Isaac Marion

Image of Isaac Marion
Every experience, good or bad, is a priceless collector's item.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Experience
Image of Isaac Marion
It's rare that I read more than two or three books by any one author; usually only one.
- Isaac Marion
Image of Isaac Marion
The kind of stuff I usually read is a bit more on the literary side, like books that I think are influential in the sense that they're doing pulpy subject matter in a refined way. Like 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy; I loved that book.
- Isaac Marion
Image of Isaac Marion
I adapt to things quickly, including good things, which I wish I could shut off sometimes.
- Isaac Marion
Image of Isaac Marion
'Warm Bodies' ended up becoming one of the most personal relatable things I've written.
- Isaac Marion
Image of Isaac Marion
I've always been interested in writing from the perspective of an outsider.
- Isaac Marion
Image of Isaac Marion
I used to split my time between writing, music and painting. I would work on a book and then abandon it, start a band, do an album, quit music, then do a gallery show. Eventually I decided to give writing a serious shot.
- Isaac Marion
Image of Isaac Marion
Regret is pointless. I never do anything without first deciding to do it based on facts and feelings, and if it doesn't work out how I hoped, oh well - there's another notch on my experience belt.
- Isaac Marion
Image of Isaac Marion
Sometimes it's a struggle to live in the moment.
- Isaac Marion
Image of Isaac Marion
My favorite songs change every year.
- Isaac Marion
Image of Isaac Marion
In my mind I am eloquent; I can climb intricate scaffolds of words to reach the highest cathedral ceilings and paint my thoughts. But when I open my mouth, everything collapses.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Mind
Image of Isaac Marion
I want to change my punctuation. I long for exclamation marks, but I'm drowning in ellipses.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Exclamation Marks
Image of Isaac Marion
I want a new past,new memories, a new first handshake with love. I want to start over in every possible way.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Memories
Image of Isaac Marion
My friend "M" says the irony of being a zombie is that everything is funny, but you can't smile, because your lips have rotted off.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Zombie
Image of Isaac Marion
We are where we are, however we got here. What matters is where we go next.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: What Matters
Image of Isaac Marion
Here it comes. My inevitable death, ignoring me all those years when I wished for it daily, arriving only after I've decided I want to live forever.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Years
Image of Isaac Marion
We smile, because this is how we save the world.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: World
Image of Isaac Marion
Music? Music is life! It’s physical emotion - you can touch it! It’s neon ecto-energy sucked out of spirits and switched into sound waves for your ears to swallow. Are you telling me, what, that it’s boring? You don’t have time for it?
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Sound
Image of Isaac Marion
There is no ideal world for you to wait around for. The world is always just what it is now, and it's up to you how you respond to it.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Waiting
Image of Isaac Marion
I wonder how well she sleeps at night, and what kind of dreams she has. I wish I could step into them like she steps into mine.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Dream
Image of Isaac Marion
I would like my life to be a movie so I could cut to a montage.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Cutting
Image of Isaac Marion
What I'm saying is, when you have weight like that in your life, you have to start looking for the bigger picture or you are gonna sink.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Weight
Image of Isaac Marion
I crush her against me. I want to be part of her. Not just inside her but all around her. I want our rib cages to crack open and our hearts to migrate and merge. I want our cells to braid together like living thread.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Crush
Image of Isaac Marion
...wanting change is step one, but step two is taking it.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Two
Image of Isaac Marion
But it does make me sad that we've forgotten our names. Out of everything, this seems to me the most tragic. I miss my own and I mourn for everyone else's, because I'd like to love them, but I don't know who they are.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Names
Image of Isaac Marion
I can feel it... the chance to start over, to live right, to love right, to burn up in a fiery cloud and never again be buried in the mud.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Clouds
Image of Isaac Marion
Life only makes any sense if we can see time how God does. Past, present, and future all at once.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Past
Image of Isaac Marion
I can’t seem to make myself care about anything to the right or left of the present.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Care
Image of Isaac Marion
The past is made out of facts...I guess the future is just hope.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Past
Image of Isaac Marion
I notice faint scars on her wrists and forearms, thin lines too symmetrical to be accidents.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Lines
Image of Isaac Marion
You should always be taking pictures, if not with a camera then with your mind. Memories you capture on purpose are always more vivid than the ones you pick up by accident.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Memories
Image of Isaac Marion
How do I appear unthreatening when her lover's blood is running down my chin?
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Running
Image of Isaac Marion
Deep under our feet the Earth holds its molten breath, while the bones of countless generations watch us and wait.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Feet
Image of Isaac Marion
One mistake, one brief lapse of my new found judgement-that's all it took to unravel everything. What a massive responsibility, being a moral creature.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Mistake
Image of Isaac Marion
It's hard to take your life so seriously when you can see it all at once.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Hard
Image of Isaac Marion
What's the point of trying to fix a world we're so briefly in?
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Trying
Image of Isaac Marion
I am Dead, but it's not so bad. I've learned to live with it.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Isaac Marion
Now I’m just standing here on the conveyor. Along for the ride. I reach the end, turn around, and go back the other way. The world has been distilled. Being dead is easy. After a few hours of this, I notice a female on the opposite conveyor. She doesn’t lurch or groan like most of us. Her head just lolls from side to side. I like that about her. That she doesn’t lurch or groan. I catch her eye and stare at her.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Eye
Image of Isaac Marion
Once you've arrived at the end of the world, it hardly matters which route you took.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: World
Image of Isaac Marion
It was fun, but it's over now. This is how things go.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Fun
Image of Isaac Marion
Just... ate," M says, frowning at me a little. "Two days...ago." I grab my stomach again. "Feel empty. Feel... dead." He nods. "Marr...iage.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Two
Image of Isaac Marion
The world that birthed that story is long gone, all its people are dead, but it continues to touch the present and future because someone cared enough about that world to keep it. To put it in words. To remember it.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Long
Image of Isaac Marion
...thinking all this maximalism would somehow generate happiness?
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Thinking
Image of Isaac Marion
... we shoved out many hopes and fears into their hands, believing those hands were strong because they had firm handshakes. They failed us, always. There was no way they could not fail us - they were human, and so were we.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Strong
Image of Isaac Marion
The moment the light went out, everyone stopped pretending.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Light
Image of Isaac Marion
I know I'm not going to say good-bye. And if these staggering refugees want to help, if they think they see something bigger here than a boy chasing a girl, then they can help, and we'll see what happens when we say yes while the rigor mortis world screams no.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Girl
Image of Isaac Marion
Even in my bravest moment, I am a coward.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Coward
Image of Isaac Marion
Why is it beautiful that humanity keeps coming back? So does herpes.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Isaac Marion
I don't want to hear music, I don't want the sunrise to be pink. The world is a liar. Its ugliness is overwhelming; the scraps of beauty make it worse.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Liars
Image of Isaac Marion
We eat and sleep and shuffle through the fog, walking a marathon with no finish line, no medals, no cheering.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Cheer