!
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Wow
Image of J. K. Rowling
Ron: Why spiders? Why couldn't it be "follow the butterflies?
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Butterfly
Image of J. K. Rowling
Hermione: You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cocroach! Ron: Hermione, no! He's no worth it.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Evil
Image of J. K. Rowling
When you have that last piece of the jigsaw, everything will, I hope, be clear..." -Albus Dumbledore
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Pieces
Image of J. K. Rowling
I was a fool!" Percy roared, so loudly that Lupin nearly dropped his photograph. "I was an idiot, I was a pompous prat, I was a - a -" "Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron," said Fred. Percy swallowed. "Yes, I was!" "Well, you can't say fairer than that," said Fred, holding out his hand to Percy.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Hands
Image of J. K. Rowling
Ah, music," he said, wiping his eyes. "A magic far beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Music
Image of J. K. Rowling
Then you should have died! Died, rather than betray your friends, as we would have done for you!
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Betrayal
Image of J. K. Rowling
I never expected to be in the papers. I personally never expected to be in the papers. The height of my ambition for these books was, well frankly, to get reviewed. A lot of children's books don't even get reviewed.. forget good review, bad review. Personally, no, I never expected to be in the papers so it's an odd experience when it happens to you .
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Success
Image of J. K. Rowling
Yeah, Quirrell was a great teacher. There was just that minor drawback of him having Lord Voldemort sticking out of the back of his head!
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Teacher
Image of J. K. Rowling
I enjoyed the meetings, too. It was like having friends.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Meetings
Image of J. K. Rowling
Mistletoe," said Luna dreamily, pointing at a large clump of white berries placed almost over Harry's head. He jumped out from under it. "Good thinking," said Luna seriously. "It's often infested with nargles.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Thinking
Image of J. K. Rowling
Harry was left to ponder in silence the depths to which girls would sink to get revenge.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Girl
Image of J. K. Rowling
You could say sorry," suggested Harry bluntly. "What, and get attacked by another flock of canaries?" muttered Ron. "What did you have to imitate her for?" "She laughed at my mustache!" "So did I, it was the stupidest thing I've ever seen.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Sorry
Image of J. K. Rowling
Nobody's ever asked me to a party before, as a friend. Is that why you dyed your eyebrow, for the party? Should I do mine too?
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Party
Image of J. K. Rowling
Why are you worrying about YOU-KNOW-WHO, when you should be worrying about YOU-NO-POO? The constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Worry
Image of J. K. Rowling
What she did have were Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, Licorice Wands, and a number of other strange things Harry had never seen in his life.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Cake
Image of J. K. Rowling
The sky outside the window was changing rapidly from deep, velvety blue to cold, steely gray and then, slowly, to pink shot with gold.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Blue
Image of J. K. Rowling
A gigantic tortoise with a jewel-encrusted shell was glittering near the window.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Jewels
Image of J. K. Rowling
The Forbidden Forest looked as though it had been enchanted, each tree smattered with silver, and Hagrid's cabin looked like an iced cake.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Cake
Image of J. K. Rowling
He could tell at once that they carried different sorts of bubble bath mixed with the water though it wasn't bubble bath as Harry had ever experienced. One tap gushed pink and blue bubbles the size of footballs; another poured ice-white foam so thick that Harry thought it would have supported his weight if he'd cared to test it; a third sent heavily perfumed purple clouds hovering over the surface of the water. Harry amused himself for a while turning the taps on and off, particularly enjoying the effect of one whose jet bounced off the surface of the water in large arcs.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Football
Image of J. K. Rowling
Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember...I think we must expect great things from you, Mr. Potter... After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things — terrible, yes, but great.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Thinking
Image of J. K. Rowling
Ron's indignation on his behalf was worth about a hundred points to him.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Hundred
Image of J. K. Rowling
As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all - the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Wisdom