Henry Moore

Image of Henry Moore
I don't know of any good work of art that doesn't have a mystery.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Art
Image of Henry Moore
A sculptor is a person obsessed with the form and the shape of things, and it's not just Ihe shape of any one thing, but the shape of any thing and everything.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Art
Image of Henry Moore
The observation of nature is part of an artist's life.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Artist
Image of Henry Moore
All good art has contained both abstract and surrealist elements, just as it has contained both classical and romantic elements - order and surprise, intellect and imagination, conscious and unconscious. BOTH SIDES of the artist's personality must play their part.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Art
Image of Henry Moore
Recently I have been working in the country, where, carving in the open air, I find sculpture more natural than in a London studio, but it needs bigger dimensions. A large piece of stone or wood placed almost anywhere at random in a field, orchard, or garden, immediately looks right and inspiring.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Country
Image of Henry Moore
All the arts are based on the senses. What they do for the person who practices them, and also the persons interested in them, is make that particular sense more active and more acute.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Art
Image of Henry Moore
A work can have in it a pent-up energy, an intense life of its own, independent of the subject it may represent.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Independent
Image of Henry Moore
You leave space for the body, imagining the other part even though it isn't there.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Space
Image of Henry Moore
The construction of the human figure, its tremendous variety of balance, of size, of rhythm, all those things make the human form much more difficult to get right in a drawing than anything else.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Drawing
Image of Henry Moore
I think, what has this day brought me, and what have I given it?
- Henry Moore
Collection: Positive
Image of Henry Moore
I find drawing a useful outlet for ideas for which there is not time enough to realize as sculpture... And I sometimes draw just for its own enjoyment.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Ideas
Image of Henry Moore
Because a work does not aim at reproducing natural appearances it is not, therefore, an escape from life -- but may be a penetration into reality...as expression of the significance of life, a stimulation to greater effort in living.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Reality
Image of Henry Moore
Nothing raises the price of a blessing like its removal; whereas, it was its continuance which should have taught us its value. [It is wise to be grateful of what we have while we have it.]
- Henry Moore
Collection: Wise
Image of Henry Moore
Never think of the surface except as an extension of a volume.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Thinking
Image of Henry Moore
Art is to make our lives richer and fuller.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Art
Image of Henry Moore
I think about sculpture all the time. I work at it for ten to twelve hours a day. I even dream about it. If as a result I was only to produce something that everyone immediately understood I would't have been thinking very profoundly.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Dream
Image of Henry Moore
All art is an abstraction to some degree.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Art
Image of Henry Moore
There is a right physical size for every idea.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Ideas
Image of Henry Moore
A piece of sculpture can have a hole through it and not be weakened if the hole is of a studied size, shape, and direction.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Sculpture
Image of Henry Moore
People think that they see, but they don't.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Thinking
Image of Henry Moore
I sometimes begin a drawing with no preconceived problem to solve, with only the desire to use pencil on paper... but as my eye takes in what is so produced, a point arrives where some idea crystallizes, and then a control and ordering begins to take place.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Eye
Image of Henry Moore
Clever people can copy the handwriting of an artist - it's like forging a person's signature.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Clever
Image of Henry Moore
One mustn't let technique be the consciously important thing. It should be at the service of expressing the form.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Important
Image of Henry Moore
I'm very grateful that I was too poor to get to art school until I was 21. . . I was old enough when I got there to know how to get something out of it.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Art
Image of Henry Moore
The artist works with a concentration of his whole personality, and the conscious part of it resolves conflicts, organized memories, and prevents him from trying to walk in two directions at the same time.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Memories
Image of Henry Moore
I sometimes draw just for its own enjoyment.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Drawing
Image of Henry Moore
Talking about one's work releases the energy and tension to do and make.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Talking